SolarPlanetary LtE Now for CMO/ISMO #48 (CMO #422)  

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¤·····Subject: Mars - April 29th, 03:09ut

Received, 30 April 2014 at 15:40 JST


Hi Mr. Minami and All!,

Here I submit my latest session from april 29th, 03:09ut.

Possible dust in Arabia Terra region?, Hard to tell being close to the cloud mass leading edge.

Clear Skies to All!.


Efrain MORALES (Aguadilla, PUERTO RICO)




¤·····Subject: Mars image - April 28

Received, 30 April 2014 at 12:33 JST




This set of images is from April 28.  Seeing was less than average.  Transparency was good.




Peter GORCZYNSKI  (Oxford, CT)




¤·····Subject: MARS Observations - April 22, 2014 Turbulent seeing conditions.

Received, 30 April 2014 at 10:56 JST


My Mars images from April 22, 2014 in very turbulent conditions.


Freddy WILLEMS (Saint Johns, FL)




¤·····Subject: Jupiter Observations - April 23, 2014 Turbulent conditions

Received, 30 April 2014 at 10:32 JST


My Jupiter sets in very turbulent conditions. The planet was Jumping around ..







Freddy WILLEMS (Saint Johns, FL)




¤·····Subject: Jupiter Observations - April 22, 2014  Windy and turbulent conditions.

Received, 30 April 2014 at 10:10 JST


My Jupiter set from April 22, 2014 in very windy and Turbulent conditions.






Freddy WILLEMS (Saint Johns, FL)




¤·····Subject: mars.25.april

Received, 30 April 2014 at 09:52 JST


Hi all


Poor seeing & unstable atmosphere PLS see you it.




Sadegh GHOMIZADEH (Roudehen, IRAN)



 ¤·····Subject: Mars 28th April 2014

Received, 30 April 2014 at 08:01 JST


Mars in moderately poor seeing last night with Elysium cloud near the meridian. Details are on the image.

Best regards,


Martin LEWIS (St. Albans, the UK)

See more at




¤·····Subject: Solar Images 21st-23rd-Apr-2014

Received, 30 April 2014 at 03:05 JST


Hi Guys

 These are the last of the backlog of images from April, and by the look of the sky the next ones will be in May. These active regions have put on an awesome display.





Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK
Ham call G4PIE




¤·····Subject: Mo22,23,24,26Apr_14

Received, 30 April 2014 at 00:25 JST


Mars images on 22, 23, 24, 26 April 2014.


Yokio MORITA (Hiroshima, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: BCC Mars images 2014 Apr 27

Received, 29 April 2014 at 14:47 JST



here is a set of RGB images I have collected on the evening of April 27th. Two relatively close captures in poor to occasionally very poor seeing, 11:51UT and 12:30UT. There could be some traces of polar cloud activity, if the seeing had been a bit better it would have certainly helped.

As usual, I used an 11 inch SCT (C11) and a QHY 5L II monochrome camera with Edmund dichroic RGB set.


Best regards,


Bratislav CURCIC (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)




¤·····Subject: Solar Images 14th-15th-18th-Apr-2014

Received, 29 April 2014 at 05:51 JST


Hi guys , plenty of blue sky in the first half of the month with plenty of solar activity = back log in processing!




The massive prom on the 18th shown at 14:39 ut was grabbed in cloud gaps.




On the 15th there was a big flare in 2036 shown here at 09:45 and 10:00 I exposed them on the dark side to indicate how bright the flare was.




The image timed at 14:36 UT shows the remnants of another massive flare in 2036 from about an hour earlier, when it was a total white out. AR 2035 came up too.





Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK
Ham call G4PIE




¤·····Subject: Mars 26-Apr-2014

Received, 28 April 2014 at 07:12 JST


Hi Guys I just managed one and a half imaging runs on the 26th before the cloud won. I centred Mars in the eyepiece before plugging in the camera and was surprised to observe what turned out to be the Elysium Cloud . It was very obvious. I don't use eyepieces much ( except in my PST) as I see more on screen, this was a nice surprise.


Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK
Ham call G4PIE




¤·····Subject: Mars M140426 ishibashi

Received, 27 April 2014 at 11:45 JST


Mars images on 26 April 2014


Tsutomu ISHIBASHI (Kanagawa, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Mars image - April 25

Received, 27 April 2014 at 03:54 JST



Attached is a set of images from April 25.  Seeing was poor.




Peter GORCZYNSKI  (Oxford, CT)




¤·····Subject: Mars - April 25th, 02:42ut

Received, 27 April 2014 at 01:20 JST


Hi Mr. Minami and All!,

My latest processed session from the 25th of april. and a belated session from the 15th and a montage of images from a region of interest (Acidalia/Scandia regions).


Clear Skies!.


Efrain MORALES (Aguadilla, PUERTO RICO)




¤·····Subject: Mars image

Received, 26 April 2014 at 13:12 JST


Dear Sirs,

Please find the attached Mars image set taken back on the 13th April in
varied seeing that was occasionally good, but typically not for long
enough to capture R, G and B data.

Best regards,





¤·····Subject: Bates Mars 04/25/2014

Received, 26 April 2014 at 13:10 JST


My friends:

Mars under good seeing from south Texas USA.


Notes:  Albedo markings of Syrtus Major Clearly visible. Haze in Hellas Basin.

Poloar cap appears split in tow pieces at 450X.


All the best,


Donald R. Bates (Houston, TX)




¤·····Subject: Mars image

Received, 26 April 2014 at 08:54 JST


Dear Sirs,


Please find the attached Mars image taken in poor seeing.

Best regards,





¤·····Subject: Re: Limb protrusion

Received, 25 April 2014 at 18:10 JST


Dear Reiichi,

Excellent work ! I believe the 2010 images do show the same cloud. In 2012, it has exactly the same aspect as observed in France on the week before its discovery by Wayne Jaeschke. It confirms the tendency of this area to produce frequently protrusions.

Brian Comb's images on April 12th look different to me. The bright feature is clearly inside the disk and is clearly bright in red light. This would be a dust cloud ?

Reiichi I wait for your MRO montages, we will use it for the future ISMO notes on spiral clouds. On Facebook some bresilian observers send me fantastic B images showing a clear movement of a polar front there. It looks like the activity began just when the area went out of my view so my own observations remained unclear, but at least the alerts I sent did motivate some people to observe closely the area !


Best wishes,


Christophe PELLIER (Nantes, FRANCE)




 ¤·····Subject: Mars M140424 ishibashi

Received, 25 April 2014 at 12:17 JST


Mars images on 24 April 2014


Tsutomu ISHIBASHI (Kanagawa, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Mars image - April 22

Received, 25 April 2014 at 10:18 JST



Attached is a set of images from April 22.  Seeing was about average.




Peter GORCZYNSKI  (Oxford, CT)




¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/24-Kumamori

Received, 25 April 2014 at 07:06 JST


Mars images on 24 April 2014


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Mars observing report

Received, 25 April 2014 at 06:45 JST


Hi Don,


Well, I乫m later than ever, but here乫s my first Mars observing report of this apparition.  I had wanted to get started in February, but between lots of travel, company at home and bad weather when I was able to observe, that just didn乫t happen.  This is the first observation this month where I actually saw enough to draw.  After concluding my visual observation (details in the report), I made my first attempts to image Mars with my Celestron Neximage 5 solar system camera and my C11.  A couple of the files might be worth an attempt to process; I乫ve already deleted a couple of the others.  The seeing was a bit rough with the image on the laptop screen going in and out of focus.  Hopefully there may be at least a few frames worth stacking.  Depending on what I end up with, I may send an image to you for your comments.  Considering the fantastic quality of the Mars images I乫ve seen on the ALPO Mars yahoo group, I don乫t plan to post anything.


Hope all is well with you.  We乫re going away again Saturday, so I won乫t get in another observation for at least a week.




Jay ALBERT ( Lack Worth, FL)




¤·····Subject: Mars - April 17th, 23rd

Received, 25 April 2014 at 06:06 JST


Hi Mr. Minami and All!, Here I submit my sessions from april 17th, 23rd.

Clear Skies!.


Efrain MORALES (Aguadilla, PUERTO RICO)




¤·····Subject: Mars april 2014

Received, 25 April 2014 at 04:01 JST



Mars images from april. Here the RGB in clean shape. Not what I often see in the RGB Images which are combined in P.S. and then split up as separate RGB.


Telescope Celeston C14, Basler Ace CCD.




Richard BOSMAN (Enschede, the Netherlands)



¤·····Subject: Mars 19-Apr-2014

Received, 25 April 2014 at 02:52 JST


Hi Guys here is a trio of images taken in average seeing . The 3000 frame 58fps avis were processed in Autostakkert, and the 9 resultant images spanning about 9 minutes, were then stacked in regi 6. ( ok IDB ? )


Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK
Ham call G4PIE




¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/23-Kumamori

Received, 24 April 2014 at 18:28 JST


Mars images on 23 April 2014


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: mars sketch 22/04/2014

Received, 24 April 2014 at 16:34 JST


Hello, here is my sketch from april 22.

april 22 2014, Time:  21:20 UT
observer: Kris Smet, location:
Bornem, Belgium
instrument: 12" f/5 dobson, magnification: 222x
seeing: very poor – bad, filters: apodizing mask


Kris SMET (Bornem, BELGIUM)




¤·····Subject: Mars image - April 21

Received, 24 April 2014 at 11:23 JST





The seeing was very good on April 21.  This is probably my best image yet for this apparition.




Peter GORCZYNSKI  (Oxford, CT)




¤·····Subject: Mars, M140423 ishibashi

Received, 24 April 2014 at 09:38 JST


Mars Image on 23 April 2014


Tsutomu ISHIBASHI (Kanagawa, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Mars 22 April 2014

Received, 24 April 2014 at 06:38 JST


Dear Friends,


Attached find my recent Mars image. The resolution is reasonable; note the presence of Huygens and the clouds above Hellas. As a matter of fact it is exactly the same CM as in my image of 19 April


With kind regards







¤·····Subject: Mars, 2014-04-22 21:49 UTC CM 276.4

Received, 24 April 2014 at 05:06 JST


Hi all,
An unexpected clearish evening on the 22nd, with a moderate seeing giving a great view of Mars with SM nicely positioned at present.

Best regards,


Pete LAWRENCE (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤·····Subject: Mars: April 22, 2014

Received, 24 April 2014 at 02:32 JST


Hi -

I have attached my latest images of Mars April 22, 2014 to be posted.




 Frank J MELILLO (Holtsville, NY)




¤·····Subject: Mars: April 20, 2014

Received, 24 April 2014 at 02:30 JST


Hi -

I have attached my images of Mars April 20, 2014 to be posted.




 Frank J MELILLO (Holtsville, NY)




¤·····Subject: Limb protrusion

Received, 23 April 2014 at 22:31 JST


Dear Dr. Minami, Christophe, all,


  On the 17 April 2014 images introduced by Christophe (whose observations?), a cloudy protrusion is definitely recorded almost at the same location as shown on the first set of the image series on 7/8 April by Christphe. These protruding clouds reminded me of some high altitude cloud images over the area on the daytime limb captured by the space probes from the orbits above the polar area (maybe MEX VMC....I"ll review my collection of images).



  Another topic, but as we have passed the opposition in this apparition, the Martian dawn terminator is now on our side, we should also watch on the morning terminator for the particular phenomena :

  045~050S degrees line of latitude along Phaethontis~Electris~Eridania~Ausonia area for possible occurrence of the terminater protrusion like the ones observed in 2003 and 2012 (Christophe,  Brian Combs' images on 12 April 2014 in the SAF Gallery have already recorded a terminator protrusion over Phaethontis?).


  ESA's Mars Express VMC recorded an extremely bright spot  with adjoining surprisingly dark well-defined shadow at the classical Electris on 29 August 2008, the spot was estimated to be 180km across, might have been a 60km thick spheroidal, floating at an altitude of 80km, with the top reaching 110km height, and the bottom staying at 50km above the ground ! (PLS attached montage.)....the season was Ls=120degs, almost the same as now!  Though the season was different, the same type/same scale of phenomenon might have been captured on 20 February 2010 Ls =054degs by Simon KIDDS, Bruce KINGSLEY and Damian PEACH et. al (PLS also attached images), suggesting it would be well within our imagers' reach.




 We have just entered the season of the north polar spiral cloud (cyclone). According to the past observations of the white spiral cloud, it is most prominent when it first appeared on the morning terminator, then quickly dissipates as the local Martian time goes on. To follow the interesting hourly changes of the spiral clouds, "Aside of your own observing constraints,  "try to make at least two series if possible!"  as Christophe emphasized in his opening essay  " ISMO Best Recommendation To Observe Mars"  in the CMO/ISMO#420. It seems that a numbers of CMO observers have already recorded at least the precursory fragments of the spiral clouds in the expected area. I am going to check the next release of MRO MARCI Weekly Weather Report whether some afternoon remnants of the spiral clouds still retaining something of the way they looked as eyed spirals in the morning will be shown.


       Clear Skies with Good Seeing to all!


  Reiichi KONNAï (Fukushima, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Another martian limb projection

Received, 23 April 2014 at 02:34 JST


Hi friends,
Check this:
This is the same protrusion I have observed 10 days before. Now I believe more that it's a particular phenomenon...

Best wishes,

Christophe PELLIER (Nantes, FRANCE)




¤·····Subject: Mars Images 16th/18th-April-2014

Received, 22 April 2014 at 23:01 JST


Hi Guys


Ok Richard, here is another batch of Mars data for you, 3 from the 16th and one from the18th .


Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK
Ham call G4PIE




¤·····Subject: Collection of Mars images from the 15th April

Received, 22 April 2014 at 19:27 JST


Attached is a collection of Mars images taken on the 15th April UT in fair (early) to good (late) seeing.


Best wishes






¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/12

Received, 22 April 2014 at 16:45 JST


Hello here is an image under very good conditions.

Thin ECB, morning-evening clouds and southern hazes.

Clouds over Aeria, west of Eden and Chryse. Syrtis blue cloud. Very dark Acidalia planitia.

Manos KARDASIS (Glyfada-Athens, GREECE) 




¤·····Subject: Mars - April 21st, 04:45ut

Received, 22 April 2014 at 15:18 JST


Hi Mr. Minami and All,

Here is my latest session from the 21st of april. A region of interest as the same session from the 19th ( submitted) is much pronounce in the Scandia Colles region (NPH) as mentioned by Christophe P. earlier.,


Clear Skies to All!.


Efrain MORALES (Aguadilla, PUERTO RICO)




¤·····Subject: Mars 19 April  2014

Received, 22 April 2014 at 11:38 JST


Dear Friends,

Attached find my recent Mars images.

The resolution is reasonable; note the presence of Huygens and the clouds above Hellas.


With kind regards






¤·····Subject: Solar Images 9/10-April-2014.

Received, 21 April 2014 at 07:56 JST


Hi Guys here are a few of AR 3032 in DS, SS and white, and an interesting filprom.




Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK
Ham call G4PIE




¤·····Subject: Mo7,8,9,10Apr_14.

Received, 21 April 2014 at 02:32 JST


Mars Image from on 7 April 2014 to on 10 April 2014


Yukio MORITA (Hiroshima, JAPAN)





¤·····Subject: MARS Observations - April 03, 2014 Average seeing conditions.

Received, 20 April 2014 at 21:47 JST



These are my Mars observations from April 03, 2014.. Average seeing.


Freddy WILLEMS (Saint Johns, FL)





¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/14 - 19

Received, 20 April 2014 at 20:59 JST


Mars 2014/04/14 – 19


Very poor seeing....


Newton 180 F7 , Powermate x5



Best regards,


Xavier DUPONT (Saint Roch, FRANCE)




¤·····Subject: Bates mars 04202014

Received, 20 April 2014 at 14:39 JST


See enclosed.


 Seeing:  2.(II.) Slight quivering of the image with moments of calm lasting several seconds.


Notes:  Hazy, yet still conditions. At 450X albedo features clear, as well as polar cap.


Donald R. Bates (Houston, TX)




¤·····Subject: mars 17. april

Received, 20 April 2014 at 13:29 JST


Hi  Guys

 Finally gave us a reasonable opportunity seeing, so I took one image from Mars & it show

 A lot of  details visible PLS see you them.




Sadegh GHOMIZADEH (Roudehen, IRAN)




¤·····Subject: Mars images 14/15-April-2014

Received, 20 April 2014 at 11:15 JST


Hi Guys here are a couple of Mars batches from the decent seeing this week, considering the 34degree altitude and continually dropping rural temperature.


Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK
Ham call G4PIE




¤·····Subject: Mars images 2014 Feb 21 to April 18

Received, 20 April 2014 at 09:39 JST


Dear Mars observers,

In order to save 乬postage乭 I am sending all my Mars images taken so far this apparition in one go.

They were taken with various filter combinations, as detailed, but all with a Celestron 14 (modified with Es Reid spherochromaticism corrector), 3x Televue Barlow, Pierro Astro dispersion corrector, and Flea 3 camera.



David ARDITTI (Edgware, Middlesex, the UK)


¤·····Subject: Mars - April 18

Received, 20 April 2014 at 08:23 JST




Attached are some images from April 18.  Seeing was near average. 

I also included an animated gif composition showing Mars in IR and blue over a period of nearly three hours.






Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤·····Subject: Mars - April 19th, 03:29ut

Received, 20 April 2014 at 04:29 JST


Hi Mr. Minami and All,

My latest session of Mars on April 19th and my most recen session of Saturn,


Clear Skies to All!.


Efrain MORALES (Aguadilla, PUERTO RICO)




¤·····Subject: Mars 14th April UT

Received, 19 April 2014 at 22:41 JST


Here are some images of Mars taken on the 14th April UT in fair seeing.


Best wishes






¤·····Subject: Mars image

Received, 19 April 2014 at 22:25 JST


Dear Sirs,
Please find the attached Mars image set taken in fair seeing hampered by buffeting winds.

Best regards,





¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/18-Kumamori

Received, 19 April 2014 at 21:35 JST


Mars images on 18 April 2014


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: BCC Mars images 2014 Apr 14

Received, 19 April 2014 at 15:53 JST



 here is a set of RGB images I have collected on the evening of April 14th.

Two captures, 13:11UT and 13:56UT. I have recorderd more but seeing deteriorated quite badly after midnight.

As usual, I used an 11 inch SCT (C11) and a QHY 5L II monochrome camera with Edmund dichroic RGB set.


Best regards,


Bratislav CURCIC (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)




¤·····Subject: Bates Mars 04192014 03_34UT

Received, 19 April 2014 at 14:49 JST


See enclosed


 Seeing:  (IV.) Poor seeing, constant troublesome undulations of the image.



Donald R. Bates (Houston, TX)




¤·····Subject: BCC Mars images 2014 Apr 13

Received, 19 April 2014 at 14:32 JST



here is a set of RGB images I have collected on the evening of April 13th.

Two captures, 12:47UT and 14:10UT.

As usual, I used an 11 inch SCT (C11) and a QHY 5L II monochrome camera with Edmund dichroic RGB set.


Best regards,


Bratislav CURCIC (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)




¤·····Subject: Mars 15th April

Received, 19 April 2014 at 05:35 JST


Some good seeing at last. Here are a couple of images from 15th April. Sinus Meridiani prominent.




Peter EDWARDS (West Sussex, the UK)




¤·····Subject: Mars images, 16-17 April 2014

Received, 19 April 2014 at 01:55 JST


Hi all,
Fair seeing here, showing the Blue Syrtis cloud.

This was my last attempt in my hunt for northern polar spiral cloud.

Now it will be for observers from the America's ! Good luck :)

Best wishes,

Christophe PELLIER (Nantes, FRANCE)




¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/06

Received, 19 April 2014 at 01:41 JST


here is an image under average conditions showing ECB, Arabia Terra, Lunae planum, Tharsis clouds.

Clouds around the 3 volcanoes and Olympus with the peaks over the clouds.

Some clouds also in Alba Patera, Syria planum. Some Southern hazes are also visible.NPC with Chasma Boreale and ice remanents.

Manos KARDASIS (Glyfada-Athens, GREECE) 




¤·····Subject: Fwd: Some Mars from the 13th April UT

Received, 18 April 2014 at 19:15 JST


Apologies, the image that I sent earlier has an error in the first line of UT shown,
Attached is an ammended version.


Best wishes






¤·····Subject: RE: Jupiter images 16-Apr-2014

Received, 18 April 2014 at 15:51 JST


It乫s evident you still had good seeing conditions on Jupiter.


Herewith included is a recent Mars result on a low culminating planet.


Best regards an keep up the good work.






¤·····Subject: Mars: April 17, 2014

Received, 18 April 2014 at 13:51 JST


Hi -

  I have attached my latest images of Mars April 17, 2014.




 Frank J MELILLO (Holtsville, NY)





¤·····Subject: Mars image - April 17

Received, 18 April 2014 at 10:39 JST




Finally, some reasonably good seeing here, although it still wasn't great.  A very cloudy Mars.  I don't ever remember seeing so many cloud features.




Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤·····Subject: Some Mars from the 13th April UT

Received, 18 April 2014 at 10:14 JST


Poor seeing conditions on the 13th April.
This is a collection of images taken on the night. Nice morning haze over Syrtis M.

More to follow from the 14th & 15th..


Best wishes






¤·····Subject: Jupiter Observations - April 03, 2014 Average seeing.

Received, 18 April 2014 at 09:36 JST


Hi all,

Another full 3 sets og Jupiter observations from April 03, 2014.

Seeing was average.








 Freddy WILLEMS (Saint Johns, FL)




¤·····Subject: Jupiter images 16-Apr-2014

Received, 18 April 2014 at 06:45 JST


Hi Guys here are some sun up IR shots and twilight colour images. Note the pale blue cloud at about 140 degrees in S2.




Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK
Ham call G4PIE




¤·····Subject: mars sketch 15/04/2014

Received, 18 April 2014 at 01:28 JST


Hello, here is my sketch from april 15.

Date: april 15 2014,  Time:  22:30 UT
observer: Kris Smet,  location: Bornem, Belgium
instrument: 12" f/5 dobson,  magnification: 285x
seeing: average – good,  filters: apodizing mask


Kris SMET (Bornem, BELGIUM)



¤·····Subject: Drawings of Mars

Received, 17 April 2014 at 23:57 JST


Dear Dr. Minami,
  I have attached my latest drawings of Mars. I have been adjusting my scanner with its "professional mode", and lost my way in the labyrinth! How can I reproduce the touch of my color drawings!?


  Syrtis Major at the dawn terminator definitely looked light sky blue, which reminded me of my old question "why does the Martian blue cloud/mist look blue?"


    Clear Skies with Good Seeing!


Reiichi KONNAï (Fukushima, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Mars image

Received, 17 April 2014 at 18:30 JST



Dear Sirs,

Please find the attached Mars image set taken in good seeing.

Best regards,





¤·····Subject: Bates Mars Image 04/16/2014

Received, 17 April 2014 at 11:09 JST


See enclosed from 04/16/2014. Thanks!


Notes:  Image processed minimally to look like eyepiece image at 450X.



Donald R. Bates (Houston, TX)




¤·····Subject: Mars 15th April 2014

Received, 17 April 2014 at 07:24 JST



Another Mars image taken in reasonable seeing last night with Sinus Meridiani right on the meridian. Details on image.


Best regards,


Martin LEWIS (St. Albans, the UK)

See more at




¤·····Subject: Mars April 6 and 15

Received, 16 April 2014 at 22:06 JST


Hello Mr. Murakami:


Images of last days 6 and 15


My best wishes





¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/15-Kumamori

Received, 16 April 2014 at 18:38 JST


Mars images on 15 April 2014


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Re:Am I beeing too hasty?

Received, 16 April 2014 at 16:41 JST


Dear Reiichi,

This was also my reaction when I saw those streaks. However the image is not self-speaking...

I'm still waiting for a big white blob ^^. The last two night seeing was very poor yet nothing was seen here. But the coming two nights should be better and they will by my last chance to chase it until the longitudes turn to the americas.


Best wishes,

Christophe PELLIER (Nantes, FRANCE)




¤·····Subject: Mars 12 April 2014

Received, 16 April 2014 at 16:08 JST


Dear Sir,

Attached find my Mars image of 12 April 2014








¤·····Subject: Am I beeing too hasty?

Received, 16 April 2014 at 09:16 JST


Hi Christophe,

   Excellent image sets as always!

Though it's in the "critical zone in a processed planetary image", I can't help seeing an Eyed (Spiral) White Cloud here!

        Best Wishes,

Reiichi KONNAï (Fukushima, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: mars.12.april

Received, 16 April 2014 at 04:26 JST


Hi all

Poor seeing & average condition   I took this image from Red- planet. PLS see you it.




Sadegh GHOMIZADEH (Roudehen, IRAN)



¤·····Subject: Mars images 13/14 April good seeing

Received, 16 April 2014 at 03:33 JST


Hi all,
Seeing was highly variable that night but a very good moment happened at meridian.
Some white streaks are visible next to the NPC where the so-called polar "cyclones" must appeared soon now but nothing is caught.
Damian it will be up to you at Barbados on the following week !

Best wishes,

Christophe PELLIER (Nantes, FRANCE)




¤·····Subject: Mars, M140414 ishibashi

Received, 15 April 2014 at 21:05 JST


Mars Image on 14 April 2014


Tsutomu ISHIBASHI (Kanagawa, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Mars, 14th of April

Received, 15 April 2014 at 18:58 JST


Hi everyone,

Here's another set captured in poor to mediocre seeing.




Stefan BUDA (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)





¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/14-Kumamori

Received, 15 April 2014 at 12:30 JST


Mars images on 14 April 2014


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Mars - April 14th, 03:08ut

Received, 15 April 2014 at 11:38 JST


Hi Mr. Minami and All!,

Here is my session from April 14th, 03:08ut at above average conditions.


Clear Skies to All!.


Efrain MORALES (Aguadilla, PUERTO RICO)




¤·····Subject: Jupiter Observations - April 02, 2014 Average seeing.

Received, 15 April 2014 at 11:10 JST


Hi All,

My two sets of Jupiter April 02, 2014 in average seeing conditions.





Freddy WILLEMS (Saint Johns, FL)




¤·····Subject: Mars last night April 14

Received, 15 April 2014 at 09:31 JST


Hi all, the skies were clear again last night and the seeing reasonable at around midnight when Mars was at maximum altitude (and closest approach).

The bright region of Elysium is at centre, Syrtis Major rising at left and the clouds over olympus Mons setting on the limb at right.
Equatorial high blue haze is visible across the disk and a small patch of what might be raised dust (?)  can be seen obscuring a small part of the outer bright ring of the north polar cap at top.


regards, Anthony








¤·····Subject: Mars, 13 Apr 2014

Received, 14 April 2014 at 18:15 JST


Hi everyone,


The attached image set was captured in poor to mediocre seeing.




Stefan BUDA (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)




¤·····Subject: Mars 11th-April-2014

Received, 14 April 2014 at 17:09 JST


Hi Guys another clear one on the 11th seeing not too bad for the altitude. Since then we have had really bad jet stream where Mars has looked more like a candle flame !

Its due to pass today and we have a clear one too . Perhaps the solar seeing will be good, often an indicator of things to come later.

This view of Mars reminds me it is the God of War, and also of a Halloween pumpkin. Perhaps the humble pumpkin could be the standard Martian colour reference ?


Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK
Ham call G4PIE




¤·····Subject: Mars April 10th 2014

Received, 14 April 2014 at 01:58 JST


Hi All,

Herewith a Belgian imaging result on Mars.  All information included on the picture.


Best regards.






¤·····Subject: mars 7/8th-April-2014

Received, 14 April 2014 at 00:12 JST


Hi Guys

here are a couple of mars from 7 and 8th April. Also is a 3 frame animation from the 8th from the attached 3 image file.

I sent it to myself as a test and it ran ok embedded in the mail as well as windows media player.

It just show the volcanoes rising out of the mists.



Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK
Ham call G4PIE




¤·····Subject: Re: North Polar Spiral Clouds in 2012

Received, 13 April 2014 at 23:52 JST


Dear Reiichi,
Very interesting compilation ! Some pattern are impressive...
To think again farther, I think that the activity could be linked as well to the formation of the fall polar hood at Ls 180. The hood forms from spiral storm and so the cyclonic area must be active quite earlier, producing first the whitish spiral clouds...


Christophe PELLIER (Nantes, FRANCE)




¤·····Subject: North Polar Spiral Clouds in 2012

Received, 13 April 2014 at 16:24 JST


Dear Dr. Minami, Christophe, all,
   Please find attached a montage from Mars Express VMC/ESA images showing North Polar Spiral Clouds (though including possible/questionable candidates, even in the "out of place" longitude range). For each image, the entrance/exit of Chasma Boreale is centered on the southern edge of NPC for the better orientation for the 050 degrees W line of longitude. Some show quite mature spiral structures often with twin shapes in the morning side, and others might have been the afternoon remnants.



My PC/scanner/printer system seems to be going a bit mad in this important period, maybe I have to purchase a new one soon!

           Clear Skies with Good Seeing!

Reiichi KONNAï (Fukushima, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Mars on opposition night April 8

Received, 13 April 2014 at 12:59 JST


One more Mars image from a couple of days ago, on opposition night (April 8).

Syrtis Major to the left of centre, Elysium Mons and cloud to the right, the shrinking north pole at top and cloud-filled Hellas basin at bottom.

Colours set with reference to MRO/MARCI:

 regards, Anthony








¤·····Subject: Mars - April 12th, 03:21ut

Received, 13 April 2014 at 12:41 JST


Hi Mr. Minami and All!,

My most recent session on april 12th under average conditions.


Efrain MORALES (Aguadilla, PUERTO RICO)




¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/12-Kumamori

Received, 13 April 2014 at 08:04 JST


Mars images on 12 April 2014


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Drawings of Mars

Received, 13 April 2014 at 00:02 JST


Dear Dr. Minami,

I am attaching here my piled-up drawings. My scanner/printer hasn't been working well at all these days, so that I had to use my digital camera to make files to submit my observation. Now I am recovering from a bad cold (not the flu, luckily) to get back to work and observation!



     Clear Skies with Good Seeing!


Reiichi KONNAï (Fukushima, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Mars 9th April 2014

Received, 12 April 2014 at 22:09 JST



My first Mars image of this apparition taken in fair seeing between small gaps in the cloud..... wouldn乫t have been possible with mono imaging but the colour camera made the most of the opportunities


Best regards,


Martin LEWIS (St. Albans, the UK)




¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/11-Kumamori

Received, 12 April 2014 at 19:54 JST


Mars images on 11 April 2014


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Jupiter 8-April-2014

Received, 12 April 2014 at 16:59 JST


Hi Guys here's Jupiter from the 8th. The "out of place spot" is now a streak. If I have worked Jupos correctly, it was around 228 degs L3 on 8th March, and is now centered on 260 degs.



Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK
Ham call G4PIE




¤·····Subject: Bates Mars 04212014

Received, 12 April 2014 at 14:43 JST


Notes:  Mars is round with many white clouds at 450X.


Donald R. Bates (Houston, TX)




¤·····Subject: Mars: April 10, 2014

Received, 12 April 2014 at 11:28 JST


Hi -

 I have attached my Mars images of April 10, 2014 to be posted.




 Frank J MELILLO (Holtsville, NY)




¤·····Subject: Mars: April 6, 2014

Received, 12 April 2014 at 11:27 JST


Hi -

  I have attached my Mars images of April 6, 2014 to be posted.




  Frank J MELILLO (Holtsville, NY)





¤·····Subject: Mars - April 9th, 03:58ut

Received, 12 April 2014 at 11:19 JST


Hi Mr. Minami and All!,

Here i submit my latest session from April 9th.


Also my latest session of the ring planet Saturn.



Clear Skies to All!


Efrain MORALES (Aguadilla, PUERTO RICO)




¤·····Subject: Mars April 11

Received, 12 April 2014 at 10:16 JST


Some good seeing last night around midnight with Mars transiting at 72 degrees elevation. Nice detail in the NPC, Syrtis Major to the lower left, clouds over Elysium at right and some high blue haze across the equatorial region. Blue cloud-filled Hellas at bottom left.

regards, Anthony








¤·····Subject: Mars on April 10th 2014

Received, 12 April 2014 at 03:06 JST


Dear Sir,

I could image Mars under good conditions on April 10th 2014. 

A soft and hard imaging result is herewith included.

I hope it can be of some use for CMO.


Best regards.






¤·····Subject: Collection of images 5th April UT

Received, 11 April 2014 at 23:27 JST


Please find attached a collection of all images taken by me on the 5th April UT.

The seeing varied from fair (early) to very good (late).


Best wishes






¤·····Subject: mars sketch 09/04/2014

Received, 11 April 2014 at 17:00 JST


Hello, here is my sketch from april 9th.


Date: april 9 2014  Time:  23:00 UT
observer: Kris Smet  location: Bornem, Belgium
instrument: 12" f/5 dobson  magnification: 214x
seeing: fair – good  filters: apodizing mask


Kris SMET (Bornem, BELGIUM)




¤·····Subject: Mars this morning, April 10

Received, 11 April 2014 at 14:55 JST


Cloud last night delayed the observing session until after midnight, this image was taken in reasonable seeing at 1.38am local time.

Syrtis Major is prominent at the centre of the image, with Elysium just setting at right, clouds are visible over Elysium Mons. North polar cap at top and Hellas basin full of clouds at bottom.



regards, Anthony






¤·····Subject: Mars image - April 10

Received, 11 April 2014 at 10:48 JST



Attached is a set of Mars images from April 10.  Seeing was around average, but better than in recent weeks.




Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤·····Subject: Mars Images 2014/03/30

Received, 11 April 2014 at 09:54 JST



 I send you two images.



With a seeing that was improving throughout the night I have acquired two good pictures of Mars, to few days of the opposition. The largest apparent size and the good seeing allow to observe surface details of the planet. In the first image Elysium region is observed with abundant cloudiness in Hyblaeus Extension, near the central meridian. At North the Utopia region is observed. In the NCP Lemuria is observed quite bright near the central meridian. In the second image the region of Syrtis Major is observed and to the south the Hellas region is observed with quite bright cloudiness. Cecropia is not so bright. The images have a time interval of 3 hours and the image quality is better in the first.


Best regards,


Charles TRIANA (Bogota, COLOMBIA)

AstroExplor Observatory



¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/10

Received, 11 April 2014 at 04:30 JST


Mars 2014/04/10


Newton 180 F7, Powermate x5, ADC

I-Nova PLAC+


Best regards,


Xavier DUPONT (Saint Roch, FRANCE)



¤·····Subject: Mars images 8/9 April good seeing

Received, 11 April 2014 at 04:03 JST


Hi all,
Seeing went from poor to very good during the night.

Note the good B image of 00H35: the aphelion cloud belt has a mottled aspect. I have read that from spring to summer, the ACB changes its clouds from cirrus to cumulus. Who knows this is what we see here !
Best wishes

Christophe PELLIER (Nantes, FRANCE)




¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/08-&-09-Kumamori

Received, 10 April 2014 at 22:53 JST


Mars images on 8. 9 April 2014


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Mars 8th April

Received, 10 April 2014 at 21:38 JST


An image of Mars from 8th April. Seeing was jittery but good detail visible at times.




Peter EDWARDS (West Sussex, the UK)




¤·····Subject: Mars NPC complete area map

Received, 10 April 2014 at 21:36 JST


Here is an attempt to present the 2014 Mars NPC.The recession of the cap (main body) caused by the North hemisphere summer is great and aproximately at:

L1 --  B'
000 – 78N
090 – 79N
180 – 81N
270 – 83N

The remanents at Lemuria 儬' 74 extend between 180-235 and at Ierne 儬' 75 between 100-135.I made a comparison withe an HST 1997 image in similar season (a little earlier)
There are some similarities.Of course we can conclude with safe results by measuring many images.These results are just an approach.

Manos KARDASIS (Glyfada-Athens, GREECE) 






¤·····Subject: BCC Mars images 2014 Apr 06

Received, 10 April 2014 at 15:58 JST



here is a set of RGB images I have collected on the evening of April 6th. Two captures approximately an hour apart, 12:59UT and 14:03UT.

As usual, I used an 11 inch SCT (C11) and a QHY 5L II monochrome camera with Edmund dichroic RGB set.


Best regards,


Bratislav CURCIC  (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)




¤·····Subject: BCC Mars images 2014 Apr 05 12:37UT

Received, 10 April 2014 at 13:04 JST



here is a set of RGB images I have collected on April 5th, 12:37 UT (23:37PM Australian Eastern Standard time ).

As usual, I used an 11 inch SCT (C11) and a QHY 5L II monochrome camera with Edmund dichroic RGB set.


Best regards,


Bratislav CURCIC  (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)




¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/09

Received, 10 April 2014 at 03:46 JST


Mars 2014/04/09


Newton 180 F7,  Powermate x5,  ADC

I-Nova PLAC+


Best regards,


Xavier DUPONT (Saint Roch, FRANCE)




¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/08 Opposition

Received, 10 April 2014 at 02:54 JST


Hi all

Poor seeing & the sky was Partially cloudy  I took this image PLS see you it .




Sadegh GHOMIZADEH (Roudehen, IRAN)


¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/08 Opposition

Received, 9 April 2014 at 20:19 JST


yesterday Mars was at opposition and in Athens we had good seeing conditions.
On the image we can see thin ECB and some southern clouds. Morning dense clouds over Tharsis.

Afternoon clouds over Ôerra Sabaea. Clouds also over Tempe Terra. Chasma Boreale is visible.

Manos KARDASIS (Glyfada-Athens, GREECE) 




¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/09

Received, 9 April 2014 at 19:26 JST


Here is Mars on 2014/04/09
The  seeing was average rapidly becoming bad and the transparency was average.
T = +4


Jean-Jacques POUPEAU (Essonne, FRANCE)




¤·····Subject: Mars M140408 ishibashi

Received, 9 April 2014 at 19:12 JST


Mars Image on 8 April 2014


Tsutomu ISHIBASHI (Kanagawa, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Re: Terminator protrusion?

Received, 9 April 2014 at 18:55 JST


Dear Reiichi,

I have been able to observe the same longitudes last night under better seeing, so let's see if it is there again or not...

Many thanks for the set of images ! It seems that spiral clouds form earlier than I thought. Ls 116 will be reached next week-end and the longitudes will be visible from France, so I'm going to watch for it :-))

However I don't think that the 2014 strip show the same things. Spiral clouds do not shift south, but east...



Christophe PELLIER (Nantes, FRANCE)




¤·····Subject: Terminator protrusion?

Received, 9 April 2014 at 17:33 JST


Dear Dr. Minami, Christophe,
  The protrusion findings on the p. limbs on  Christophe's 7/8 April 2014 images are most interesting! I noticed on the first set of images (23:41.2RGB and the components) that the tip (most protruded point) of the protrusion is not just the eastern side of the bright cloud mass (probably over Sinus Meridiani region), lbut seems to be located a little bit northerly, where the area just inside of the protrusion is not so bright....suggesting the protrusion is unlikely to be an artifact caused by the processing (乬irradiation illusion乭 like....). Look forward to other observers' images at Europian longitudes.


  Another topic, but please find attached a monntage showing "A Grin without a Cat, or Afternoon Remnants of the North Polar Spiral Clouds (cyclones)".  The leftmost MRO MARCI image on 6 April 2014 may show the emergense of the spiral clouds (yellow arrows) in this apparition, though may be sporadic cloudy patches assosiated with the seasonal Alba cloud activity as their locations are a bit southerly. But I believe ground-based observers will soon get fantastic images of the spiral clouds with their clear eyes, and I myself hopefully want to catch them visually!

  Good Seeing!

Reiichi KONNAï (Fukushima, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/02

Received, 9 April 2014 at 16:24 JST


Hello here is an obs. under average conditions. Some Southern clouds and W of Solis Lacus are visible.ECB clouds.Dense clouds over Tharsis & Lunae Planum.Chasma borealis is barely visible.

Manos KARDASIS (Glyfada-Athens, GREECE) 





¤·····Subject: Mars April 8

Received, 9 April 2014 at 10:24 JST


Hi all, here is an image of Mars from last night, April 8, from Rubyvale. Seeing was reasonable but not as steady as previous nights.

Syrtis Major is still prominent at lower left, Nodus Alcyonius close to centre, and now we can see Elysium Montes covered in cloud at right. Cloud-filled Hellas still visible at the bottom of the image.


 regards, Anthony






¤·····Subject: Mars images 7-8 March 2014

Received, 9 April 2014 at 07:06 JST


Hi all,
Fair seeing and difficult processing.
There is a protruding cloud on the p.limb, it may be a regular cloud but it remembers me the aspect of the high altitude cloud of 2012 some days before its effective discovery.

Note also how fast the Tharsis morning clouds evolve !

Best wishes,


PS no link, no access to my site...

Christophe PELLIER (Nantes, FRANCE)




¤·····Subject: Mars on April 5th 2014

Received, 8 April 2014 at 22:12 JST


Hi All,

Herewith a recent imaging result from Belgium. All information included on the picture.


Best regards.






¤·····Subject: Saturn April 6

Received, 8 April 2014 at 16:21 JST


Hi all, here is an image of Saturn from April 6 in Rubyvale. The colour changes around the polar hexagon are interesting, the hex is harder to see now that the collar is a darker shade of pink/red. Dione and Tethys are visible below Saturn.








¤·····Subject: Mars M140407 ishibashi

Received, 8 April 2014 at 16:03 JST


Mars Image on 7 April 2014


Tsutomu ISHIBASHI (Kanagawa, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/04-Kumamori

Received, 8 April 2014 at 11:27 JST


Mars images on 7 April 2014


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: MARS Observations - APRIL 1, 2014 - Poor seeing

Received, 8 April 2014 at 11:17 JST


Hi Sir,

These are my Mars images from April 1, 2014 in poor seeing conditions.


Freddy WILLEMS (Saint Johns, FL)




¤·····Subject: Mars, 06 Apr 2014

Received, 7 April 2014 at 19:02 JST


Hi everyone,

The attached RGB set was captured in mediocre seeing.




Stefan BUDA (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)




¤·····Subject: Mars 2 April

Received, 7 April 2014 at 08:09 JST


Hi All,
I have attached RGB Mars images from 2 April.
A bright Bright Orographic is seen to the lee (west) of the peak of Olympus Mons.
Elysium clouds are merging with AM limb hazes. Note that the Hyblaeus Extension appears to have diminished in size and intensity from previous apparitions. Trivium-Cerberus remains very weak. Olympia is prominent.


Don PARKER (Coral Gables, FL)




¤·····Subject: The opposition effect  of Mons Olympus on 6 april 2014

Received, 7 April 2014 at 03:29 JST


Dear  Masatsugu


Attached find some recent Mars images showing the opposite effect of Mons Olympus.








¤·····Subject: Mars 06-04-2014 23h35 UT RGB

Received, 7 April 2014 at 03:20 JST



Mars last night, this image was taken with the new RGB filters
Unfortunately the B image of lesser quality.
Nice to see Opposition effect of Olympus Mons.
Mars 06-04-2014 23h35 UT RGB
Altitude: 32 degrees  (Revised : editor )




Richard BOSMAN (Enschede, the Netherlands)




¤·····Subject: Mars image - April 6, 2014

Received, 7 April 2014 at 01:00 JST




Seeing was no better than average for this set of images.




Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤·····Subject: Mo02,04Apr_14

Received, 6 April 2014 at 23:49 JST


Mars Image on 2 April 2014 and 4 April 2014


Yukio MORITA (Hiroshima, JAPAN)





¤·····Subject: Mars 5th April UT

Received, 6 April 2014 at 19:47 JST


Here is the last image of a number taken on the 5th April UT in good seeing.
The other images will follow when time permits for processing..


Best wishes






¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/05

Received, 6 April 2014 at 18:16 JST


Mars 2014/04/05


Newton 180 F7, Powermate x5, ADC

I-Nova PLAC+


Best regards,


Xavier DUPONT ( Saint Roch, FRANCE)




¤·····Subject: Ground-based detection of Martian frosty craters?

Received, 6 April 2014 at 14:35 JST


Dear Dr. Minami, All areoholics,


    I believe Anthony WESLEY's superb image on 04 April 2014 13:59 GMT clearly shows the frost-filled Hellas (maybe partially cloud-filled), because the basin appears fully bright with a sharp edge. And, please find attached a montage, frosted Terby crater (174km across, yellow arrows) just off the northern edge of Hellas is just discernable on the AWs's image. Furthermore, medium-size frosty craters are spotted west of Hellas (ones of them are red-arrowed), probably associated with the "Escaping Cloud from Hellas". These findings strongly suggest the mature ground frost formation over the gigantic basin (read Christophe PELLIER's fine articles) :
 乬Winter State of the Hellas Basin (ISMO 11/12 Mars Note (13)) 乬, in
 乬White cloud escaping from Hellas at winter solstice 乬, in
  On the montage, indicated by a black arrow is the " Fons near Sigeus Portus", a dark spot about one hundred km across overlapping a small crater lying some five hundred km directly east of the 451km diameter crater Schiaparelli. Refer to  07/08 CMO Note (14) Fons near Sigeus Portus :
This dark spot was visually just visible in 1971 favorable opposition with my 25 cm Newtonian when the apparent diameter of the red planet was almost 25 arcseconds(!). It's amazing that the present-day planetary imaging/processing technology is surpassing the classical optical resolution of the telescope, explicitly showing a tiny dark patch of only 0.22" across on the 14.9" apparent diameter Martian disk!


Good Seeing!


Reiichi KONNAï (Fukushima, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Jupiter Observations - March 31, 2014  IR sets only

Received, 6 April 2014 at 12:30 JST



Seeing wan't great but I want to record the 2 moon's transitions....

Jupiter on March 31, 2014...



Freddy WILLEMS (Saint Johns, FL)




¤·····Subject: Mars April 5, 2014

Received, 6 April 2014 at 12:29 JST


John KAZANAS  (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)




¤·····Subject: Mars images - April 1, 2 & 3

Received, 6 April 2014 at 09:02 JST



Here are images from April 1, 2 and 3.  Seeing was poor all three nights here.




Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)



¤·····Subject: Jupiter Observations - March 24, 2014

Received, 6 April 2014 at 08:50 JST



These are my Jupiter images from March 24, 2014.

Had some better seeing at times and did some more processing.







Freddy WILLEMS (Saint Johns, FL)




¤·····Subject: MARS IMAGES  4-4-2014

Received, 6 April 2014 at 03:46 JST


Hi Guys an unexpected but welcome clearing this evening , seeing was jittery but quite detailed.

  Mars was a very nice sight on screen from the colour cam feed. The Martian blue clouds stood out very well..

 Quite a lot of changes during the 1/2 hour of rotation , and indeed from Damian's 2005 Map.


Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK
Ham call G4PIE




¤·····Subject: Mars - April 1st, 04:27ut

Received, 6 April 2014 at 02:04 JST


Hi Mr. Minami and All!,

Here I submit my latest session under below average conditions from April 1st.


Clear Skies to All!


Efrain MORALES (Aguadilla, PUERTO RICO)




¤·····Subject: Fw: Mars - March 25th, 06:10ut

Received, 6 April 2014 at 02:00 JST


Hi Mr.Minami and All!,

Here is my latest processed session from march 25th under ideal conditions.


Efrain MORALES (Aguadilla, PUERTO RICO)




¤·····Subject: Mars , April 4

Received, 5 April 2014 at 09:18 JST


Here's an image of Mars from last night, April 4, in reasonable seeing.
Syrtis Major is visible at lower right, and it will become more central over the next few days from here.

The north polar cap is visible at top as well as a cloud-filled
Hellas basin at bottom.



regards, Anthony






¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/04-Kumamori

Received, 5 April 2014 at 07:25 JST


Mars images on 4 April 2014


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Re: Two images of Mars 1 April 2014

Received, 5 April 2014 at 07:37 JST


Dear sirs,
Thank you very much for the interesting comments on my images. I indeed noticed the ring and indeed the orographic clouds were not very disturbing yet at 22.45 UT. Also in my image of 22.19UT a hint of the ring is seen, but the seeing conditions were then a little bit less favourable. Dr. Konnai in his mail also refers to the image of Richard Bosman and guessed that the dtae and time were incorrect. I contacted Richard and he agrees that he made a mistake, because of the start of the summertime in our country . As Dr Konnai already suggested the actual time is 1 April 23.17 UT.
The ring structure does raise the question what its origin is.

With kind regards,






¤·····Subject: Oppoaition month

Received, 4 April 2014 at 22:16 JST


Dear Dr. Minami,  all,
  This apparition's opposition is close at hand, but I've been pretty frustrated with the terrible seeing in our place. And it's so relieving to "observe" Mars with CMO colleagues' splended images and drawings every day.
  Now the phase angle of Sun-Mars-Earth is as small as six degrees, we are entering the season for "Nix Olympica", a superficial phenomenon obsevable only at the near-opposition period. John SUSSENBACH's excellent image set on 01 April 2014 22h45m GMT seems to show the flank of Olympus Mons as a silvery ring, brightened by the opposition effect. The local Martian hour of Olympus Mons on JSb's image might have been around 11H when the developement of orographic cloud over the largest/highest volcano was still weak as shown on the B component of the image set. And the R image penetrated the thin cloud to show the brightened surface of Olympus Mons as a nice tiny ring (reflected on the RGB image).  Richard BOSMAN's fine image set taken some twenty minutes after JSb's (RBs's data of observing time 00h17m UT 02 April is probably a mistake for 23h17m 01 April), the local Martian hour was already around 11h30m when the Olympus Mons orography had grown a bit over the volcano's western half, but the opposition-effect-shiny-ring might be still visible at the eastern half on the RGB, R and B.

  I am looking forward to seeing the Nix Olympica again a few days after this coming opposition , may be hard from Japan, as Olympus Mons would be proceeding well into the local afternoon to grow heavy orographic clouds by the time we get to observe the red planet!

      Good Seeing with Excellent Scopes!

Reiichi KONNAï (Fukushima, JAPAN)


Editor's Remark: (6 April)

This email of Reiichi KONNAï tells an important point about the aspect of Olympus Mons at the opposition time. Olympus Mons is well known as a white ball covered by the so-called orographic cloud, but it has also been long known as Nix Olympica as a reflecting spot when the planet is at opposition (when the phase angle is smaller than 8 degrees). As to a possible confusion, see 乬Nix Olympica Misunderstanding乭 in CMO/ISMO #389: at page Ser3-0185:

Related with this, the article ISMO 11/12 Mars Note (4) at page Ser3-380 in CMO/ISMO #402 should be checked.




¤·····Subject: Two images of Mars 1 April 2014

Received, 4 April 2014 at 17:54 JST


Dear sir 

Attached I send you  two recent images of Mars taken with two different camera's under better seeing conditions.

The details in the polar cap and in the Tharsis region are interesting. Olympus Mons stands out impressively as well as Solis Lacus

With kind regards,






¤·····Subject: Yet more Mars from April 2

Received, 4 April 2014 at 15:30 JST


...Continuing to process data from April 2, here is an image from close to the end of the session. This time I've processed it to preserve as much of the blue cloud/haze and also paid more attention to the fine detail, so this is once more a higher res mage than those I sent earlier, and possibly a little closer to the real view.


regards, Anthony






¤·····Subject: Jupiter Observations - March 23, 2014 Average seeing.

Received, 4 April 2014 at 11:53 JST


My Jupiter sets from March 23, 2014, seeing was not so great.

Processing did not bring out more detail. Will jump to my new processing next time.









Freddy WILLEMS (Saint Johns, FL)




¤·····Subject: Mars 1 April 2014

Received, 4 April 2014 at 09:53 JST


Dear  Sir  ,

Attached I send you a recent image of Mars under better seeing conditions. The details in the polar cap and in the Tharsis region are interesting. Olympus Mons stands out impressively as well as Solis Lacus

With kind regards,





¤·····Subject: More Mars from April 2

Received, 3 April 2014 at 15:39 JST



Here's the obligatory followon image that improves a little on the last one I sent out... nice resolution esp in green and blue channels.
interesting red colouration around the north pole, I thought it was an artifact in my processing but I also see it on the images that Chris sent out, and the colour alignment is good in the rest of the image, so I'm inclined to believe that it's real, although I have no idea what it means.

Blue cloud/frost is visible around the rim of Hellas at lower right as well as diffuse blue equatorial haze across the centre of the planet, most visible across Syrtis Major at right.



regards, Anthony






¤·····Subject: Mars this morning April 2

Received, 3 April 2014 at 11:13 JST


My first Mars image from Rubyvale in  fairly good and steady seeing.
This has been processed on my laptop so the colours etc might be a
little off but it looks pretty good on my screen :-)


regards, Anthony





¤·····Subject: solar images 29-March-2014

Received, 3 April 2014 at 07:59 JST


Hi Guys Some fascinating activity on this day . Once again a nice example of the plages matching, in the white and Ha images of AR 2022. And once again in the 11:15 image of the three active regions near the limb.











Best wishes



Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK
Ham call G4PIE




¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/03/31

Received, 3 April 2014 at 04:39 JST


Hello all,

as we approach opposition we can see the planet in greater detail. Clouds near west, south and east limb. Is this a global thin haze more distinct there?


Clouds around the top of Olympus! Also in Ascraeus mons êáé Alba patera. Clouds over Tharsis. NPC has shrunk and Ierne remanents and Chasma Borealis are visible.

Manos KARDASIS (Glyfada-Athens, GREECE) 




¤·····Subject: Mars 02-04-2014 00h17 UT RGB

Received, 3 April 2014 at 04:11 JST



Mars Tuesday, April 2.
On this night, the conditions were better than normal. I could make this clean RGB image with my c14 and Basler Ace ccd and RGB filters.
Beautifully to see Volcano Olympus mont, surrounded by orographic clouds.  (Revised : editor )


This shot shows the RGB show. R, G and B can be seen, a slight clarification that may indicate a storm.
We now have two confirmation of this spot and now wait as it stand or hold it get bigger.
Appendix shows the recording of yesterday's show, Mont Olympus itself comes through the clouds. (Not previously recorded this.)


Regards Richard

higher resolution:


Met Vriendelijk Groet Richard Bosman


Richard BOSMAN (Enschede, the Netherlands)




¤·····Subject: Mo01Apr_14

Received, 3 April 2014 at 03:00 JST


Mars Image on 1 April 2014


Yukio MORITA (Hiroshima, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Color drawings of Mars

Received, 2 April 2014 at 23:21 JST


Dear Dr. Minami,
  I have attached here my latest drawings of Mars. Lately, almost  every night we had unusually poor seeing for this season, very much frustrating too see Martian image deteriorating as it approaches to the culmination.
   Martian season is already for 兩=110
亱Ls, and the north polar cyclones( 乬spiral clouds乭 a la Christophe Pellier) are expected to emerge, and the good longitudinal zone is going away from Japan to the countries overseas!

     GOOD Seeing!


Reiichi KONNAÏ (Fukushima, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/01-Kumamori

Received, 2 April 2014 at 22:26 JST


Mars Image on 1 April 2014


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)



¤·····Subject: Jupiter images 1-April-2014

Received, 2 April 2014 at 20:10 JST


Hi Guys Bit of a change in the weather to a warm hazy sun high . I hoped for a bit better seeing , but same old testy stuff. Mind you the dome was opened up too late as the sky suddenly cleared.


I have added a screenshot of the avi replay from the middle of the "derotate" set just for info.




Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK
Ham call G4PIE




¤·····Subject: Mars M140401 ishibashi

Received, 2 April 2014 at 17:09 JST


Mars Image on 1 April 2014


Tsutomu ISHIBASHI (Kanagawa, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/03/28 poor seeing

Received, 2 April 2014 at 16:00 JST


Hello this is Mars under poor seeing.

Clouds over Tharsis.Also over Olympus,Ascraeus & Pavonis mons.Clouds over Alba patera.Ierne & Lemuria NPC remanents.Solis Lacus is coming into view.


Manos KARDASIS (Glyfada-Athens, GREECE) 




¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/04/01

Received, 2 April 2014 at 01:02 JST


Mars 2014/04/01


Newton 180 F7, Powermate x5, ADC

IR-Cut, I-Nova PLAC+


Best regards,


Xavier DUPONT (Saint Roch, FRANCE)




¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/03/31-Kumamori

Received, 1 April 2014 at 21:04 JST


Mars images on 31 March 2014


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Mars image

Received, 1 April 2014 at 15:53 JST


Dear Sirs,
Please find the attached Mars image taken in fair seeing.

Best regards,





¤·····Subject: Martian observations

Received, 1 April 2014 at 03:10 JST


Dear Sir,
Herewith some recent Mars observations.
I hope they can be of some use for CMO

Best regards,

Leo AERT (Belgium)


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