Solar & Planetary LtE Now for CMO/ISMO #66 (CMO #440)

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¤····Subject: Mars: October 31, 2015

Received: 1 November 2015 at 13:47 JST


Hi -   I have attached my fist image of Mars during the 2015-16 apparition.





  Frank J Melillo (Holtsville, NY)




¤····Subject: Fwd: CMO #439 uploaded

Received: 29 October 2015 at 04:36 JST


Hi, Jim (and Masatsugu), 

   I checked an ephemeris program. For the declination of the Sun and the earth to coincide (at values near zero), you need to be very near the date of opposition (May 20/21), and at that time Edom Promontorum will be near the CM only for observers in the Eastern hemisphere. We'll be out of luck from Arizona...

   But Japan will be in the thick of it this time.

   Jim--this means that attempts to observe the "glint" phenomenon won't be a factor in planning dates for a visit to Arizona, and those that you mentioned are "in" again.

   Best wishes, Bill


Bill SHEEHAN (Willmar, MN)




¤····Subject: solar images 8 to 20-Oct-2015 +lunar eclipse

Received: 25 October 2015 at 19:16 JST


Hi Guys we have had a lot of autumnal clouds, northerly winds and poor seeing ( no change there then)! As so very often it was clear on the full moon, when I had a bash at the Eclipse with my Nikon D7200 and a fairly cheap Nikon 55-300 zoom. Tripod mounted, bit of East to West drift on 2 secs, but a nice record.



Solar resolution has been poor with the sun at an elevation of only 27 degrees at best from here. Ha not too bad at half the mag of the white light. Nice prom though. Note the massive Ha disturbance round the insignificant AR 2437 and 2435 spots.





Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK)
Ham call G4PIE




¤····Subject: Mars IR 18 October 2015

Received: 18 October 2015 at 14:32 JST


Hi, All


An IR capture of Mars from this morning. I am busy testing the ASI224MC camera.


Best regards, Clyde



Clyde FOSTER (Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA)




¤····Subject: The First of the Last Three: Yesterday's Close Flyby of Enceladus

Received: 16 October 2015 at 02:35 JST


October 15, 2015


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Yesterday, Cassini executed its 20th close flyby of the small icy moon, Enceladus, in what was the first of our last three visits to this fantastic world. The close approach altitude was 1,838 kilometers (1,142 miles) over the moon's high northern atitudes. Our cameras were active during most of this encounter, allowing the imaging team and other remote-sensing instrument teams to observe the Saturn-opposing side of Enceladus on the inbound leg of the encounter, and a narrow, sunlit crescent outbound.


Enceladus fascinates us because of a sub-surface, global ocean, lying a few 10's of miles beneath its surface, that is actively venting into space. And though this magnificent mission, that left Earth 18 years ago today, is not yet over, we are already looking forward to the time, hopefully not too far in the future, when we can travel back to Enceladus with the express purpose of answering the question that burns in all of us: Could there be life under its cracked and cratered surface?


For now, dwell on these fabulous images from yesterday's flyby of a moon clear across the solar system.   We have another flyby coming up on October 28, and then our last in late December.



Carolyn PORCO (Boulder, CO)
Cassini Imaging Team leader
Director, CICLOPS, Space Science Institute, Boulder, CO
Visiting Scholar, UC Berkeley, CA
Fellow, California Academy of Sciences




¤····Subject: Solar Images 30th Sept to 2nd Oct-2015

Received: 10 October 2015 at 19:45 JST


Hi Guys, The sun is getting low now here at 51 North. Got to make the most of it before the winter doldrums, when SAD kicks in! To that end here are a host of golden solar images to brighten your day.


AR2422 approaches the limb here, and looking very active in Ha.








Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK)
Ham call G4PIE




¤····Subject: solar Images 24th to 29th Sept 2015

Received: 8 October 2015 at 19:48 JST


 Hi Guys

Here are a selection from the last week in September, taken in very variable seeing, There are two montages showing at a glance the progress of spot groups AR2420, and the beast AR2422 that has been a joy to image. I had a good run of clear skies but only fleeting moments of decent seeing. I have also posted some full size images of the groups.


30th Sep and Oct 1 and 2 to follow.






Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK)
Ham call G4PIE




¤····Subject: solar images 19-20-23-Sept-2015

Received: 2 October 2015 at 01:57 JST


 Hi Guys here are a few images from the second half of last month. Best seeing was on the 20th. Most of these images have not had solar the axis tilt “p” added to them, so are presented appearing rotated anticlockwise by about about 25 degrees when compared to satellite images. Its more noticeable just now as “p” is just about at its maximum.


Spot group AR2422 looked quite benign on the 23rd, who’d have thought it would become fire breathing dragon over the nest week !






Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK)
Ham call G4PIE


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