Solar & Planetary LtE Now in September 2019

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 LtE in August 2019

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¤•••••Subject: Uranus and satellites 2019.09.29

Received: 1 October 2019 at 03:45 JST



Uranus under acceptable conditions, no visible detail,

North polar area is fuzzy, but I could catch 4 satellites :


Steady skies!


Marc DELCROIX (Tournefeuille, FRANCE)




¤•••••Subject: Fwd: Neptune & Triton 2019.09.28

Received: 30 September 2019 at 15:26 JST



Neptune under average conditions, no details to be noted:

Steady skies,


Marc DELCROIX (Tournefeuille, FRANCE)




¤•••••Subject: Jupiter image on 27 September 2019

Received: 28 September 2019 at 00:30 JST


Jupiter image on 27 September 2019.



Best regards,


Tomio AKUTSU (Ibaraki, JAPAN)




¤•••••Subject: Jupiter images (August 27-28th.)

Received: 13 September 2019 at 05:30 JST


Hi all,

Here are some near IR images from Aug 27-28th. Poor to fair seeing.


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)





¤•••••Subject: Two great Mars observers

Received: 13 September 2019 at 03:11 JST


Dear Tomoko et al.,
  I found these portraits that may be of interest (and perhaps we can exhibit the one showing Masatsugu with Saheki at
Lowell as part of an exhibit eventually). 

The first shows Minami with Saheki (one of whose telescopes has been sent to Lowell and should arrive soon), who was the most famous Japanese Mars observer.  I believe this is the telescope at the Fukui City Observatory with which Minami often with his friend Nakajima usually observed. 

 The other shows him with Richard McKim, who was the other great historian of Mars dust storms, at the 2009 meeting of Mars observers in Paris and Meudon—the last time I met Minami face to face.



 Best, Bill Sheehan


Bill SHEEHAN (Flagstaff, AZ)




¤•••••Subject: Fwd: Logbooks

Received: 13 September 2019 at 02:32 JST


Dear Tomako and other friends,

  This is a note from Lauren Amundsen, the Lowell archivist.  The notebooks arrived and are being processed to preserve them, so at the moment they are in deep freeze.  I have not seen them yet myself but will make this my first priority once they are retrieved.  We will be writing up an article for the Lowell Observer about this wonderful gift, and tentatively are planning to have an exhibition about Lowell and Japan which will include them. I will send you pictures of everything as we go forward.

   Again, we are so thrilled to have Masatsugu’s wonderful records of Mars.

   Best, Bill


Begin forwarded message:


From: Lauren Amundson

Subject: Logbooks

Date: September 9, 2019 at 11:37:23 AM MST

To: william sheehan


Hi Bill,

The logbooks arrived this morning. Apparently your name on the box confused several people here, but they're safe in the PCC! :) Before I move them past the loading area, I would like to put them through the freezer for two weeks. If you want to look at them beforehand, I'll hold off on the freezer for now. 




Lauren Amundson

Archivist and Librarian


Bill SHEEHAN (Flagstaff, AZ)




¤•••••Subject: Jupiter & Saturn images on 6 September 2019

Received: 8 September 2019 at 22:29 JST


Jupiter & Saturn images on 6 September 2019.




Best regards,


Tomio AKUTSU (Ibaraki, JAPAN)




¤•••••Subject: Jupiter image (August 27th.)

Received: 7 September 2019 at 04:02 JST


Hi all,

Here is an image from August 27th (16yrs ago to the day of the historic close approach of Mars!)

The GRS is centre. Its quite amazing just how different this region appears compared to back in May-June.


Best wishes



Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)





¤•••••Subject: Jupiter image (August 23rd.)

Received: 4 September 2019 at 03:37 JST


Hi all,

Here is an image from August 23rd under average seeing conditions.


Best wishes,


Damian PEACH (Selsey, WS, the UK)





¤•••••Subject: Saturn images on 1 August 2019

Received: 1 September 2019 at 22:44 JST


Saturn images on 1 August 2019.



Best regards,


Tomio AKUTSU (Ibaraki, JAPAN)




¤•••••Subject: Jupiter images on 1 September 2019

Received: 1 September 2019 at 22:43 JST


Jupiter images on 1 September 2019.



Best regards,


Tomio AKUTSU (Ibaraki, JAPAN)



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