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¤·····Subject: 30 May 2013 prominence lift off & Solar Astronomy Library

Received; 31 May 2013 at 18:13 JST



I was able to capture a prominence lift off event yesterday the 30 May 2013 between 11:18 and 13:12UT the seeing varied from a reasonable grade 2 to a poor grade 4. I rushed to set up and made an error with my camera orientation so I have corrected for this with the final movie [I have put my own slant on it].



If anyone is interested in the history of solar astronomy I have completed an article for the forthcoming issue of Solar Observer [online] magazine but I have tried to trace all the primary sources where this is possible. Here is access to a chronological digital library of over 230 historical books and substantive publications. This has taken months to put together and remains a dynamic document as more of these priceless works are scanned so if anyone knows of other additions please let me know?




Andrew DEVEY (West Yorkshire, the UK)



¤·····Subject: Wearing Percival Lowell's straw hat

Received; 31 May 2013 at 00:54 JST


Dear Masatsugu and Richard,

Here I am wearing Percival Lowell's straw hat in the
Lowell archives.  Either he didn't have as big a head as I always thought, or I have a bigger one than I realized.


On 11/11/13 7:10 PM, "Jan Millsapps" wrote:

Hello Bill!
Good to hear from you, glad that you had a relaxing time on Mars Hill and that, hopefully, you will be able to renegotiate your hospital position as a less stressful one.
Yes, I saw Kevin a few weeks ago at Chabot - unfortunately he was running late (he misjudged the impossible Friday afternoon East Bay traffic), but when I described to him what I'd presented, he said he'd be happy to host me at Lowell for the same or a similar presentation on observing and exploring Mars - but I will probably wait until new versions of my book are released.
@@My work is done at SFSU - for now. Grades turned in this week and I don't have to go back to teaching until spring semester. I'm waiting to move into my new office at home - renovating my son's former "lair" downstairs where I can have a private, quiet place to work, and looking forward to it. Haven't decided what to work on next, book-wise, as I'm deep into discussions with my publisher over the new editions of Venus on Mars - print and ebook editions will be released late this fall, and more complicated multimedia iBook edition and fine art limited edition should be out soon after the first of the year.
@@I'm actually producing an album to go with the multimedia edition - will feature my husband Phill's music/sound compositions, so we're sorting out tracks and sound elements for each. Each track will have some thematic connection to the narrative, like "afterlife" (for Letha), "the big bang," and of course "dust storm on Mars."
@@Also talked to my publisher yesterday about what kind of "art object" will be a part of the fine art limited edition - I know you had suggested the globe-maker you know who has created Mars globes in the past - I suggested this and she is definitely interested - she'd like to talk to the globe maker, if possible, about possible ways to customize a Mars globe. So is there any way you can contact the globe maker and see if he's interested, and, if so, if he'd be willing to have a conversation with my publisher - if so, then many thanks! We are also thinking about possibly creating a planetary mobile, maybe with a tiny model of Mariner circling Mars. Do you think your friend would be able to do something like this?
@@One of the things I intend to do over the next week or so is gather all the notes I scribbled in the margins as I read your "Passion for the Planets" manuscript and email them to you, thinking that may be the next step toward our further discussing a collaborative book project. I'm sure this will have to wait until you complete your Galaxies project. Sounds like that is going well. I remember reading in Marcia Bartusiak's book that the reason Hubble got the recognition more than Slipher (about the expanding universe) is because of his ego and the fact that he promoted himself relentlessly - and I guess his position at Mount WIlson was a great help for him doing this.
@@I'm heading to LA in a few weeks and am thinking of visiting Mount Wilson, which I've never seen - do you know someone there I might contact to who might be able to show me around? Of course I'll go to Griffith as well - it's always a pleasure.
@@Hope your summer goes well, with work, with writing, with everything.
More soon.
- Jan

Jan Millsapps, Ph.D.
Professor of
San Francisco State University

May 26, 2013, at 2:36 PM, Bill  wrote:
Back from
Hi, Jan,
   Back from two weeks in
Flagstaff (my wife joined me this time). I'd planned this long ago, though my social schedule was more laid back since Kevin Schindler had to leave for Chicago on a family matter and Klaus was nursing Margaret who had shoulder surgery the day after I arrived.  That was actually okay, since I've been under quite a lot of stress at work-in fact, I resigned my position at the Child and Adolescent Behavioral Hospital the day before I left for Flag; I was feeling physically, emotionally and mentally drained.  Flag was just what I needed, and  getting away gave me a chance to reconsider the matter.  Since I've come back everyone there has been extremely responsive to try to make things work out.  Not to brag, but I'm pretty indispensable to them, and leaving would be tantamount to pulling a "Samson" on them.  So I'll probably stay here after all.
   I didn't stay in the Slipher apt. this time, but instead in the Mars Hill Lodge, where Kevin lived for a while after he got married.  It actually was more comfy than the Slipher apt., since it wasn't so much in the center of things and more off to the side, and there's good bird watching from the picture window and deck looking south over the woods.
 I always love it at
Lowell.  I did a lot of research on V.M. and tried on Percy's straw hat.   I also seized the chance to get away to Grand Canyon and Monument Valley, just for change of scene.  My heart seems to be in great shape after the pulmonary vein ablation procedure, and I wasn't bothered with atrial fibrillation as I was last time you saw me (!).  I actually had fairly good endurance for hiking and even jogging; despite the altitude.
   I'm making a hard push on the Galaxies book now
@-@just finished writing about V.M., whose radial velocity measure of the "Sombrero" galaxy (NGC 4594) was obtained a century ago last month, and am now writing about Hale and the founding of what Don Osterbrock described in our little paper "Hale's 'Little Elf,' published in 2000 when I was still living in New Zealand.  It seems to me the main reason Hubble eventually got most of the credit for the "expanding universe" was that he was the face of extragalactic astronomy at Mt. Wilson, and the founder of the observatory, Hale, had set it ups as "a monopolistic observatory, the biggest and most successful in the world."  He was more than anyone else who transformed American astronomy from a confused and fragmented activity, in which individuals such as E. E. Barnard, George W. Ritchey, Hale's own optician, and Percival Lowell could still play an important role, to big science, corporate science, in which "the individual was subordinate to, if not crushed by, large institutions and massed resources."  Unfortunately, that's the state of things we're still in today; we can never go back, but one of the things that appeals about the Lowell Observatory is that it still partakes of the romance of the earlier period, when individuals still mattered, and someone like Percival Lowell could follow his dreams wherever they took him.
   I have already gone through most of the earlier chapters and taken heed of your advice
@-@a lot of outtakes are now littering the floor of my study.  The book is better for all that, and I will never forget your comment that my first drafts tend to resemble a filmmaker gone wild with footage.
   Kevin Schindler mentioned he ran into you at Chabot, when he was looking at the telescope there in anticipation of the
Clark restoration project at Lowell (and Antoinette was able to raise the last $100,000 needed while I was there), and was impressed with what you were doing.
   Meanwhile, how go other things--"Venus on Mars," and the book on "seeing."
   Best, Bill

Bill SHEEHAN  (Willmar, MN)




¤·····Subject: Saturn 2013.05.13

Received; 30 May 2013 at 06:31 JST



After a long silence period, here is at last some planetary images of Saturn :

Under average conditions, still R+IR image is detailed:

...with a few spots in the GWS zone:

RGB version, with less details:

Polar projections, the R+IR one shows clearly the hexagon:

Individual LRVB images::



Marc DELCROIX (Tournefeuille, FRANCE)





¤·····Subject: Solar images 26-May-2013  last 6 of 12

Received; 30 May 2013 at 06:08 JST


This completes the set of 12 images . Real Player will run the Animation.






Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK)
Ham call G4PIE



¤·····Subject: Solar images 26-May-2013   6 of 12

Received; 30 May 2013 at 06:04 JST


Hi guys I am sending out two batches of images from this date as there are 12 images all together. I think the 82Gb of avi data is a personal record from one session. There was a flare in progress during imaging of ar 1756. I did an animation from 10:02ut to 10:38ut. You can also see the flare in the mosaic shot timed at 10:00ut.


I imaged the large prominence at 08:42ut and 09:13ut both are here. One shot is shown rotated -90 degrees. I finished off the session with a few spot group shots off the wedge, using a Baader solar continuum filter and an IR blocker plus of course plenty of ND filtration.


The filament shot was taken using a double stack solarmax scope.






Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK)
Ham call G4PIE



¤·····Subject: Saturn + dark spot, May 28

Received; 29 May 2013 at 22:04 JST


Hi all

Seeing last night was a little better than I've had recently, I grabbed lots of data in several channels hoping to capture the dark spot in the NTB/NTZ. in the end it was visible only in the red channel, and not in the green or either IR (742nm or 807nm). This is likely due to the nature of the seeing as much as the intrinsic brightness of the feature.


With enough massaging (and a little bit over-processed as a result), and merging multiple data sets in WinJupos I ended up with this quite interesting image. The dark spot is clearly seen to the upper right, just below the lighter zone created by the 2010/2011 storm. It has a chain of lighter spots left behind it (to the left as we see it here).


The polar hexagon is on display, as well as an evenly spaced series of lighter spots around the mid-north latitude.




regards, Anthony


Anthony WESLEY@(NSW, Australia)




¤·····Subject: Solar mosaics - May 25th 2013

Received; 28 May 2013 at 19:41 JST


Hi All,

Here are two full disc mosaic images of the Sun, one in white light and one in h-alpha, from May 25th 2013.


Best regards,


Pete LAWRENCE (Selsey, the UK)




¤·····Subject: Saturn, May 26

Received; 27 May 2013 at 11:57 JST


Seeing last night was on the slightly-better-than-awful side, good enough to grab some IR data that shows some interesting detail.

The polar hex is visible here, as are a couple of white storms embedded in a thin dark band the northern latitudes.

This is a combined (in Winjupos) image from three separate captures.



regards, Anthony



Anthony WESLEY@(NSW, Australia)




¤·····Subject: The 3 Planets

Received; 27 May 2013 at 06:29 JST


Hi all, a beautiful sunset this evening and as the sky darkened Venus, Jupiter and Mercury cameout to play. Attached is an image taken this evening with a compact camera on a tripod, 1/15 sec at f/5.6.

Nature is a splendid thing. Jupiter on the left, Venus at the bottom and Mercury above.






Peter EDWARDS (West Sussex, the UK)



¤·····Subject: Solar image 23-May-2013

Received; 24 May 2013 at 22:04 JST


Hi Guys a fortutitous cloud gap allowed a montage of AR1755 . The whole chromoscape reminds me of the snakes and ladders board game !


Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK)
Ham call G4PIE



¤·····Subject: M5 Flare May 22 2013 in Ha

Received; 23 May 2013 at 09:37 JST


Hi Folks--I caught the remnants of this mornings M5 flare on the sun's western limb today which originated in active region 11745.  These were taken with the Lunt 100 and a new Pt Grey Grasshopper 3 camera.   Images attached. 



Best Regards,


Jim LAFFERTY (Redlands, CA)




¤·····Subject: Re: ISMO 2012 note 13

Received; 22 May 2013 at 07:01 JST


Dear Masatsugu,

Many thanks for all the kind words...
You can trust me, I'll do my best to maintain the CMO publication. It's a particular media among the amateur world and I think it has a good format for communicating. Moreover, it has now an incredible density of papers !

I'm quite happy to meet Reiichi and Reiko. Maybe we are going to visit the Paris observatory, as we did for the IWCMO four years ago. Since last year, I have begun to taste red wine and now I'm beginning to differentiate them and know which one I appreciate most. With moderation as we say in France, it has also a nice dimension of "culture"...

You would appreciate Nantes quite a lot. The city is marvellous, and I'm very happy with my life here. I always discover new things and I'm missing 90% of all there is to see...


Best wishes,


Christophe PELLIER (Nantes, FRANCE)



¤·····Subject:  Looks Red, must be a Mars instrument

Received; 21 May 2013 at 02:36 JST


Telescopes and music.........  I found a Sanshin today ( )in a music store going out of business!  Now to find a teahouse


Jeff Beish (USAF 1960 - 1968)





Jeff BEISH (FL, the USA)











¤·····Subject:  Huge Coronal Loops 20-May-2013

Received; 20 May 2013 at 20:09 JST


Hi Dave


Here is a short look at the eastern limb structure on the 20 May 2013 from 08:01 to 08:29UT then clouded out.

I hope you like this record of the event




20 May 2013 huge coronal loop structure


The solar explorer



Andrew DEVEY (West Yorkshire, the UK)



¤·····Subject: Saturn, 19th May

Received; 20 May 2013 at 10:01 JST


Hi all,

The long run of poor seeing continues here and across much of Australia. I've attached an amusing image courtesy of Weather Underground that shows the wind shear between ground and high altitude (200mb level I think). Orange is bad.

To help counter this I've switched to a longer wavelength IR filter which is less affected by seeing. It passes 807nm and longer. The image here is a combination of 3 separate images merged in winjupos. The images were taken across a span of 6 minutes. There is not very much visible on this side of Saturn in this filter, poor seeing hides all but the most obvious features.





Anthony WESLEY@(NSW, Australia)




¤·····Subject: Solar Images 16-May-2013

Received; 20 May 2013 at 07:32 JST


Hi Guys, plenty of surface activity on the 16th with tortuous fields in the Active Regions.

 No major prominences.








Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK)
Ham call G4PIE




¤·····Subject: solar images from May 13

Received; 20 May 2013 at 01:55 JST









¤·····Subject: Saturn 16, 17 May 2013

Received; 19 May 2013 at 00:23 JST


Saturn images (S130516)



Saturn images (S130517)



Tomio@AKUTSU  (Cebu, the PHILIPPINES)



¤·····Subject: Monster prominence

Received; 15 May 2013 at 07:11 JST




Yesterday I was privileged to witness a very large eruptive prominence in a rare brief gap between heavy shower clouds, with the Sun rather low in the early evening sky. I have had little chance since to process the data, but have attached a few quick attempts.



I used a Coronado SM40 filter and Flea 3 CCD.


Best Wishes,


Peter J. GARBETT (Bedfordshire, the UK)




¤·····Subject: SOLAR IMAGES 12-May-2013

Received; 15 May 2013 at 05:11 JST


Hi Guys the sun put on a good display of proms this day , plus the Cupid AR 1745






Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK)
Ham call G4PIE



¤·····Subject: Partial Solar Eclipse in Cebu

Received; 13 May 2013 at 13:41 JST




Tomio@AKUTSU  (Cebu, the PHILIPPINES)



¤·····Subject: sun with flare on April 28

Received; 13 May 2013 at 05:24 JST


Hi, here are some solar images from April 28th taken with a PST and a Skynyx 2.0 M.


Full disk

color version


AR 1731 flare



animated gif of the flare







¤·····Subject: The Hexagonal Pattern of Saturnfs North Pole 2013

Received; 12 May 2013 at 23:16 JST



Tomio@AKUTSU  (Cebu, the PHILIPPINES)



¤·····Subject: Saturn 05 May 2013

Received; 12 May 2013 at 11:54 JST


Saturn images (S130505)



Tomio@AKUTSU  (Cebu, the PHILIPPINES)



¤·····Subject: solar images 9-May-2103

Received;@12 May 2013 at 02:42 JST


Hi Guys. I saw this big one on Gong but the sky was mostly cloudy. There was the occasional big blue patch.  Patience paid off and I grabbed the necessary 4 frames several times. The sunspots in Active Regions 1734 and 1732 are shown approaching the off limb. 



Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK)
Ham call G4PIE




¤·····Subject: Solar white light disc with AR11745 detail, May 11th

Received;@12 May 2013 at 00:50 JST


Hi all,

A lovely sunny morning down here in Selsey today (May 11th).  Some good H-alpha detail visible - which I'll sort out later - with the white light view showing the large spot in AR11745 rotating into view.

Best regards,

Pete LAWRENCE (Selsey, the UK)



¤·····Subject: Saturn 2nd May 2013

Received;@11 May 2013 at 20:21 JST



Here is my first image of Saturn this apparition in very wobbly seeing on 2nd May. 

L(RGB) using my new Pierro Astro ADC.





Martin LEWIS (St.Albans, the UK)








¤·····Subject: Saturn images 8th-May-2013

Received;@11 May 2013 at 05:42 JST


Hi Guys here is an image from the 8th May . I have put it alongside one from the 1st, as I am, keeping an eye open for any apparent changes in the globe colour. Back in 2005 we hade some excellent seeing at opposition and I noted that the globes colours became very subdued, they  just "would not process right" . This opposition we have had some clear skies and viable seeing for the poor altitude, so worth a look.  I have added  images from Feb and March 2005 for info.


Will we ever have seeing like that again I ask ? !


This particular flea colorcam , whilst it creates an overly red image with a dim blue, It is easy to balance and correct with consistency, to give a neutral grey ring set.   





best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK)
Ham call G4PIE



¤·····Subject: Re:Solar Images 6th/7th May 2013

Received; 10 May 2013 at 20:03 JST


Hi Dave,

Great shots!

I missed the prom on the 8th due to bad weather but it was still around yesterday (9th) and providing fine views. I've still got to process everything properly but here are a couple of shots of it. The surface/prom shot is a single exposure manipulated to bring out the prom detail.



Best regards,


Pete LAWRENCE (Selsey, the UK)



¤·····Subject: Solar Images 6th/7th May 2013

Received; 10 May 2013 at 19:48 JST


Hi Guys AR's 1734 and 1738-9 are putting on fine wide field display . A few proms about too. Nothing comparing with yesterday's (8th) beauty though.



Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK)
Ham call G4PIE



¤·····Subject: Solar Images 2-May-2013

Received; 9 May 2013 at 00:53 JST


Hi Guys another nice day for solar observing here are a few of the latest Active Regions, taken in H a and IR742 nm.


Best wishes 







Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK)
Ham call G4PIE



¤·····Subject: Solar Images 1-May-2013

Received; 8 May 2013 at 01:28 JST


Hi Guys we had some reasonable seeing on the 1st, along with plenty of activity. 

Some Images are either Single stack double stack or white light, details in file name. 








SStk 90mm Coronado on 5 inch AP EDT130. Dstk 90mm Solarmax scope. White light 5 inch AP EDT130 +Intes Herschel wedge.


Best wishes 


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK)
Ham call G4PIE



¤·····Subject: Two Sketches of Active Region 1734 on May 5th and May 6th 2013

Received; 7May 2013 at 22:00 JST


Sketch 1

One hour of cloud free sky = Active Region 1734 May 5th 2013 PST 40 with 8mm eyepiece.

Pastel on black paper 15:00UT - 15:50UT with brightening in the area close to larger spot observed at 15:38 UT.

Sketch is 5X4 inches.



Sketch 2

Active Region 1734 May 6th 2013 - 09:15 UT - 11:30UT

Sunspot sketched using 8 inch dob with 50mm Baadar solar filter, 14mm eyepiece

Rest of sketch built around it using PST 40 mm with 8 mm eyepiece



The white light drawn sunspot kinda merged into the H-alpha sketch. While I figured this approach would give me a better over all sketch , in practice it did not. The 8mm in the dob was picking up to many aborations and wobbles that the image I viewed was not stable enough so went for the clearer view with the 14 mm.  A bit of an experiment , might try it again using different materials. Pastel on black paper


Did anyone image this AR at these times?





¤·····Subject: Saturn 1-May-2013

Received; 6 May 2013 at 17:17 JST


Hi Guys another clear night and another Saturn image.



This time green was used as L , not as sharp as IR, but it maintains better colour integrity. The colourcam allows live feedback when setting the ADC prisms.  It is very satisfying to watch the view improve as the dispersion colours disappear as the prisms are rotated to "best "position.


Best wishes 


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK)
Ham call G4PIE


¤·····Subject: Sky in the Evening 

Received; 6 May 2013 at 14:49 JST



Tomio@AKUTSU  (Cebu, the PHILIPPINES)




¤·····Subject: Saturn 01 May 2013

Received; 6 May 2013 at 01:03 JST


Saturn images (S130501)




Tomio@AKUTSU  (Cebu, the PHILIPPINES)



¤·····Subject: Saturn 30-April-2013

Received; 5 May 2013 at 19:12 JST


Hi Guys  Here is a Half decent image from the 30th April 2013


 I took a run in IR then a short run with a Colour Flea 3 and combined the two.  It does of course cause the final image to change the belt colours subtly from the colourcam shot, but it did serve to highlight the "string of pearl" spots on the "hips" of the globe. The positions of these are dictated by the IR Luminance image timing. 


Best wishes


Dave TYLER (Bucks, the UK)
Ham call G4PIE



¤·····Subject: Saturn 2nd May

Received; 5 May 2013 at 19:06 JST

Hi all

Here is an image of Saturn taken on 2nd May, seeing fair at best with rippling.

3 RBG images stacked in AS2, wavelet sharpened in Regi 6, colour combined in WinJupos and finished in Photoshop.


Peter EDWARDS (West Sussex, the UK)



¤·····Subject: Jupiter 1 May 2013

Received; 4 May 2013 at 13:17 JST


Jupiter images (J130501)



Tomio@AKUTSU  (Cebu, the PHILIPPINES)



¤·····Subject: Summer Milkyway from Mt. Olympus.

Received; 4 May 2013 at 05:53 JST


Hi all,


Here is a shot of the centre of our galaxy seen from Mt. Olympus, Cyprus back on April 20th. The glow near the horizon is from the city of Limassol around 40km to the south. Despite this skies there are very dark and transparent.

Best Wishes

Damian PEACH (West Sussex, the UK)




¤·····Subject: Saturn 30 April 2013

Received; 1 May 2013 at 14:31 JST


Saturn images (S130430)




Tomio@AKUTSU  (Cebu, the PHILIPPINES)



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