Solar & Planetary LtE Now in the Second half of August 2020

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 LtE in the first half of August 2020

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¤••••• Subject: Mars: August 30, 2020

Received: 1 September 2020 at 10:56 JST


Hi –

I have attached my latest images of Mars August 30, 2020 at 9:36 UT.




Frank J MELILLO (Holtsville, NY)




¤••••• Subject: Mars images (August 12th)

Received: 1 September 2020 at 03:14 JST


Hi all,

Here are some images taken with the 25cm telescope from here at home.

Good seeing. RGB and B filter images presented. The appearance of Solis Lacus in this wavelength is interesting.

Had a lovely view visually as the sky became light.


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Mars August 31st 2020 at 09:14 UT

Received: 1 September 2020 at 01:22 JST


Here is an image of Mars taken August 31st 2020 at 09:14 UT.


Ed GRAFTON (Houston, TX)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/08/11, 13~16, 19, 21

Received: 27 August 2020 at 21:49 JST


Mars images on 11, 13~16, 19 & 21 August 2020.


Best regards,


Kimikazu OZAKI (Aichi, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars, August 30

Received: 31 August 2020 at 11:37 JST


Hi all, here's an image of Mars from this morning, slightly better seeing this time so I included some R+IR data to make the synthetic R channel.

Almost no details to see in G and B, seems like the Martian atmosphere might still be a bit hazy.


regards, Anthony






¤••••• Subject: Mars M200830 ishibashi

Received: 31 August 2020 at 09:43 JST


Mars images on 30 August 2020.


Best regards,


Tsutomu ISHIBASHI (Kanagawa, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars August 30th 2020 at 09:33 UT

Received: 31 August 2020 at 01:36 JST


Here is an image of Mars taken August 30th 2020 at 09:33 UT.


Ed GRAFTON (Houston, TX)




¤••••• Subject: Mars images - August 30

Received: 30 August 2020 at 23:50 JST



Attached is a set of Mars images from August 30.

Poor seeing (2/5). Good transparency and clear. Some wind. Low humidity.

Cold front came through several hours ago.




Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤••••• Subject: Mars image (August 9th)

Received: 30 August 2020 at 23:34 JST


Hi all,

Here is an image from August 9th under poor seeing conditions.


Best wishes


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Mo29Aug

Received: 30 August 2020 at 22:32 JST


Mars images on 29 August 2020.


Best regards,


Yukio MORITA (Hiroshima, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Evening side AMEC

Received: 30 August 2020 at 18:37 JST


Hi Tomio,


This is great, probably the first ground based distinct capturing of the evening side Arsia Mons Elongated Cloud!


     Good Seeing,





Reiichi KONNAÏ (Fukushima, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars, August 29 IR-G-B

Received: 30 August 2020 at 13:14 JST


Hi all, here's an image of Mars from this morning using IR750 longpass as red.

Olympus Mons is visible at top and the Tharsis volcanoes can be seen below and to the right.


regards, Anthony






¤••••• Subject: Mars images 26 August 2020 revised

Received: 30 August 2020 at 12:23 JST


Please find an attached revised montage of 26 August Mars images, in which the fourth image is replaced by a closer time sharper one.


Reiichi KONNAÏ (Fukushima, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 20200829

Received: 30 August 2020 at 11:55 JST


Mars images on 29 August 2020.


Best regards,


Tomio AKUTSU (Ibaraki, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 29 August 2020

Received: 30 August 2020 at 11:52 JST


Mars images on 29 August 2020.

Use of 20cm Refractor of the Fukui City Museum of Natural History.


Best regards,


Yasunobu YOSHIZAWA (Fukui, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars M200829 ishibashi

Received: 30 August 2020 at 10:29 JST


Mars image on 29 August 2020.


Best regards,


Tsutomu ISHIBASHI (Kanagawa, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars image (August 7th)

Received: 30 August 2020 at 01:35 JST


Hi all,

Here is an image from August 7th.

The Tharsis volcanoes are well seen. A curved streak of dust is visible near the SPC.


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Mars Images

Received: 30 August 2020 at 00:48 JST


Hello Everyone,
I am sending my latest Mars images.

I used a SCT 14" telescope with ASI 290MM camera and a Uranoport 1.5X barlow.

Thank you and steady skies to all.


Tim WILSON (Jefferson City, MO)




¤••••• Subject: Second Mars image (August 27th)

Received: 29 August 2020 at 19:16 JST


Hi all,

Here is another image from the 27th taken earlier on in the session.


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/08/28-Kumamori

Received: 29 August 2020 at 18:52 JST


Mars images on 28 August 2020.


Best regards,


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)






¤••••• Subject: Mars images - August 28

Received: 29 August 2020 at 18:51 JST



Attached is a set of Mars images from August 28.

Below average (3/5-) seeing. Below average transparency and clear. Relative humidity was near 100%.




Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤••••• Subject: Mars - August 27th

Received: 29 August 2020 at 09:14 JST


Hi to All!,

My latest sessions of Mars on August 27th.



Efrain MORALES RIVERA (Aguadilla, Puerto Rico)




¤••••• Subject: Mars M200828 ishibashi

Received: 29 August 2020 at 07:06 JST


Mars image on 28 August 2020.


Best regards,


Tsutomu ISHIBASHI (Kanagawa, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars images 26 August 2020

Received: 28 August 2020 at 20:19 JST


Dear All,

Have attached a set of Mars images from 26 August. Seeing and transparency were variable.

Changes of the Tharsis volcanoes as they approach to the dusk terminator were awesome.

A large oval shaped lighter area near the dawn limb just north off the SPC was visually very conspicuous, ash grey with a slight tint of yellowish green(see 17h38m image)Fdust event there?


 Good Seeing,


Reiichi KONNAÏ (Fukushima, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Saturn image (August 27th.)

Received: 28 August 2020 at 19:58 JST


Hi all,

Here is an image from the 27th. Decent seeing despite very poor transparency.


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Mars M200827 ishibashi

Received: 28 August 2020 at 11:42 JST


Mars image on 27 August 2020.


Best regards,


Tsutomu ISHIBASHI (Kanagawa, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars - August 26th

Received: 28 August 2020 at 07:56 JST


Hi to All!,

My latest sessions of Mars on August 26th and Jupiter on August 25th.





Efrain MORALES RIVERA (Aguadilla, Puerto Rico)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 27 August RGB Image

Received: 28 August 2020 at 04:38 JST


Margaritifer Sinus near center in this image taken under fair conditions.


Gary WALKER (Macon, GA)




¤••••• Subject: Mars images - August 26

Received: 28 August 2020 at 03:12 JST



Attached is a set of Mars images from August 26.

Poor (2/5-) seeing.  Very good transparency and clear.




Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤••••• Subject: Mars image (August 27th)

Received: 28 August 2020 at 03:12 JST


Hi all,

Here is an image from the 27th.

Very poor transparency due to Saharan dust. Syrtis Major is central.

Novus Mons is still just about there....


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/08/26

Received: 27 August 2020 at 21:49 JST


Mars images on 26 August 2020.


Best regards,


Kimikazu OZAKI (Aichi, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/08/26-Kumamori

Received: 27 August 2020 at 17:44 JST


Mars images on 26 August 2020.


Best regards,


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars Sketch 25 August 2020

Received: 27 August 2020 at 02:56 JST



I have attached a new sketch of Mars. 


Here are the details:

Mars 25 August 2020 0855 UT

CM: 32   Ls: 265  De: -18.0  Dia: 17.9"

Seeing: 5/10 P  Trans: 3/6   Alt: 58

35cm SCT f/11 @ 326x   ZWO ADC  Filters: W23A, 30, & IL




Michael ROSOLINA (Friars Hill, WV, the USA)




¤••••• Subject: Jupiter 20200826

Received: 26 August 2020 at 21:05 JST


Jupiter images on 26 August 2020.



Best regards,


Tomio AKUTSU (Ibaraki, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/08/25

Received: 26 August 2020 at 21:05 JST


Mars images on 25 August 2020.


Best regards,


Kimikazu OZAKI (Aichi, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/08/25-Kumamori

Received: 26 August 2020 at 18:26 JST


Mars images on 25 August 2020.


Best regards,


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: RE: New Features on Jupiter?

Received: 26 August 2020 at 15:26 JST


Hi, Jim

These indeed are relatively new features that you have captured.

The light spot is an intense outbreak (erupting plume) in the fast moving NTBs Jetstream that was first noted by I Miyazaki on 18 August, and has been monitored closely since then.

The dark feature immediately following it has developed over the last few days.

In high resolution images it is becoming quite complex. An exciting development.

Best regards, Clyde


From: Jim Melka <>
26 August 2020 07:49 AM
Subject: Re: New Features on Jupiter?


Hi everyone,

I just processed a Jupiter image on Aug 25 UT. See the attachment. Arrows point to bright white disk in a North Tropical zone and a little further west looks like a dark disk. Is it a moon of Jupiter and its shadow?  Could these be impacts or maybe just big eruptions? Or just normal features?





Clyde FOSTER (Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA)




¤••••• Subject: Mars: August 25, 2020

Received: 26 August 2020 at 11:51 JST


Hi -  

  I have attached my latest images of Mars on August 25, 2020 at 9:16 UT.




Frank J MELILLO (Holtsville, NY)




¤••••• Subject: Mars August 25th 2020 at 09:11 UT

Received: 26 August 2020 at 02:10 JST


Here is an image of Mars taken August 25th 2020 at 09:11 UT.


Ed GRAFTON (Houston, TX)




¤••••• Subject: Mars image - August 25

Received: 26 August 2020 at 00:02 JST



Attached is a set of Mars images from August 25.

Good (4/5) seeing.  Fair transparency and clear.




Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤••••• Subject: Saturn image (August 23rd.)

Received: 25 August 2020 at 23:55 JST


Hi all,

Here is an image from the 23rd. Pretty good seeing. A dark feature can be seen on the edge of the polar hexagon.


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/08/24

Received: 25 August 2020 at 21:12 JST


Mars images on 24 August 2020.


Best regards,


Kimikazu OZAKI (Aichi, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 24 August 2020

Received: 25 August 2020 at 20:31 JST


Dear All,

Here attached a Mars image captured in the morning blue sky.

Note the prominent terminator protrusion north off the SPC, seems to be Martian daily event these days, first noticed in Japan by Teruaki Kumamori.

Visually, it shows a slight tint of yellowFdusty matter?


@@Stay Healthy, Stay Martian@


Reiichi KONNAÏ (Fukushima, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/08/24-Kumamori

Received: 25 August 2020 at 17:39 JST


Mars images on 24 August 2020.


Best regards,


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 24 August 2020

Received: 25 August 2020 at 17:20 JST


Mars images on 24 August 2020.

Use of 20cm Refractor of the Fukui City Museum of Natural History.


Best regards,


Yasunobu YOSHIZAWA (Fukui, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars M200824 ishibashi

Received: 25 August 2020 at 08:38 JST


Mars image on 24 August 2020.


Best regards,


Tsutomu ISHIBASHI (Kanagawa, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars images - August 23

Received: 24 August 2020 at 23:41 JST



Attached is a set of Mars images from August 23.

Good (4/5) seeing.  Average transparency and clear.




Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤••••• Subject: Jupiter 20200823-2

Received: 24 August 2020 at 23:40 JST


Jupiter images on 23 August 2020.


Best regards,


Tomio AKUTSU (Ibaraki, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/08/23-Kumamori

Received: 24 August 2020 at 17:06 JST


Mars images on 23 August 2020.


Best regards,


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Jupiter 20200823

Received: 24 August 2020 at 14:50 JST


Jupiter images on 23 August 2020.



Best regards,


Tomio AKUTSU (Ibaraki, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars M200823 ishibashi

Received: 24 August 2020 at 06:23 JST


Mars image on 23 August 2020.


Best regards,


Tsutomu ISHIBASHI (Kanagawa, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Minami and Mars

Received: 24 August 2020 at 04:50 JST


Dear Reiichi, Tomako, Murakami and friends,
   Although itfs been a very strange year here, Mars and the Earth continue, as Masatsugu would have said, to continue in their orbits undeterred, and we are now less than two months away from the best opposition for northern hemisphere observers until at least 2035. 

 Ifm planning with Lowell Observatory to do some public outreach activities including live streaming of Mars through the telescopes on Mars Hill, and hope to include some using the 8-inch Newtonian with the Saheki mirror which as you know is now in Flagstaff along with Masatsugufs treasure-trove of observing books. 

(Unfortunately, COVID has interrupted my attempts to scan these and get them online so that Mars researchers can access them.)
   So Masatsugu is very much in our minds and hearts at this exciting Martian season.  (Itfs hard to believe that the 2005 opposition, when Mars was placed very much as it will be this year and Masatsugu did perhaps his best work ever at
Mt. Hamilton with the Lick refractor, is now fifteen years ago already!  It seems like yesterdayc.)
   Thought you would want to know the latest news from here.



Bill SHEEHAN (Flagstaff, AZ)




¤••••• Subject: Jupiter image (July 30th.)

Received: 24 August 2020 at 02:58 JST


Hi all,

Here is an image from July 30th. Poor to fair seeing.


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Possible detection of Elysium Mons as a shaded relief spot

Received: 23 August 2020 at 23:01 JST


Dear All,

Attached here is a montage showing the possible detection of Elysium Mons as a shaded relief point. I fondly recall nine years ago when Christophe Pellier and I discussed the ground-based detectability of Elysium Mons as a shaded 3D relief in the leadoff article of CMO #388F


It was quite challenging then, but now, thanks to the advance in imaging/processing technology and the recent larger apparent diameter of Mars, it seems to be much easier!




Note that a huge Martian low-profile volcanic mound can be seen as a real shaded relief near the planetary limb under very small phase angle, even around opposition period (please find also attached a schema). You should be careful in analyzing the huge Martian volcano as seen in the vicinity of the image disk periphery, what you see may be the mixture of albedo pattern, opposition brightening effect, influence of misty matter, and the real progressive darkening of the shadowy part, all susceptible to overprocessing.




   Stay Safe, Stay Martian,


Reiichi KONNAÏ (Fukushima, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Jupiter 20200820

Received: 23 August 2020 at 18:51 JST



Jupiter images on 20 August 2020.



Best regards,


Tomio AKUTSU (Ibaraki, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/08/22

Received: 23 August 2020 at 15:12 JST


Mars images on 22 August 2020.


Best regards,


Kimikazu OZAKI (Aichi, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020 August 19 & 22

Received: 23 August 2020 at 11:27 JST


View of  Sinus Sabaeus, Sinus Meridiani and Mare Erythraeum.

The eMitchel mountainsf split in the SPC is clear, though we now know they are not mountains.



David ARDITTI (Edgware, Middx., the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 20200819

Received: 23 August 2020 at 07:38 JST


Mars images on 19 August 2020.


Best regards,


Tomio AKUTSU (Ibaraki, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars - 19, 20 and 21 August, 2020

Received: 23 August 2020 at 06:10 JST


Dear Masami,

Attached are some images of Mars taken on August 19th, 20th and 21st for here in Houston, Texas, USA.


Best wishes,


Bill FLANAGAN (Houston, TX )




¤••••• Subject: Jupiter with GRS and Oval BA (August 18th)

Received: 23 August 2020 at 05:14 JST


Hi all,

A rare spell of good seeing. The GRS and Oval BA are well seen, with BA now almost in conjunction with the GRS. Europa and shadow are in transit.


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Mars August 22nd 2020 at 09:32 UT

Received: 23 August 2020 at 01:16 JST


Here is an image of Mars taken August 22nd 2020 at 09:32 UT.


Ed GRAFTON (Houston, TX)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/08/21-Kumamori

Received: 22 August 2020 at 17:31 JST


Mars images on 21 August 2020.


Best regards,


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 20 August 2020

Received: 22 August 2020 at 09:32 JST


Mars images on 20 August 2020.

Use of 20cm Refractor of the Fukui City Museum of Natural History.


Best regards,


Yasunobu YOSHIZAWA (Fukui, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars August 21st 2020 at 09:18 UT

Received: 22 August 2020 at 07:19 JST


Here is an image of Mars taken August 21st 2020 at 09:18 UT


Ed GRAFTON (Houston, TX)




¤••••• Subject: Re: Mars 20 August RGB Image

Received: 22 August 2020 at 05:51 JST


Hi Gary,

I believe the problem is on Mars. It's looks like for the last two months or more the atmosphere has been saturated with dust much like it would be after a global dust storm had just ended.

The contrast has been low for many bright and dark features and they have a tan-colored appearance that for me indicates airborne dust. Has anyone else observed this?

Good seeing,



Jim MELKA (ALPO: Chesterfield, MO)




¤••••• Subject: Mars image (August 20th)

Received: 22 August 2020 at 05:31 JST


Hi all,

Here is a view of Mars from Aug 20th. Fair to good seeing.

Sinus Meridiani is nicely on view with the outline of Schiaparelli well defined. Novus Mons is the detached segment of SPC.

76cm RC with ASI290MM.


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Mars images - August 21

Received: 21 August 2020 at 23:30 JST



Attached is a set of Mars images from August 21.

Average (3/5) to good (4/5) seeing.  Fair transparency and clear.




Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/08/20

Received: 21 August 2020 at 16:57 JST


Mars image on 20 August 2020.


Best regards,


Kimikazu OZAKI (Aichi, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/08/20-Kumamori

Received: 21 August 2020 at 16:17 JST


Mars images on 20 August 2020.


Best regards,


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 20 August RGB Image

Received: 21 August 2020 at 10:43 JST


Low resolution and contrast due to less than good seeing. Solis Lacus near CM. Not otherwise remarkable.



Gary WALKER (Macon, GA)




¤••••• Subject: Mars: August 20, 2020

Received: 21 August 2020 at 10:33 JST


Hi - I have attached my image of Mars August 20, 2020 at 9:49 UT and 10:00 UT.




Frank J MELILLO (Holtsville, NY)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 200820 ishibashi

Received: 21 August 2020 at 09:28 JST


Mars image on 20 August 2020.


Best regards,


Tsutomu ISHIBASHI (Kanagawa, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars August 20th 2020 at 08:39 UT

Received: 21 August 2020 at 08:46 JST


Here is an image of Mars taken August 20th 2020 at 08:39 UT


Ed GRAFTON (Houston, TX)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 19 August 2020

Received: 21 August 2020 at 00:36 JST


Dear all,

I am attaching here my latest images of Mars taken under favorable condition.

700X view through a binocular viewer was just stunning, like Antoniadifs drawings.

Some dust activity just north off the SPC?


  Good Seeing,


Reiichi KONNAÏ (Fukushima, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars images - August 20

Received: 20 August 2020 at 23:20 JST



Attached is a set of Mars images from August 20.

Seeing was below average (3/5-). Fair transparency and clear.




Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/08/19-Kumamori

Received: 20 August 2020 at 17:26 JST


Mars images on 19 August 2020.


Best regards,


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Jupiter 20200819

Received: 20 August 2020 at 14:14 JST


Jupiter images on 19 August 2020.




NTBs jetstream outbreak



Best regards,


Tomio AKUTSU (Ibaraki, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars M200819 ishibashi

Received: 20 August 2020 at 08:28 JST


Mars image on 19 August 2020.


Best regards,


Tsutomu ISHIBASHI (Kanagawa, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars images - August 19

Received: 20 August 2020 at 05:42 JST



Attached is a set of Mars images from August 19.

Average (3/5) seeing. Good transparency and clear.




Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤••••• Subject: Mars August 19th 2020 at 09:16 UT

Received: 20 August 2020 at 01:18 JST


Here is a Mars image taken August 19th 2020 at 09:16 UT.


Ed GRAFTON (Houston, TX)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 18 August 2020

Received: 20 August 2020 at 00:08 JST


Mars images on 18 August 2020.

Use of 20cm Refractor of the Fukui City Museum of Natural History.


Best regards,


Yasunobu YOSHIZAWA (Fukui, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars@2020/08/18

Received: 19 August 2020 at 17:28 JST


Mars images on 18 August 2020.


Best regards,


Kimikazu OZAKI (Aichi, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/08/18-Kumamori

Received: 19 August 2020 at 17:16 JST

Mars images on 18 August 2020.


Best regards,


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)








¤••••• Subject: Mars 18 August RGB Image

Received: 19 August 2020 at 04:11 JST


Seeing only fair compared to yesterday. The cloud at Arsia Mons appears faint but persists.



Gary WALKER (Macon, GA)




¤••••• Subject: Mars - August 16th

Received: 19 August 2020 at 01:50 JST


Hi to All!, My latest sessions of Mars on August 16th.



Efrain MORALES RIVERA (Aguadilla, Puerto Rico)




¤••••• Subject: Mars August 18th 2020 at 09:28 UT

Received: 19 August 2020 at 00:37 JST


Here is an image of Mars taken August 18th 2020 at 09:28 UT


Ed GRAFTON (Houston, TX)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/08/17

Received: 18 August 2020 at 12:09 JST


Mars images on 17 August 2020.


Best regards,


Kimikazu OZAKI (Aichi, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/08/17-Kumamori

Received: 18 August 2020 at 12:06 JST


Mars images on 17 August 2020.


Best regards,


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars - August 16, 2020

Received: 18 August 2020 at 08:55 JST


Hello Masami,

Attached is a set of images from the August 16. 

Maybe a little dust activity showing near the south polar cap around Long=177 &  Lat=-75 in Thyle.


Best wishes,


Bill FLANAGAN (Houston, TX )




¤••••• Subject: Mars 17 August RGB Image

Received: 18 August 2020 at 08:28 JST


Note a small orographic cloud over Arsia Mons and some yellowish-brown dusty clouds near the SPC.


Gary WALKER (Macon, GA)




¤••••• Subject: Mars images - August 17

Received: 18 August 2020 at 06:57 JST



Attached is a set of Mars images from August 17.

Average (3/5) seeing. Good transparency and clear.




Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤••••• Subject: Mars in good seeing (Aug 16th)

Received: 18 August 2020 at 03:29 JST


Hi all,

Here is a view of Mars from Aug 16th. Good seeing.

Solis Lacus is nicely on view with the canyons around Coprates and Melas Lacus especially well defined.

A fine rift visible across the SPC. 76cm RC with ASI290MM.


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 13, 14 and 15 August, 2020

Received: 18 August 2020 at 00:49 JST


Dear Masami,

Attached are some images of Mars taken on August 13th, 14th and 15th .  

Mars has finally gotten high enough in the sky to reach it in my backyard.  

We had a good week of weather here last week. 

Hopefully Ifll be sending you more as this apparition progresses. 

Things look pretty calm on Mars right now.  Some hint of the north polar hood appears to be showing.


Best wishes,


Bill FLANAGAN (Houston, TX )




¤••••• Subject: Mars 16 August 2020

Received: 17 August 2020 at 18:16 JST


Mars images on 16 August 2020.

Use of 20cm Refractor of the Fukui City Museum of Natural History.


Best regards,


Yasunobu YOSHIZAWA (Fukui, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/08/16-Kumamori

Received: 17 August 2020 at 15:14 JST


Mars images on 16 August 2020.


Best regards,


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Jupiter 20200816

Received: 17 August 2020 at 13:09 JST


Jupiter image on 16 August 2020.




Best regards,


Tomio AKUTSU (Ibaraki, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/08/12

Received: 17 August 2020 at 11:07 JST


Mars images on 12 August 2020.


Best regards,


Kimikazu OZAKI (Aichi, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 16-8-2020 (red image)

Received: 17 August 2020 at 06:54 JST



 Today's Mars 16-8-2020.
Detail image with many Martian craters.
These mornings Mars observed. Transparency was very poor, partly due to rising clouds.

This time no RGB recording but only a red recording with Chroma red filter.

Telescope C14, 1x dispersion prism and Basler Ace 640




Richard BOSMAN (Enschede, the Netherlands)

Met Vriendelijk Groet Richard Bosman




¤••••• Subject: Mars image taken on 16 th August 2020.

Received: 17 August 2020 at 02:50 JST


Dear Mr. Murakami,

Attached to this email please find my photograph of Mars taken today on 16 th August 2020 at 2:25 UT from my home.

The settings were the same as earlier. I took the image with a 6 inch SOLIGOR MT-750 reflector.

The image was shot afocal through a 15 mm Plössl eyepiece using a FUJIFILM JX600. I also used a 2x Barlow lens.

Image stacking was done with REGISTAX. Further processing was done with IRIS and ImageJ.


Best regards,

Maciej CZEPITA (Szczecin, POLAND)




¤••••• Subject: Mars August 16th 2020 at 09:29 UT

Received: 17 August 2020 at 01:44 JST


Here is an image of Mars taken August 16th 2020 at 09:29 UT


Ed GRAFTON (Houston, TX)




¤••••• Subject: Mars images - August 15

Received: 17 August 2020 at 01:23 JST



Attached is a set of Mars images from August 15.

Poor seeing (2/5). Good transparency and clear. Image quality is not very good.

I used only the best 2% of the captured frames.




Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤••••• Subject: Mars Mo in July - August

Received: 16 August 2020 at 22:18 JST


Mars Images on 30 July~ 08 August.



¤••••• Subject: Mars images - August 3

Received: 16 August 2020 at 21:01 JST



Attached is a set of Mars images from August 3 which I finally had a chance to process.

Average (3/5) seeing. Fair transparency. A few thin cloud in the area but not posing any problems to imaging.

Very humid and swampy. Dewing of the optics was a problem.




Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/08/15-Kumamori

Received: 16 August 2020 at 17:21 JST


Mars images on 15 August 2020.


Best regards,


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 13 August 2020 18h05m GMT

Received: 16 August 2020 at 15:28 JST


Hi all,

This is my very first observation of Mars in this apparition.

Seeing wasnft that good but the great Syrtis Major welcomed me!

Visually, the contrast of the albedo markings was rather high than I had expected.

Feel some yellowish tint along the limbFconsiderable amounts of airborne dust still remain?


Stay healthy, stay areoholic,


Reiichi KONNAÏ (Fukushima, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars M200815 ishibashi

Received: 16 August 2020 at 12:03 JST


Mars image on 15 August 2020.


Best regards,


Tsutomu ISHIBASHI (Kanagawa, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 20200815

Received: 16 August 2020 at 11:43 JST


Mars images on 15August 2020.


Best regards,


Tomio AKUTSU (Ibaraki, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 15 August 0338UT  RGB IR 

Received: 16 August 2020 at 02:01 JST


Hi all,

Poor RGB data, but I persevered to try and give some context to the IR, which showed some reasonable detail.

In the IR there appear to be two brighter spots in the region of Solis Lacus, the albedo structure of Aurorae Sinus is quite marked and there is a slight lightening extending across the southern regions.

Best regards, Clyde


Clyde FOSTER (Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 14 August 2020

Received: 16 August 2020 at 00:22 JST


Mars images on 14 August 2020.

Use of 20cm Refractor of the Fukui City Museum of Natural History.


Best regards,


Yasunobu YOSHIZAWA (Fukui, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars August 15th 2020 at 09:38 UT

Received: 16 August 2020 at 00:14 JST


Interesting to see the volcanoes on today's image.


Study finds martian volcanofs last eruption


Ed GRAFTON (Houston, TX)



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