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¤·····Subject: Mars Jan 30

Received; 31 January 2014 at 09:23 JST


Another small Mars in mediocre seeing from this morning... the cloud over Elysium is still prominent and also the blue-ish limb cloud at bottom in Hellas.

Is that really cloud over Elysium, or could there be some dust in there?
It's not quite white in colour.








¤·····Subject: RGB Mars this morning, Jan 28

Received; 29 January 2014 at 18:15 JST


Slightly better seeing this morning, here is an RGB image of Mars showing cloud over Elysium Mons as well as equatorial haze and some blue cloud over the south polar hood.









¤·····Subject: Mars 28 January 2014

Received; 29 January 2014 at 17:34 JST


Dear friends

Attached find my Mars image of 28 Janaury 2014.

Seeing was poor and wind disturbed the capturing. Nevertheless, thanks to the program Astrostrakkert!2 still dseveral details are seen.

Note the small North Polar cap, Mare Acidalium en Nilokeras and the fork structure of Valles Marineres.









¤·····Subject: Re: Mars 25th Jan 2014

Received; 28 January 2014 at 02:45 JST


Dear Masatsugu

Thank you very much for your message. I hope that you are well.

I have been keen to return to imaging for a couple of years now, but
have been unable to due to health, family & work commitments.
Hopefully this year I will be more productive.

Best wishes





¤·····Subject: Saturn Jan 27, RGB

Received; 28 January 2014 at 13:50 JST


Seeing was ok this morning so I recorded some RGB data as well, Saturn looks really interesting here with the many coloured bands... I've tried to balance the colours as accurately as possible so these should be close to true colours.









¤·····Subject: Jupiter 26 January

Received; 28 January 2014 at 11:01 JST



Hi All,
I have attached an RGB Jupiter image from 26 January. The seeing was horrible until the last run.




Donald PARKER (Coral Gables, FL)




¤·····Subject: mars Jan 26

Received; 27 January 2014 at 17:24 JST


Another IR Mars this morning, showing a slightly different view of Syrtis Major and surrounds than yesterday...










¤·····Subject: Jupiter and Io 22-01-2014

Received; 27 January 2014 at 06:52 JST



This time no color RGB image but Jupiter in different wavelengths.

By poor transparency, it is difficult to make a Proper color image

Who knows, I still make a color image of Jupiter this session.


All Avies are the same editing AS2 with sharpening and 25% crude frame added.

Avies included 70 second per color (3500 frames per avie)

Used 2000 frames for each separate image.


Jupiter and Io 22-01-2014

C14, @ f25




Richard BOSMAN (Enschede, BELGIUM)




¤·····Subject: Jupiter images 22/01

Received; 27 January 2014 at 02:06 JST


Hi all,
Here are some last results under a variable night.

The "Mickey's head" is visible ;)

Best wishes

Christophe PELLIER (Nantes, FRANCE) 

Planetary Astronomy and Imaging




¤·····Subject: Mars, Jan 25 2014

Received; 26 January 2014 at 17:12 JST


A small mars this morning, seeing was not so good so only an IR image.









¤·····Subject: Mars 25th Jan 2014

Received; 26 January 2014 at 13:34 JST


Good afternoon
Please find attached an image of Mars taken this morning from
Melbourne, Australia as marked with a C11 @ f/20.
Mid exposure was 17:28UT



Best Wishes





¤·····Subject: Mars 25-01-2014

Received; 26 January 2014 at 10:55 JST


Hi everyone,

Finally good seeing came to Melbourne this morning.




Stefan BUDA (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)




¤·····Subject: Mars January 22nd, Jupiter, GRS, moon Ganymede

Received; 25 January 2014 at 22:51 JST


Hi Mr. Minami and All!,

Here I submit my latest session of Mars, Jupiter was taken earlier.




Efrain MORALES RIVERA (Aguadilla, Puerto Rico)




¤·····Subject: Mars January 24th 2014 at 5h21 UT

Received; 25 January 2014 at 18:29 JST


Hi All,
Cloudy weather over Tharsis volcanos.
Imaging done with C14, 2.5x powermate projection, use of dispersion corrector,

RGB Baader filterset, DMK 21AU618 webcam
Seeing was excellent. 

Date : January 24th 2014 at 5h21 UT.  Mars 8"27, CM :110[

Two R RGB results and one red filter result.


Best regards.





¤·····Subject: Jupiter 2014.01.21 under good conditions

Received; 25 January 2014 at 04:28 JST



During the single time spot long enough this week between clouds and rain, luckily the seeing was rather good:

RGB, which could have been better if the blue layer would have been better (I'm wondering if there was some dew on the filter, not talking about the dust spots on the sensor). Red Oval Z (ROZ) is seen rising, with Little Red Spot (LRS) northern. I find the dark reddish/braun streaks on the polar zones impressive:

Methane absorption band image shows better ROZ and LRS, very bright, and also the chain of white ovals on the south south temperate band:

Two IR images showing details, for one I took the additional effort to process Io:

Les couches rouge et verte:

No impact detected on almost 1h of videos for the DeTeCt project.

Clear skies,


Marc DELCROIX (Tournefeuille, FRANCE)




¤·····Subject: Mo22Jan_14

Received; 25 January 2014 at 01:25 JST


Mars images on 22 January 2014



Yukio MORITA (Hiroshima, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: group 2. Solar images 22-Jan-2014

Received; 24 January 2014 at 23:42 JST


Hi Guys, A session of reasonable seeing on the 22nd was most welcome. The sun is now at a lofty 17 degrees at noon from here. The area around AR 1959/60 was alive with filaments.






Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK
Ham call G4PIE





¤·····Subject: Jupiter images - 21th January 2014

Received; 23 January 2014 at 10:04 JST



Hi all,
Finally a clear evening on monday night. Variable seeing.

Oval BA on the show.


Christophe PELLIER (Nantes, FRANCE) 

Planetary Astronomy and Imaging




¤·····Subject: Mars January 18th 2014 at 11:43 from Houston Texas USA

Received; 20 January 2014 at 12:01 JST


Here is an image from January 18th 2014 at 11:43 UT.

The seeing was 3/10 and the transparency was 9/10.


Ed GRAFTON (Houston, TX)



¤·····Subject: Mars - January 17th, 10:21ut

Received; 20 January 2014 at 03:09 JST


Hi Mr. Minami and all staff members!.

Here I submit my latest image set of Mars from January 17th, lots of turbulance but with average results and also my latest Jupiter set.



Clear Skies to All!.


Efrain MORALES RIVERA (Aguadilla, Puerto Rico)




¤·····Subject: Mars 14 January, NPC dust?

Received; 17 January 2014 at 15:00 JST


Hi All,
I have attached RGB Mars images from 14 January. There appears to be a large dust streak crossing the preceding edge of the NPC. The Elysium cloud is bright and AM hazes cover much of Syrtis Major.




Donald PARKER (Coral Gables, FL)




¤·····Subject: Saturn polar projection

Received; 17 January 2014 at 13:48 JST


Hi Padma, I'm not sure the resolution on this image is good enough to draw too many conclusions, this was not much more than a test run. I'll be capturing data every week now on Saturn so if there is any movement over the next several months then we should see it. I'm sure Trevor will also be capturing data when he gets back from holidays

If we get some good seeing when Saturn reaches its maximum altitude in a few weeks time then we can start looking at high resolution features, it would be great to pick up and track some storms around in side the hexagon :-)

cheers, Bird






¤·····Subject: Saturn polar projection

Received; 17 January 2014 at 13:30 JST




This is just fantastic - the hexagon look great!


How does this compare with Trevor's and Cassini/ISS images - to see temporal changes in the hexagong and or nearby bands etc?


Thanks for sharing!


Padma YANAMANDRA-Fisher (Space Science Institute, Boulder, CO)




¤·····Subject: Completed polar Map, Jan 14/15/16

Received; 17 January 2014 at 13:24 JST


The seeing was not very good this morning, but it was enough for me to grab some more data and fill in the gap in the longitudes from yesterday - so here is the completed polar map. Please excuse the minor joining artifacts between the segments, but the vertices of the hexagon are nicely visible.


regards, Anthony







¤·····Subject: Saturn polar projection

Received; 16 January 2014 at 10:49 JST


I have enough data now to do a rough polar projection of Saturn north pole...

cheers, Anthony






¤·····Subject: Jupiter 2014.01.13

Received; 16 January 2014 at 06:34 JST


First images since 2 months, shot under heavy humidity, feet in the mud and stopped by dew on the secondary mirror.

Oval BA is setting, and there is an outbreak in NEB at CM:


IR, with Io:





Individual R, G and B (R shows nice details):

No impact seen after checking with DeTeCt 15min of videos.


Marc DELCROIX (Tournefeuille, FRANCE)




¤·····Subject: Jupiter 14 January

Received; 16 January 2014 at 05:56 JST


Hi All,
I have attached RGB and CH4 Jupiter images from 14 January. The NNTz LRS remains reddish and very bright in the methane band. The NTrZ "Oval Z" is very faint and more diffuse in RGB but remains bright in Methane. The SSTB small red spot is very dark.








Donald PARKER (Coral Gables, FL)




¤·····Subject: Solar images 9th 11th 13th Jan 2014

Received; 16 January 2014 at 05:06 JST


Hi Guys

Here are a few images of AR1944 , taken in fair seeing for the 17deg altitude on the 9th and 13th , but in very poor seeing on the 11th of January .



9 January




11 January




13 January





Thrown in also is a shot of a giant filament imaged over three frames on the 1/4 inch chipped Flea 3, at the same focal length as the double stack sunspot images , i.e. 800mm plus a 2x powermate.


Best wishes




Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK
Ham call G4PIE





¤·····Subject: IR + RGB saturn image

Received; 15 January 2014 at 16:51 JST


I haven't tried this before, and I don't know what value it has, but I wanted to make a colour image from this mornings data and the straight RGB was very poor quality, so I've used the colour from the RGB data to "colourise" the IR image. The colours are very close to correct but maybe slightly off. I didn't use any of the IR data for colour, only luminance.


regards, Anthony








¤·····Subject: Saturn this morning, Jan 14

Received; 15 January 2014 at 09:35 JST


Hi all, some reasonable seeing this morning on Saturn, good enough for
this IR (750nm longpass) image. Apart from the prominent polar hexagon
there are no obvious storms or other marks visible.


3 images measured, derotated and merged in winjupos.

cheers, Anthony









¤·····Subject: Jupiter 12 January

Received; 15 January 2014 at 07:50 JST



Hi All,
I have attached RGB and Ch4 Jupiter images from 12 January.






Donald PARKER (Coral Gables, FL)




¤·····Subject: mars sketches 15/01/'12

Received; 14 January 2014 at 22:44 JST


Hi, here is my sketch from january 12


Date: january 12 2014           Time:  06:45 UT
observer: Kris Smet               location: Bornem, Belgium
instrument: 12" f/5 dobson
     magnification: 250x
seeing: good to very good     filters: apodizing mask


Kris SMET (Bornem, BELGIUM)




¤·····Subject: Jupiter 2013 December 12

Received; 14 January 2014 at 11:12 JST


Jupiter from just over 1 month ago. Not such good seeing as previously.




David ARDITTI (Middlesex, the UK)




¤·····Subject: Mo12Jan_14

Received; 13 January 2014 at 23:20 JST


Mars images on 1, 2, 6, 12 January 2014



Yukio MORITA (Hiroshima, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Mars image 12th Jan 2014

Received; 13 January 2014 at 14:11 JST


Hi everyone,


I managed to capture an RGB in reasonably good seeing despite a thin cloud cover over my location this morning.

Mars is looking very foggy on my image.




Stefan BUDA (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)




¤·····Subject: Jupiter back on Jan.04

Received; 11 January 2014 at 08:14 JST


Suffering through normal winter bad seeing. When this happens the smaller apertures work better, at least the result is more pleasing.
Here is a night on Jupiter where we have a GRS transit then a Ganymede and shadow transit. Please note that Ganymeded is resolved with this little Questar!



Rik HILL (Tucson, AZ)




¤·····Subject: Jupiter 1/10

Received; 10 January 2014 at 22:24 JST


Fair to good seeing last night. Managed to capture the GRS before it exited the disk at stage left.


Sean WALKER (Manchester, NH)




¤·····Subject: Jupiter - January 9th

Received; 10 January 2014 at 09:23 JST


Hi Mr.Minami,

Here I submit my latest session of Jupiter on 9th of January under ideal conditions.




Efrain MORALES RIVERA (Aguadilla, Puerto Rico)




¤·····Subject: Mars - January 9th, 10:31ut

Received; 10 January 2014 at 08:58 JST


Hi Mr.Minami,

Here is my latest session from the 9th 0f January under above average conditions finally.

Clear Skies to All!.


Efrain MORALES RIVERA (Aguadilla, Puerto Rico)




¤·····Subject: Mars 6 January

Received; 10 January 2014 at 06:48 JST



Hi All,
I have attached RGB-NIR Mars images from 6 January.
Bright AM limb clouds appear over Chryse, Tempe, western Acidalium.

A faint ECB extends eastward into Aeria and the Syrtis Plateau.

Protonilus, Deuteronilus and Pierius are very conspicuous.
Chasma Borealis is seen on NPC. This could be a processing artifact,
although it is seen on all red-light images.




Donald PARKER (Coral Gables, FL)




¤·····Subject: A Drawing of Mars

Received; 9 January 2014 at 14:00 JST


Dear Dr. Minami,

Attached here is my latest drawing of Mars. Seeing was quite disappointing.
I was surprised to learn that you think you'll be back into Mars observation when the snow melts away in this coming spring! You'd like to drive your car yourself to Fukui Observatory 23km away!? With all due respect, it seems to be no go! Please try your first going-back- to-driving with Mrs. Minami in the front seat next to you!


Good Seeing,@Good Health,



Reiichi KONNAÏ (Fukushima, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Mars image 7th of January

Received; 8 January 2014 at 19:27 JST


Hi everyone,


This morning I captured my first Mars images through Astrodon I-series filters.

For many years I have been using the Edmund RGB set and I was curious to see the difference.

Well, the seeing was very marginal this morning so I can't say for sure but it seems that the old Edmund filters produce better colour rendering or more colour saturation but the Astrodon ones let more light through, which helps with the G and B exposure times.


Mars itself looks rather misty and it's interesting how bright Alba Patera is, even though it doesn't seem to have cloud over it like some of the other volcanoes.


Best regards,


Stefan BUDA (Melbourne, AUSTRALIA)




¤·····Subject: Mars 2014/01/08

Received; 8 January 2014 at 18:06 JST



Here is Mars on 2014/01/08.


The seeing was bad and the transparency was average.

T = +7.5


Jean-Jacques POUPEAU (Essonne, FRANCE)




¤·····Subject: Jupiter 6 January

Received; 7 January 2014 at 12:26 JST


Hi All,
I have attached some RGB and CH4 Jupiter images from 6 January. The seeing was quite good because of an advancing cold front. The temperature was plummeting to 70 degrees! :-)
The NNTz LRS remains reddish and very bright in the methane band.

The NTrZ "Oval Z" is very faint in RGB but remains very bright in Methane. The SSTB small red spot is very dark.










Donald PARKER (Coral Gables, FL)




¤·····Subject: Jupiter 3 January

Received; 7 January 2014 at 04:34 JST


Hi All,
I have attached RGB and CH4 Jupiter images from 3 January.
@The SPR reddish spot remains bright in methane and is centered near -60.5 degrees latitude and 315 degrees System II longitude.









Donald PARKER (Coral Gables, FL)




¤·····Subject: Mars 2013-12-30 03:12.6 UT

Received; 5 January 2014 at 22:43 JST





My last picture during 2013 and my first of Mars for this season.


Martin HÖGBERG@(Örebro, Sweden)




¤·····Subject: RGB Saturn, Jan 4

Received; 5 January 2014 at 11:14 JST



Some good seeing this morning on Saturn. It was at an altitude of 38
degrees when this image was captured, 5 degrees higher already than
Jupiter will reach at any time this season :-) And the Saturn season is
just starting...

I've tried to balance the colours as best I can to see something like a
true colour image.

Things to note here are the dramatic colour changes in the northern
hemisphere - the collar surrounding the hex is now a vivid pink whereas
it started out green at the start of the 2013 season and turned a 
mustard yellow in the following months. The yellow colouration now
appears to have migrated southward into a wide band in the mid north

The distinct light band that was a remnant of the 2010/2011 storm is no
longer visible, last year it was a distinct light green.

I've included links to images from the 2013 Saturn apparition so you can
see the colour changes.



Jan 4 2014:

June 11 2013:

April 12 2013:







¤·····Subject: Saturn, Jan 3

Received; 4 January 2014 at 18:05 JST

A very early Saturn image for the season, still very low in the east
before sunrise. It will take a few more weeks before it gets high enough
to escape the murk...

The rings are opening up nicely, and we'll get a great view of the polar
hex this season.












¤·····Subject: Jupiter 2 January

Received; 4 January 2014 at 08:23 JST


Hi All,
I have attached RGB and CH4 Jupiter images from 2 January.








Donald PARKER  (Coral Gables, FL)




¤·····Subject: 10 years on Mars...Let's Celebrate!

Received; 4 January 2014 at 01:00 JST


10 years ago today, the first of our two Mars Exploration Rovers landed on the Red Planet...
So let's party!

Join us at for rover related videos, games, trivia, and information about what Spirit did and what Opportunity continues to do on Mars.

You can also send a personal message to the scientists and engineers responsible for these remarkable roving robots. We'll be collecting messages throughout January, so there's plenty of time to get your friends and family to send messages, too.

Thanks to these rovers, we've all been exploring Mars for a decade. We hope you take a moment to celebrate, look back, and dream about what's next.

Celebrate with us at .


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The Planetary Society


The Planetary Society@(Pasadena, CA)


¤·····Subject: RE:A Happy New Year and CMO #417 updated!

Received; 3 January 2014 at 17:42 JST


Dear Mars Observers,
All the very best wishes for 2014 and thank you for the publications and support

Barry ADCOCK (Victoria, AUSTRALIA)




¤·····Subject:  Mo31Dec_13

Received; 2 January 2014 at 23:47 JST


Mars Images on 2, 4, 31 December 2013


Yukio MORITA (Hiroshima, JAPAN)



¤·····Subject: Ecard from Don Parker

Received; 2 January 2014 at 05:25 JST


Dear Masatsugu,
      I hope that you have a fine birthday and a happy 2014. It is an honor knowing you and working with you on our favorite planet all these years!
Best regards,

Donald PARKER  (Coral Gables, FL)




¤·····Subject: Drawings of Mars

Received; 2 January 2014 at 02:13 JST


Dear Dr. Minami, all,
A happy new year and a fruitful Martian season!


I am attaching here my very first drawings of the red planet for this apparition. Seeing has been atrocious through the last months, unaided eye Mars was twinkling crazily. And finally at an early hour on this cold New Year's Day (still New Year's Eve by GMT) Mars ceased to twinkle to be one of the naked-eye planets ; and I could have visually recognized NPC and some dark markings with my 30cm SCT at last!



Best Regards,


Reiichi KONNAÏ (Fukushima, JAPAN)




¤·····Subject: Jupiter 24 December, SPR spot

Received; 1 January 2014 at 06:10 JST


Hi All and Happy New Year!

 I have attached some RGB and CH4 Jupiter images from 24 December.









Note the small red oval high in the SPR centered at -60 degrees latitude and 322 degrees longitude (II). The spot is bright in the methane band. It is faintly discernable in Chris Go's December 31 image near the f. limb south of the "Mickey Mouse ears." Like Christopher's experience, my seeing had markedly deteriorated when I took the second image, even though the planet was much higher.




Donald PARKER  (Coral Gables, FL)


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