Solar & Planetary LtE Now in the first half of July 2020

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¤••••• Subject: Mars images - July 14 

Received: 15 July 2020 at 08:08 JST



Attached is a set of Mars images from July 14.

Seeing was about average (3/5) with good transparency and no clouds. Not as humid, but still some fogging of the optics.




Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 07-14--2020 

Received: 15 July 2020 at 02:48 JST


Here is an image of Mars taken July 14 2020 at 10:48 UT.


Ed GRAFTON (Houston, TX)




¤••••• Subject: C/2020 F3 on July 13th 

Received: 14 July 2020 at 05:36 JST


Hi all,

Here is an image of NEOWISE taken last night produced by Ian Sharp and Myself.


71mm APO with Canon 6D. 51 x 15secs. Dual stack on comet and stars.


Some high clouds and haze are present but still both tails look wonderful.


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Binary system Alpha Herc. 

Received: 14 July 2020 at 00:10 JST


Hi all,

Testing a new telescope last night i imaged the colourful double star Alpha Herculis with an excellent result obtained. The colours of the components appear here just as i saw them visually. I had not realised both stars themselves have companions - though i may need a slight increase in aperture to catch those ;-)


The image is also a great real illustration of diffraction, appearing just as you see in optical texts.


Takahashi 250mm Dall-Kirkham. ASI 224MC camera.


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Mars:  

Received: 13 July 2020 at 11:22 JST


Hi -

  I have attached my first shot of Mars of the 2020 apparition.



Frank J MELILLO (Holtsville, NY)




¤••••• Subject: Jupiter image (May 17th)  

Received: 13 July 2020 at 07:47 JST


Hi all,

Here is Jupiter from May 17th. Average seeing at best. The GRS is well seen.


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Mars images - July 12

Received: 13 July 2020 at 06:00 JST



Attached is a set of Mars images from July 12. Seeing was no better than average (3/5) with good transparency and no clouds. It was very humid.



Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 12 July 0356UT   RGB IR 

Received: 13 July 2020 at 03:54 JST


Hi, all

Low res result from this morning. Given the conditions, I had to allow saturation of the SPC to get out what I could but was interested to see what this area, where there has been recent dust activity, was looking like.

Best regards, Clyde


Clyde FOSTER (Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA)




¤••••• Subject: Mars - July 11th

Received: 13 July 2020 at 02:47 JST


Hi to All!,

My latest sessions of Mars on July 11th.


Venus on this day also.


Efrain MORALES RIVERA (Aguadilla, Puerto Rico)




¤••••• Subject: RE: Mars 07-09--2020

Received: 13 July 2020 at 01:36 JST


Here is an image of Mars taken July 12 2020 at 10:23 UT.


Ed GRAFTON (Houston, TX)




¤••••• Subject: C/2020 F3 on July 11th - take two.  

Received: 12 July 2020 at 23:53 JST


Hi all,

Here is the comet of the moment captured this time using a longer integration time.



WO71 APO with Canon 6D. 30 x 10secs. Some cloud across the nucleus toward left.


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Re: C/2020 F3 on July 11th  

Received: 12 July 2020 at 07:06 JST


Beautiful image Damian. Herefs mine from this morning.

At the Farm looking over my observatory where we saw the total eclipse of the sun. 









¤••••• Subject: C/2020 F3 on July 11th  

Received: 12 July 2020 at 05:57 JST


Hi all,

Here is an image showing C/2020 F3 taken last night by Ian Sharp and Myself from his observatory near Selsey, UK. Ideal weather conditions. A wonderful sight hanging low over the northern horizon!


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 07-09--2020  

Received: 10 July 2020 at 07:16 JST


A correction to the date on the image has been made to read July 9th at 10:46 UT.


Ed GRAFTON (Houston, TX)




¤••••• Subject: Mars Sketch 07 July 2020  

Received: 9 July 2020 at 10:27 JST



I have attached a new sketch of Mars. 


Here are the details:

Mars 07 July 2020 0755 UT

CM: 125  Ls: 234  De: -22.8  Dia: 12.0"

Seeing: 6/10 P  Trans: 3/6  Alt: 35

35cm SCT f/11 @ 355x  ZWO ADC  Filters: W23, 30, 80A, & IL




Michael ROSOLINA (Friars Hill, WV)

Twin Sugars Observatory




¤••••• Subject: Jupiter image (June 14th)   

Received: 9 July 2020 at 04:15 JST


Hi all,

Here is an image from June 14th under average seeing.


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020.07.04   

Received: 9 July 2020 at 03:45 JST



First Mars of this new apparition, nice to see it again!

Valles Marineris and Tharsis are visible:


Steady skies,


Marc DELCROIX (Tournefeuille, FRANCE)




¤••••• Subject: Mars - July 7th   

Received: 9 July 2020 at 01:33 JST


Hi to All!,

My most recent session of Mars on July 7th.



Efrain MORALES RIVERA (Aguadilla, Puerto Rico)




¤••••• Subject: Saturn images 7th July 2020   

Received: 8 July 2020 at 22:37 JST


Here are Saturn images from July 7th. No particular details at thoses longitudes.







Christophe PELLIER (Nantes, FRANCE)
Planetary astronomy and imaging




¤••••• Subject: Jupiter images 7th July 2020   

Received: 8 July 2020 at 22:31 JST


Hi all,

Here are some Jupiter images taken under fair seeing for the elevation. Nice turmoil in the NEB.







Christophe PELLIER (Nantes, FRANCE)
Planetary astronomy and imaging




¤••••• Subject: Additional Mars image - July 6   

Received: 8 July 2020 at 21:30 JST



Here is an additional image from July 6.

This is my best image for the day. There is a dust cloud to the south of Cimmerium. This dust cloud has been spotted since July 5 by other observers. Also interesting are the spoke-like features in the polar cap.




Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤••••• Subject: RE: Mars 6 July 0342UT   RGB IR   

Received: 8 July 2020 at 15:35 JST


Oh, and I do need to make a special mention of NASAfs handling of the event.

Their press releases, Twitter, Instagram and FB posts helped escalate the public exposure exponentially.

I am highly appreciative of their acknowledgement of the work that we do as amateurs.

In particular, the work that the Juno mission team has done on the mission is just exceptional.

Cheers, Clyde


From: Clyde Foster

Sent: 08 July 2020 08:31 AM
Subject: RE: Mars 6 July 0342UT RGB IR


Thanks, Jim

Yes, it has been an incredibly exciting period for me, and it has been wonderful to see the level of exposure that it has attracted.

I will always be thankful that I was there at that moment in time!

But I sincerely hope that this also provides exposure for the whole pro-Am planetary community, and highlights the work that we all do as a team and community. I have been privileged to work with many excellent and committed teams during my career as a Chemical Engineer, but the level of dedication commitment and hard work of this community is something very special.

Best regards, Clyde


From: Jim Melka

Sent: 07 July 2020 09:37 PM
Subject: Re: Mars 6 July 0342UT RGB IR


Congrats on Clyde's Spot!! You're famous. Have you been uploading images as part of the JunoCam project?

I'm sure you want to see if it turns red. It would be like

the GRS' baby. I saw report Clyde's Spot


I agree with your interpretation of where there are dust clouds on Mars.


Good seeing,





Clyde FOSTER (Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA)




¤••••• Subject: Mars images 02/03 July   

Received: 8 July 2020 at 00:10 JST


Hello all,

Here are recent images.

Weather here in the SE USA has made imaging very challenging!

All the best,


Gary WALKER (Macon, GA)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 6 July 0342UT   RGB IR   

Received: 7 July 2020 at 21:28 JST


Hi all,

Slightly improved conditions this morning. Itfs nice to see at least the major albedo features are visible, including Valles Marineris, S Aurorae, parts of Nilokeras and S Lacus.

There is some indication of dust, particularly in the Argyre region, with possibly some dust impinging on to the SPC in that area.

Best regards, Clyde


Clyde FOSTER (Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA)




¤••••• Subject: Mars - June 30th 

Received: 7 July 2020 at 06:59 JST


Hi to All!,

My most recent session of Mars on June 30th.



Efrain MORALES RIVERA (Aguadilla, Puerto Rico)




¤••••• Subject: Jupiter images (May 6th) 

Received: 7 July 2020 at 05:09 JST


Hi all,

Here is an image from May 6th.

Poor seeing but a nice view with Io and shadow with Oval BA below.


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Saturn & satellites 2020.07.04 

Received: 7 July 2020 at 03:51 JST



On independence day, Saturn low in the sky but under correct conditions. On one infrared image, I might have captured one or two spots (but not confirmed on an earlier IR image) - in NNTB and NTrZ:


True RGB:

Another IR:

Steady skies,


Marc DELCROIX (Tournefeuille, FRANCE)




¤••••• Subject: Mars images - July 6 

Received: 7 July 2020 at 02:28 JST



Attached is a set of Mars images from July 6.

Above average seeing (3/5+). Very poor transparency with passing clouds, improving as the session continued. High humidity.




Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 6 July 0401UT   RGB IR 

Received: 7 July 2020 at 00:17 JST


Hi all,

Seeing was just about good enough to put out a full data set, although the B was very poor.

The main albedo features around Valles Marineris (almost centre) and Solis Lacus (just above centre) can be seen which indicates to me that there is not intense, large scale dust activity in this region.

However, I again have the perception of yellow-brown clouds or haze over a lot of the terminator region as well as possibly extending across the southern regions near the SPC.

Itfs just a pity that the recent seeing conditions (for a lot of southern observers it seems) have been poor. The session yesterday morning was a total write-off.

Best regards, Clyde


Clyde FOSTER (Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA)




¤••••• Subject: Mars Sketch 03 July 2020

Received: 6 July 2020 at 01:06 JST



I have attached a new sketch of Mars. 


Here are the details:

Mars 03 July 2020 1010 UT

CM: 196.4  Ls: 231.5  De: -22.7  Dia: 11.7"

Seeing: 7/10 P  Trans: 3/6  Alt: 46

35cm SCT f/11 @ 355x  ZWO ADC  W30 Magenta filter




Michael ROSOLINA (Friars Hill, WV)

Twin Sugars Observatory




¤••••• Subject: Jupiter & Io 2020.07.04

Received: 6 July 2020 at 00:33 JST



Better seeing these last two nights, let's start with Jupiter from last morning, oval BA and GRS are setting, and we have a good view on the distrubed NEB and EZn:

Steady skies,

Marc DELCROIX (Tournefeuille, FRANCE)




¤••••• Subject: Mars image (May 15th.)

Received: 5 July 2020 at 04:13 JST


Hi all,

Here is an image from May 15th. Sinus Meridiani/Syrtis Major are on view.


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Mars image (July 3rd.)

Received: 5 July 2020 at 00:27 JST


Hi all,

Here is Mars from July 3rd. My first observation of the planet from home this apparition.


Solis Lacus on view. Note the bright feature on the SPC boundary which looks like a small dust cloud. Also note the diffuse streak of dust extending south of Thaumasia across Bosporus toward the SPC.


Visually through the eyepiece i also found the contrast of the visible albedo markings quite washed out.


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Jupiter images (July 2-3rd.)

Received: 4 July 2020 at 22:17 JST


Hi all,

Here are some images from July 2-3rd.

These are my first UK based planetary images since 2015!

Jupiter is only 16deg above the horizon here but its still possible to get some worthwhile results.


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 4 July 0417UT   RGB IR         

Received: 4 July 2020 at 20:50 JST


Hi all,

Not particularly good conditions this morning.

Olympus Mons is at lower right. The Tharsis Montes stretch diagonally across the centre (upper right-lower left), but are not clearly seen. S Lacus is at upper left. Small light features are seen to the SE (upper left) of Olympus Mons, which I assume to be dust clouds. Again, to my eye, I have the perception of dust haze across the southern albedo features.

Best regards, Clyde


Clyde FOSTER (Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA)




¤••••• Subject: Mars Sketch 02 July 2020  CM 196       

Received: 3 July 2020 at 23:29 JST



I have attached a new sketch of Mars. 


Here are the details:

Mars 02 July 2020 0930 UT

CM: 196  Ls: 231  De: -22.8  Dia: 11.6"

Seeing: 7/10 P  Trans: 3/6  Alt: 46

35cm SCT f/11 @ 391x  ZWO ADC




Michael ROSOLINA (Friars Hill, WV)

Twin Sugars Observatory




¤••••• Subject: Re[2]: [alpo-obs:04217] Mars 26 June 0440UT RGB       

Received: 3 July 2020 at 23:20 JST


Dear Makoto

I wish to agree with Roger Venable. Your first message was clear, and like you, I always have to ask imagers to adopt a consistent processing style. During the 2018 global storm (as in 2007 and 2001) too many observers increased the contrast greatly. Some also thought the S. Polar cap must always be white, and changed the colour balance, but reduced the scientific value of their work.

I found the visual observations to be still important in determining exactly when the 2018 storm ended.

As Roger says, there is the chance to make a more highly processed image, but the original one should always be shown.

My best wishes to you,


Sent from my iPad

On 3 Jul 2020, at 13:57, Roger Venable wrote:


Mr. Adachi --


Thank you for this message. 


I found your previous message about the color of the SPC to be clear, and a good message. Please do not be concerned about it. It is true that, when there is dust obscuring albedo features, imagers tend to process images by increasing the contrast so as to make Mars look "normal". In doing so, they make their images look quite different from visual observations. It is best for imagers to process their images approximately the same, even when there is dust, so that we can tell more about the dust in the atmosphere. After such normal processing, it is okay to also process the same image with increased contrast to bring greater emphasis to albedo features -- In such a case, two different processings of the same image are appropriate. The key here is to always make a normal processing of every image, for that is the most useful processing. So, I agree fully with you. 


I read your comments about images often. Please continue the good work that you do.


-- Roger Venable


------ Original Message ------

From: " Makoto Adachi"

Sent: 7/2/2020 9:26:11 AM

Subject: Re: [alpo-obs:04217] Mars 26 June 0440UT RGB


Hello Clyde Foster and Jim Melka, Hello everyone.

Ifm Makoto Adachi, Responsible Mars Data Archiving, ALPO-Japan.


 On June 27th, I sent the following email message.


 iQuote from herej

  Mars around this time is globally dusty. A dust storm occurred on June 22 near Aurorae Sinus.

Look at the image on June 22nd. The Marineris Gorge looks like a bright yellowish band as it did in 2018.

This shows the dust spread over the valley.


 @The sunny part is recorded black like the south side of the dust storm.

In Clyde's image on June 26th, the inside of the SPC is blue because

the contrast of the red image is strongly processed. In this image,

the northern edge of Mare Cimmerium is dark. When it's faint with dust,

it's natural to treat the contrast sparingly.


  If you are shooting, please be careful.

iUp to herej


   I thought if the red color of Mr. Clyde Foster's image would be well-balanced, it would be better to compare with the visual observations, so I sent the email. But I seem to have said something extra. sorry.


  I confused you because I didn't put my signature when I sent it. I'm not good at English so I always have a hard time. Therefore it seems to have made many people feel uncomfortable, including Mr. Clyde Foster that I regret it.


  I review and write daily comments in the Mars report of ALPO Japan. I am sure that it is not written in good English, but I would be happy if it could be useful for everyone who is watching Mars. I review all your observations when making this comment.


  I want the image for making a comment to be a well-balanced image so that the colors and patterns are not too dark. Apart from that, we also need something special for clouds and patterns only.


  When the image is emphasized processed hard, Martian atmospheric information is buried. Even if you send it with much effort, it may not be usable for comments.


 We look forward to your continued observational reports.


I pray that the weather will be fine.


@Best wishes


Makoto@Adachi, ALPO-Japan



Richard McKIM  (Peterborough, The UK)




¤••••• Subject: Mars images - July 3       

Received: 3 July 2020 at 23:18 JST



Attached is a set of Mars images from July 3.

Poor seeing (2/5). Poor transparency. Passing clouds, clearing out toward end of session. High humidity.




Peter GORCZYNSKI (Oxford, CT)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2 July 0355UT   RGB IR       

Received: 2 July 2020 at 23:56 JST


Hi all,

My apologies in advance for the over processing of the RGB and somewhere along the line I lost the plot with the colour balance. If I have the opportunity to redo, I will.


That aside, there is some crazy stuff happening out on Mars, which I felt warranted sharing quickly. I believe I was able to capture the western regions of the recent dust activity and note the following:


a) Olympus Mons is the dark, reddish spot at lower right.


b) The "anomaly" SW of Olympus Mons, that I have been noting recently, is very evident.


c) There is an amazing cluster of what looks like dust cloud "pillows" extending across the broad region immediately south of (above) Olympus Mons.


d) Itfs not conclusive, but to my eye, it looks to me that there is dust extending across the southern albedo regions.


e) There may be a patch of dust extending onto the SPC


Best regards, Clyde


Clyde FOSTER (Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/06/20-26-28     

Received: 2 July 2020 at 21:59 JST


Mars images on 20, 26, & 28 June 2020.


Best regards,


Kimikazu OZAKI (Aichi, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 2020/07/01-Kumamori     

Received: 2 July 2020 at 16:57 JST


Mars images on 1 July 2020.


Best regards,


Teruaki KUMAMORI (Osaka, JAPAN)




¤••••• Subject: RE: Mars 1 July 0416UT   RGB IR     

Received: 1 July 2020 at 16:09 JST


Hi all,

With the dust storm activity in darkness to the east, I thought it may be worthwhile to include  a lightened version to show the terminator region a bit better.

Best regards, Clyde


Clyde FOSTER (Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA)




¤••••• Subject: Mars 1 July 0416UT   RGB IR   

Received: 1 July 2020 at 15:43 JST


Hi all,

Another attempt at trying to detect the western extremities of the dust storm in and around Valles Marineris, which is not quite in view for me yet.

Nothing obvious that I can note, although there is the perception that M Sirenum is low contrast and hazy, I should get a better indication as Solis L and VM come into view. Olympus Mons is at lower centre and Arsia Mons and Pavonis Mons can just be detected. The feature that I have noted previously(most noticeable in IR), SW of OM, is at approx 147 long and 5 deg N. This corresponds to the Eumenides region (Lucus Planum on my National Geographic map).

Things may get a bit more interesting in the next few days.

Best regards, Clyde


Clyde FOSTER (Centurion, SOUTH AFRICA)


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