Gallery Watching - Monthly from 13 April (λ=058°Ls) to 10 May (λ=070°Ls)
The apparent diameter shrank from δ=6.4" to δ=5.4" during the period. Evening Hellas looks light on ALLEN
(EAl)'s images on 13 Apr (λ=058°Ls) where the evening Libya is also light. Hellas a bit seen on HIGA
(Hg)'s images on 25 Apr (λ=063°Ls). See also
Hg's on 26 Apr (λ=064°Ls). KIDD
(SKd)'s image on 7 May (λ=069°Ls) however lacks the trace of Hellas, while MAKSYMOWICZ
(SMk)'s drawings on the day show an evening light Hellas. Hellas more inside and on the morning side was given by WALKER
(SWk) on 14 Apr (λ=058°Ls): Hellas has no contour while B shows a bit a trace. See also GORCZYNSKI
(PGc)'s and MELKA
(JMl)'s on 15 Apr (λ=059°Ls) where a mist is visible on the spr.
PGc also gave images of the morning Hellas on 16 Apr (λ=059°Ls). See also MELILLO
(FMl)'s and
PGc's on 17 Apr (λ=060°Ls). See also
PGc's on 18 Apr (λ=060°Ls) and
PGc's on 19 Apr (λ=061°Ls); these will be referred again later.
From the Orient the morning Hellas was chased by AKUTSU (Ak) and MORITA (Mo) around 29 Apr (λ=065°Ls):
Mo took on 29 Apr at ω=279°W, 284°W, 294°W, 303°W and
Ak at ω=284°W, 299°W, where Hellas was obscure more on the morning side while it figured out later.
Mo's images at ω=279°W, 284°W show a bright Cebrenia (see below).
Ak took on 30 Apr (λ=066°Ls) at ω=274°W, 279°W, 286°W. The mist along the equatorial band is expected. Hellas was also watched from Fukui visually at the same time and will be recorded in the coming CMO #346: The spr was visually quite misty.
The area of the noon Elysium was detailed by
SWk on 19 Apr (λ=061°Ls) where Elysium Mons is spotted despite δ=6.2" . Valhalla is also obvious. Morning terminator is misty. Morning misty Elysium was clearly given by PARKER
(DPk) on 23 Apr (λ=062°Ls). See also
PGc's and
JMl's on the day and
PGc's on 25 Apr (λ=063°Ls). Evening Elysium is bright as well as Cebrenia as seen on
PGc's on 17 Apr (λ=060°Ls),
PGc's on 18 Apr (λ=060°Ls), and
PGc's on 19 Apr (λ=061°Ls).
Mo's images at ω=279°W, 284°W on 29 Apr (λ=065°Ls) also clearly show the bright area of the evening Elysium and Cebrenia in a Y-shape (déjà-vu in the 1980s).
Mo's set of images on 3 May (λ=067°Ls) very clearly shows the Y-shaped bright area composed of Elysium and Cebrenia. This brightness must be due to a reflection effect (because of the phase angle), and the bright evening Cebrenia shown by
SWk on 14 Apr (λ=058°Ls) and by
JMl on 15 Apr (λ=059°Ls) must be a similar phenomenon.
Evening Acidalium M was taken by
Hg and
Mo on 14 Apr (λ=059°Ls) where Chryse light and the morning mist exists.
Mo's images on 15 Apr (λ=059°Ls) may also give a mist along the equatorial band. See also GHOMIZADEH
(SGh)'s on 21 Apr (λ=062°Ls) where the Argyre cloud is visible. M Acidalium near the CM was given by
Hg on 19 Apr (λ=061°Ls), by
SKd on 1 May (λ=066°Ls) and
SMk on 2 May where an ebm is possible. Finally
DPk gave an excellent set on 8 May (λ=069°Ls) at ω=059°W where a slit was seen on M Acidalium on the extreme northern part. The ebm is apparent whose morning part is thick.
Gallery Watching - Fortnightly from 30 March (λ=052°Ls) to 12 April (λ=058°Ls)
The apparent diameter shrank from δ=7.1" to δ=6.4" during the period, and hence the details of the surface were hardly shown up. Even the great Syrtis Mj near the CM looked like as shown by DELCROIX
(MDc) on 4 April (λ=054°Ls). The evening Syrtis Mj and Hellas were taken by GORCZYNSKI
(PGc) on 9 April (λ=056°Ls), where Hellas was evening misted and Libya misty limb bright. See also KIDD
(SKd)'s image on 30 Mar (λ=052°Ls) and MAKSYMOWICZ
(SMk)'s drawings on 1 April (λ=053°Ls). As to the morning Syrtis Mj and Hellas, see
SKd's image on 7 April (λ=056°Ls) where Hellas is buried in darkness while the evening cloud is visible near Ausonia. See also
SKd's on 9 April (λ=057°Ls).
(JMl)'s set of images on 6 April (λ=054°Ls, δ=6.8") is well detailed where M Acidalium is fully described as well as S Sabaeus and the following Margaritifer S. B image shows slightly a misty sp canopy. See also MELILLO
(FMl)'s image on 3 April (λ=053°Ls).
SKd also gave the image where the Aetheria dark patch was near the CM on 12 April (λ=058°Ls). See also GHOMIZADEH
(SGh)'s on 5 April (λ=055°Ls) and
SGh's on 7 April (λ=056°Ls). AKUTSU
(Ak) took a set where Solis L was near the evening terminator on 9 Apr (λ=056°Ls).
Every image conveys the clear npc at the stage of the Baum plateau.
Gallery Watching - Fortnightly from 16 March (λ=046°Ls) to 29 March (λ=052°Ls)
Now the northern hemisphere is well misty. PARKER
(DPk)'s set of images on 16 Mar (λ=046°Ls) suggests a misty belt at ω=209°W along the equator from the evening Tharsis. GHOMIZADEH
(SGh)'s image on 17 Mar (λ=046°Ls) at ω=058°W seems to show a light area at Chryse near the CM, but unfortunately lacks any B image. MAKSYMOWICZ
(SMk) clearly proved a mist stream along the equatorial band (ebm) on 21 Mar (λ=048°Ls) at ω=058°W.
(Ns)'s set of images on the day (21 Mar) at ω=294°W
suggests an ebm at the both sides of Syrtis Mj which was rather
On 22 Mar (λ=049°Ls) TYLER
(DTy) showed that Chryse near the CM was misty in B. DUPONT
(XDp)'s set of images on 25 Mar (λ=050°Ls) at ω=030°W also seems to show an ebm around Chryse. The brightness of the evening Chryse-Xanthe was suggested on 19 Mar (λ=047°Ls) by KIDD
(SKd) and was shown on 24 Mar (λ=049°~050°Ls) by MELILLO
(PGc) and more clearly by WALKER
(SWk) where there was also an arctic mist trail along the dark fringe of the npc. See also
PGc's image on 25 Mar (λ=050°Ls) as well as
PGc's on 27 Mar (λ=050°Ls). The images of
DPk on 29 Mar (λ=051°Ls) also prove a mist band along the equator at ω=081°W: On this set of images Tharsis Montes appear shadowy and the morning mist is seen thick to the north of the Olympus Mons area.
Images of
DPk on 20 Mar (λ=047°Ls) and ALLEN
(EAl) on 22 Mar (λ=048°Ls) shows another cloud patch to the SW of the cloudy Olympus Mons, possibly a roll cloud associated with the Föhn wall cloud at Olympus Mons (not new phenomenon).
As the phase angle increased, Valhalla is apparent on
DPk's images on 16 Mar (λ=046°Ls, ι=37°) similarly given to the foregoing images of
SWk on 10 Mar (λ=043°Ls) (as reported previously).
Evening Hellas was taken by AKUTSU
(Ak) on 18 Mar (λ=047°Ls). The morning dull Hellas was also shot on 27 Mar (λ=051°Ls) by
(DMr) had a chance after a while to take the Martian images on 29 Mar (λ=051°Ls) at ω=107°W.
Gallery Watching - Fortnightly from 2 March (λ=039°Ls) to 15 March (λ=046°Ls)
Our concern has been with a showing-up of the south polar hood, but as seen on an excellent set of WALKER
(SWk)'s images on 10 Mar (λ=043°Ls) the mist belt at the southern high-latitude continents is obvious while there does not seem to exist a cloud covering the south polar region (spr). The Argyre cloud was shot by MORITA
(Mo) on 8 Mar (λ=042°Ls) and by AKUTSU
(Ak) on 11 Mar (λ=044°Ls) as before. The evening Hellas shows also a condensate mist at its southern part as shown by
SWk on 3 Mar (λ=040°Ls), by GORCZYNSKI
(PGc) on 6 Mar (λ=040°Ls), and by ALLEN
(EAl) on 7 Mar (λ=042°Ls), but the morning Hellas has not shown any explicit cloud over it: See
Mo on 21 Feb (λ=035°Ls), KIDD
(SKd) on 3 Mar (λ=040°Ls), PARKER
(DPk) on 11 Mar (λ=043°Ls), MELILLO
(FMl) on 13 Mar (λ=044°Ls) where a preceding cloud belt is obvious however.
DPk's excellent set of images on 4 Mar (λ=040°Ls) shows an expansion of mist from Hellas to Noachis.
FMl's images on 3 Mar (λ=040°Ls) look to show a morning mist at Chryse, while on
EAl's B image made on 6 Mar (λ=041°Ls) it is not shown thick. NISHITA
(Ns)'s set of image on 15 Mar (λ=045°Ls) looks to show Chryse
light, but its B does not.
After λ=050°Ls it is known there appears a mist belt along the equatorial band, while DPk's sets
(DPk1 and
DPk2) of images on 11 Mar (λ=043°Ls) already show it rather concentrated on around the CM. DPk
(DPk3 and
DPk4) also showed a bright streak along Deuteronilus on 2 Mar (λ=039°Ls) and on 4 Mar (λ=040°Ls). On the latter it is very explicit on B.
EAl's images showing more inside, especially B, does not prove it explicitly on 6 Mar (λ=041°Ls).
DPk3 and this
EAl depict Syrtis Mj slightly dark-bluish seen through the evening mist.
As the phase angle increased, Tharsis Montes and Olympus Mons show their shadows on their west sides as shown previously on FLANAGAN
(WFl)'s and
DPk's images on 19 Feb (ι=33°): See this time Mo's images
(Mo1 as well as
Mo2) on 8 Mar (ι=36°) as well as on 5 Mar (ι=36°).
Remark again that
Ak produced a set of excellent images on 11 Mar (λ=044°Ls) which show the regions of M Acidalium and Aurorae S, and
SWk showed a detail of the region of the Aetheria dark patch on 10 Mar (λ=043°Ls) when the diameter δ was 8.3 arcsecs (where however no longer Elysium Mons shined).
Gallery Watching - Fortnightly from 17 February (λ=033°Ls) to 1 March (λ=039°Ls)
The phase angle much increased since it is now long after opposition, and at the morning side Montes cast their shadows to their western flanks. On 19 Feb (ι=33°), the images of FLANAGAN
(WFl) at ω=090°W, 095°W, 100°W and of PARKER
(DPk) at ω=104°W show the morning shadows of Tharsis Montes and Olympus Mons for one hour. Their B images prove that the morning mist keeps away from the rear side of Olympus Mon.
DPk's images on 22 Feb (ι=34°) at ω=077°W show the Tharsis Montes morning shadows (see also DELCROIX
(MDc)'s images on 15 Feb (ι=32°) at ω=082°W). ALLEN
(EAl)'s set of images on 26 Feb (λ=037°Ls, ι=33°) at ω=059°W looks to show Ascraeus Mons as an isolated spot (also in B). Since it is surrounded by the morning mist it may designate the summit as well as the western flank.
The Argyre cloud was sometimes prominent this time also. Its evening aspects to the around-the-CM aspects with some eastward cloud extension are shown on 19 Feb (λ=034°Ls) by
WFl and
as well as by KIDD
(SKd), on 22 Feb (λ=035°Ls) by MELILLO
(FMl) and
DPk, on 24 Feb (λ=036°Ls) by
WFl, on 25 Feb (λ=037°Ls) by
(PGc) and by
FMl, on 26 Feb (λ=037°Ls) by
DPk and
Other clouds and mists have been not much caught this time. The Hellas evening mist with its follower may be seen on BOSMAN
(RBs)'s on 19 Feb (λ=034°Ls), and on CASTELLÀ
(JCt)'s on 22 Feb (λ=036°Ls). The Ausonia evening cloud is seen on DUPONT
(XDp)'s on 1 Mar (λ=039°Ls). The arctic morning cloud following M Acidalium was shot on the images of
JCt on 22 Feb (λ=036°Ls), of WALKER
(SWk) on 23 Feb (λ=036°Ls), of
WFl on 24 Feb (λ=036°Ls) and of
DPk on 26 Feb (λ=037°Ls).
It should be noted that the usual markings are never dense in intensity yet compared with the dense M Erythraeum as well as a darker part of M Acidalium which is adjacent to the npc, as seen on
WFl's images on 25 Feb (λ=037°Ls). Consult also with
PGc's on 25 Feb (λ=037°Ls),
DPk's on 26 Feb (λ=037°Ls),
WFl's on 28 Feb (λ=038°Ls) and WARREN
(JWn)'s on 1 Mar (λ=039°Ls). So the usual markings should be said still suffering from a global fallout of the dust. In this sense the mild description of the surfaces by SWk and TYLER (DTy) by RGB looks decent (as to SWk's see the images on
23 Feb and
25 Feb while DTy gave those on
17 Feb and
18 Feb).
Gallery Watching - Fortnightly from 3 February (λ=027°Ls) to 16 February (λ=033°Ls)
The south circumpolar region is interesting at this period of season: Mare Chronium looks dark under a mist as before as shown by WALKER
(SWk) on 4 Feb (λ=027°Ls). See also the images of GORCZYNSKI
(PGc) and of ALLEN
(EAl) on 9 Feb (λ=029°Ls).
Depressiones Hellesponticae (DH) still remain interesting: It is faintly seen on AKUTSU
(Ak)'s images on 5 Feb (λ=028°Ls), and
Ak also took it on 11 Feb (λ=030°Ls) in which the mist over it was related with the Argyre cloud. KIDD
(SKd)'s image on 15 Feb (λ=033°Ls) described the western area of DH to be quite dark.
The Argyre cloud was chased by MORITA
(Mo) on 4 Feb (λ=027°Ls). On 6 Feb (λ=028°Ls) GHOMIZADEH
(SGh) at Tehran and GÓMES
(PGm) at Sevilla showed it. On 7 Feb (λ=029°Ls)
Mo caught it near the CM. TYLER
(DTy) shot it on 8 Feb (λ=029°Ls). See also MAKSYMOWICZ
(SMk) (in Wr#38A), and
DTy on 9 Feb (λ=030°Ls). On 10 Feb (λ=030°Ls), SCHULZ
took it slightly inside, while
DTy showed it at the evening side where the cloud looked weak.
See also
(MKr) on 11 Feb (λ=030°Ls), though the cloud was not so explicit. Refer also to the image of
SKd on 12 Feb (λ=031°Ls).
The mists at the southern continents were still visible. On 6 Feb (λ=028°Ls),
SWk's images show a cloud to the east of Phaethontis. On 7 Feb (λ=028°Ls~29°Ls), FLANAGAN
(WFl) proved that Eridania near the CM showed a thick cloud in addition to the evening Phaethontis cloud. Later, on the day, DUPONT
(XDp) showed the cloud (one round after) in B as if it is a south polar hood. PELLIER
(CPl)'s images then show it rather to the eastern side, and it looks located at Dia. There is also cloud near Phaethontis. KOWOLLIK
(SKw)'s B image also shows that the Dia cloud is near the limb and looks thick. On 15 Feb (λ=032°Ls), PARKER
(DPk) produced a good set of images where the evening cloud at Dia was prominent. Otherwise
EAl showed on 9 Feb (λ=029°Ls) in B that a faint mist belt existed from Eridania to Ausonia.
Elysium Mons appeared very sharply in the preceding period:
SWk also showed it to be very bright on 4 Feb (λ=027°Ls). On 9 Feb (λ=029°Ls, ι=30°),
EAl again proved it to be bright near the noon and so the brightness must be partly caused by the diffuse reflection of the flank.
(EAl's excellent B image shows an eastward cloud trail from Elysium Mons.) Tharsis Montes appear faintly but it became difficult to see fully because of the phase angle.
On 6 Feb (λ=028°Ls, ι=29°) at ω=169°W,
SWk isolated the Arsia Mons cloud from the preceding limb clouds (as well as the Olympus Mons cloud).
DPk on 15 Feb (λ=032°Ls, ι=32°) at ω=150°W showed the Arsia Mons cloud weakly but it was because it was near the noon.
The evening Hellas was chased by
Mo on 10 Feb (λ=030°Ls). The dark markings are still obscure in general because of the fallout, but it seems to us that the intensity of the area of Margaritifer S has been relatively recovering.
Gallery Watching -Fortnightly from 20 January (λ=020°Ls) to 2 February (λ=026°Ls)
The cloud around the area of Argyre was also persistent this fortnight: See the image of MELKA
(JMl) on 20 Jan (λ=020°Ls) as well as MELILLO
(PGc)'s on 22 Jan (λ=021°Ls). PARKER
(DPk)'s set of images on 24 Jan (λ=022°Ls) most clearly shows its density, shape and position.
Subsequently it was caught from the Far Orient: See KUMAMORI
(Km)'s on 26 Jan (λ=023°Ls) and
Km's and AKUTSU
(Ak)'s on 27 Jan (λ=024°Ls),
Ak's on 31 Jan (λ=025°Ls), and
Ak's on 1 Feb (λ=026°Ls). See also GHOMIZADEH
(SGh)'s on 1 Feb, SGh's, MAKSYMOWICZ
(XDp)'s on 2 Feb (λ=026°Ls).
The upper Hellas was still or yet haunted by condensates as seen on
(PCq)'s on 20 Jan (λ=020°Ls).
On the evening side, see
FMl's and
PGc's on 24 Jan (λ=022°Ls).
Finally its delicate distribution was shown on the images of
DPk on 25 Jan (λ=025°Ls).
A misty but darkened area around Depressiones Hellasponticae was shot by WALKER
(SWk) on 21 Jan (λ=021°Ls).
The Phaethontis evening cloud and the Eridania morning cloud were shown on MORITA
(Mo)'s images on 21 Jan (λ=021°Ls).
The darkened M Chrnonium was shot by SCHULZ
(RSz) on 24 Jan (λ=022°Ls). DELCROIX
(MDc)'s image on 2 Feb (λ=026°Ls) show a thick mist near M Chronium.
The summit (Ω=213°W) of Elysium Mons behaves as that of Olympus Mons in the afternoon at the early spring, and the images on 22 Jan (λ=021°Ls) by GÓMES
(PGm) at ω =264°W, by FERNÁNDES
(FFn) at ω =263°W, by
XDp at ω =268°W look to faintly show an orographic cloud, but as to this,
PCq's sets of images on 24 Jan (λ=022°Ls)
and 26 Jan (λ=023°Ls) are very remarkable.
The latter set shows a small localised white cloud or frost on the summit in R G B clearly at ω =250°W, and the former at ω =273°W, while on SHARP
(ISp)'s image on 27 Jan ω =251°W it is not so sharp. CASTELLÀ
(JCt)'s images on 28 Jan (λ=024°Ls) at ω =243°W however show the summit cloud clearly in B.
Ak's set of images on 23 Jan (λ=022°Ls) at ω =148°W look to suggest a weak cloud over Olympus Mons before noon.
Since the tilt of the north pole was away, the npc is just like a shining filament, but shot white on the following images: on 20 Jan (λ=020°Ls),
JMl's and
EHd's, and
PCq's; on 22 Jan (λ=021°Ls)
FMl's; on 24 Jan (λ=022°Ls),
PCq's and
EHd's; on 25 Jan (λ=022°Ls),
DPk's; 26 Jan (λ=023°Ls), LAWRENCE
PCq's, on 28 Jan (λ=024°Ls)
JCt's, on 30 Jan (λ=025°Ls) SÁNCHEZ
(JSc)'s, on 31 Jan (λ=025°Ls),
DPk's, and on 2 Feb (λ=026°Ls),
XDp's and
DPk's 24 Jan images show nicely a remnant of the nph near M Acidalium, and
PCq's on the day images also show a faint overflow to Utopia. Some images (not picked out here) do not show the npc adequately, or show the npc in R but not in B, maybe erroneous.
PCq's image on 20 Jan (λ=020°Ls) at ω =298°W show some interesting details to the north of Hellas.
[Note Added (20 Feb):
The images on 22 Jan (λ=021°Ls) seem to suggest an occurrence of an arctic dust which disturbed Utopia: See images of FERNANDEZ
(FFn) at ω=263°W,
XDp at ω=268°W, ADELAAR
(JAd) at ω=282°W, and BOSMAN
(RBs) at ω=287°W. ]
Asteroid 2007 WD5 does not hit Mars : The 30th day of January is approaching when it was said Asteroid 2007 WD5 might collide with the planet Mars. This however does not seem to occur because there has been no news from the NEO Program Office ever since 9 January when S CHESLEY, P CHODAS and D YEOMANS delivered an ultimatum that the impact probability dropped to 1 in 10,000 odds. Their "estimate is that the asteroid will pass about 26,000 km from the planet's centre (about 7 Mars radii from the surface) at around 12:00 GMT on 30 January. With 99.7% confidence, the pass should be no closer than 4000 km from the surface". See
Gallery Watching - Weekly from 13 January (λ=017°Ls) to 19 January (λ=020°Ls)
The mist trail at the southern high latitudes has become rather scattered and mild as seen from the images of PARKER (DPk) on 13 Jan (λ=017°Ls) and of FLANAGAN
(WFl) on 14 Jan (λ=017°Ls), but it became rather condensed around the area of Argyre. See GORCZYNSKI
(PGc)'s images and WARREN
(JWn)'s on 13 Jan (λ=017°Ls). The image by CASTELLÀ
(JCt) on 14 Jan (λ=017°Ls) clearly shows a cloud patch at Argyre. On the images of WALKER
(DAr) on 16 Jan (λ=018°Ls), the condensate looked somewhat diffused around the area. See also
(FMl) on 17 Jan (λ=017°Ls) as well as
(ELm) on 19 Jan (λ=020°Ls). [Note Added: On 19 Jan,
DPk shot early at ω=029°W, and later
(EAl) at ω=071°W, and so the white condensate at Argyre was traced well from morning to evening on the day.]
On the other hand the area of Depressiones Hellesponticae (DH), which already had begun to be darkened, became sometimes haunted by the mist. The darkened DH is also slightly expanded to the north. See SOLDEVILLA
(JSd)'s image on 13 Jan (λ=017°Ls) and CASQUINHA
(PCq)'s on 14/15 Jan (λ=018°Ls). The darkened DH is also seen on
SWk on 16 Jan (λ=018°Ls). See also the images of GHOMIZADEH
(PEd) and LEWIS
(MLw) on 16 Jan (λ=019°Ls).
MLw's image clearly shows a mist on DH. See also
DAr and
PCq on 17 Jan (λ=019°Ls). The image of
JSd on 18 Jan (λ=020°Ls) shows quite darkened DH and its neighbourhood.
(MDc)'s images on 19 Jan (λ=020°Ls).
Similarly M Chronium and Tiphys Fr, located at the same high latitudes, is also darkened as shown by AKUTSU
(Ak)'s images on 14 Jan (λ=017°Ls). [On 14 Jan as well as on 19 Jan (λ=020°Ls), NAKAJIMA and MINAMI at Fukui visually observed the southernmost area around M Chronium which was darkened in a blue-black tint (in contrast to the dark brownish colour of the northern markings such as M Cimmerium) (on 19 Jan from ω=205°W to 225°W)].
On the opposite hemisphere, the latitudes of Alba Patera still remain to be misty from Tempe westward. These are seen on the images of
JWn and
DPk on 13 Jan (λ=017°Ls), and on the images of
(EAl) on 14 Jan (λ=017°Ls). Some of these show Alba cloud as isolated especially in B. See also MELKA
(JMl) on 16 Jan (λ=018°Ls),
FMl on 17 Jan (λ=019°Ls) and
ELm on 19 Jan (λ=020°Ls).
Note that Olympus Mons did no longer shine this week since the phase angle ι became quite larger.
Gallery Watching - Weekly from 6 January (λ=013°Ls) to 12 January (λ=017°Ls)
On 10 Jan (λ=016°Ls) CASTELLÀ
(JCt) proved an arctic dust disturbance mingled with the water vapour to the north of Nilokeras which is confirmed by the following HIDALGO
(EHd)'s images. However it did not so develop.
The three evening clouds on the Tharsis ridge as well as on Olympus Mons were clearly shown by Don PARKER
(DPk)'s images on 9 Jan (λ=015°Ls) at ω=164°W. These images also prove well the south circumpolar haunting mists. These kinds of southern thin clouds are shot also beautifully by LAWRENCE
(PLw) on 7 Jan (λ=017°Ls):
PLw's ω=083°W images also show thickly the evening mist over Chryse and Xanthe. The southern circumpolar mist was also shot by WALKER
(SKw) on 8 Jan (λ=015°Ls). See also
SWk on 9 Jan (λ=015°Ls). The images by FLANAGAN
(WFl) on 12 Jan (λ=016°Ls) at ω=113°W showed at a first glance a cloud patch near the spr but it well moved away westward at ω=120°W and ω=125°W.
On 9 Jan (λ=015°Ls), ARDITTI
(DAr) caught at the morning end of the sediment streak of Noachis a cloud patch over Argyre, and the Argyre cloud patch remained thick near the CM under the high Sun as shown by
EHd on the day. However on 10 Jan (λ=016°Ls), it diffused once as shown by
JCt and
EHd: Just a cloud streak was seen on the upper Noachis sediment streak (however on 12 Jan (λ=017°Ls)
EHd shows a small bump again at Argyre and on 14 Jan (λ=017°Ls) it is quite evoked again as shown by
The area of Tempe to Alba was haunted by the thin cloud belt as shown by
PLw on 7 Jan (λ=014°Ls): Alba is identified in
WFl's images on 12 Jan (λ=016°Ls), maybe also in
DPk's on 9 Jan (λ=015°Ls) in the evening.
From Japan, KUMAMORI
(Km) gave a nice image on 6 Jan (λ=014°Ls): The area from Noachis to Hellas was well described but the circumpolar mist looks thin.
Gallery Watching - Weekly from 30 December (λ=010°Ls) to 5 January (λ=013°Ls)
This week still the opposition effect worked on Olympus Mons: On 30 Dec (λ=010°Ls, ι=05°~06°) ZURUTUZA
(NZr) showed a shining Olympus Mons on the morning side and SÁNCHEZ
(JSc) also did it near the CM. Especially CASQUINHA
(PCq)'s image on the day nicely showed the brightening western flank of Olympus Mons at the afternoon side together with the covering orographic cloud on the eastern side. On 31 Dec (λ=011°Ls, ι=06°), the afternoon Olympus Mons is faintly seen on HIDALGO
(EHd)'s images. It was however very cloudy near the evening limb as shown on 1 Jan (λ=011°Ls, ι=07°) by PARKER
(PGc) and WALKER
(SWk). As the images of
JSc on 30 Dec showed vaguely an internal structure of Olympus Mons, on a series of images by BOSMAN
(RBs) taken on 1 Jan (ι=07°), the shining of Olympus Mons is very weak and looks to show an internal structure. Enhanced images by MELKA
(JMl) on 3 Jan (ι=08°) still show a bright Olympus Mons. Ian BRUCE
(IBr)'s images on 5 Jan (λ=013°Ls, ι=10°) still show a very morning Olympus Mons within a limb darkening side. On the following image by TYLER
(DTy) on the day, it is quite weak.
The evening misty Tharsis was nicely shot by ADELAAR
(JAd) on 30 Dec (λ=010°Ls).
Elysium Mons was also shot bright by
PGc on 30 Dec (λ=010°Ls, ι=05°), by FLANAGAN
(WFl) on 31 Dec (λ=011°Ls), and by
JMl on 3 Jan (λ=012°Ls, ι=08°).
An interesting cloud was witnessed by
JSc near Alba Patera on 30 Dec (λ=010°Ls), and the morning arctic cloud appears to the west of M Acidalium on the images of KUMAMORI
(Km) on 31 Dec (λ=011°Ls), also on
Km on 4 Jan (λ=013°Ls). The npc looks evident on
PGc's image on 5 Jan (λ=013°Ls) at ω=175°W: However
Km's image on the day still shows an arctic cloud at the morning side at ω=307°W.
The circumpolar cloud is seen on
DPk's images as well as on
JSc on 30 Dec (λ=010°Ls). See also MORITA
(Mo)'s image on 2 Jan (λ=012°Ls).
The chocolate colour of the eastern part of M Cimmerium observed by PELLIER
(CPl) on 22/23 Dec (λ=005°Ls) looks to still remain, judged from
DPk's excellent images on 1 Jan (λ=011°Ls).
Gallery Watching - Weekly from 23 December (λ=007°Ls) to 29 December (λ=010°Ls)
The planet Mars was at opposition on 24 Dec, and so Olympus Mons shined this week. Already it was clearly caught on the morning side by AKUTSU
(Ak) on 22 Dec as previously reported, while on 23 Dec (λ=007°Ls, ι=02°) GHOMIZADE
(SGh) showed it near the CM, and on the evening side SOLDEVILLA
(JSd) caught it at ω=184°W:
JSd's is very important because it proved that it was the western flank of Olympus Mons that shined, though unfortunately his is not associated with any B component so that it is unknown how the evening cloud affected the shining. Anyway the bright Olympus Mons was checked on 24 Dec by
SGh, on 25 Dec by
(PLw), on 26 Dec (ι=03°) by ZURUTUZA
(FFn), on 27 Dec (ι=04°) by SCHULZ
(SKw), on 28 Dec (λ=010°Ls, ι=04°) by
(JSc). The lower part of Elysium also shined as shown on 23 Dec by HIDALGO
(ABd), on 25 Dec by
ISp and
PLw (excellent), on 28/29 Dec by
JSc, and on 29 Dec (λ=010°Ls, ι=04°) by CASQUINHA
PCq's images clearly show the shining of Elysium Mons (as well as of Hecates Tholus).
The southern morning mist and the equatorial evening mist were shot on 23 Dec (λ=007°Ls) by BATES
(DBt) and PARKER
(DPk), and on 24 Dec (λ=007°Ls) by MELKA
DPk, and
DBt, and on 26 Dec (λ=008°Ls) by WALKER
(SWk) and
DPk's images on 23 Dec are very precious since they show an interesting distribution of the mist over Noachis and Hellas as well as of the evening mist over quite detailed markings. As well
DPk's on 24 Dec are quite detailed. The details on
JMl's on 24 Dec, and on
SWk's and
JMl's on 26 Dec are also interesting. The region from M Cimmerium to Syrtis Mj was shot pretty well by
JSd on 25 Dec (λ=008°Ls), by GORCZYNSKI
(PGc) and
DPk on 27 Dec (λ=009°Ls) and by
DPk on 28 Dec (λ=009°Ls):
PGc's B images on 26 Dec show the southern morning mist and a bit the evening mist over Elysium.
DPk's R images on 27 Dec as well as
DPk's R on 28 Dec are quite detailed and show a strange frame of bones of M Cimmerium. His Bs of course show the southern mist band.
In Japan, HIGA
(Hg) produced a set of images on 25 Dec (λ=008°Ls) showing the area of Solis L. The area of M Acidalium was observed on 26 Dec (λ=008°Ls) by ASADA
(Km) and MORITA
(Mo). These show the southern morning mist.
Mo's detailed work ranged from ω=050°W to 079°W. This week several drawings were obtained in Japan by MURAKAMI (Mk), NARITA (Nr), NAKAJIMA (Nj) and MINAMI (Mn), as to which we shall review in the coming CMO (#341).
Gallery Watching - from 9 December (λ=360°Ls) to 22 December (λ=007°Ls)
During the fortnight, the planet Mars welcomed the northern spring equinox, and was closest to the Earth on 18 December. The water vapour looks to have been abundant as seen on the images of BATES
(DBt) on 10 Dec (λ=000°Ls), of WALKER
(SWk) on 11 Dec (λ=001°Ls), of DUPONT
(XDp) on 14 Dec (λ=002°Ls), of
SWk on 19 Dec (λ=000°Ls) etc. PELLIER
(CPl) however found on 22/23 Dec (λ=007°Ls) a hollow having a chocolate tint to the ES of M Cimmerium where the airborne dust and water vapour implied absent.
SWk's description of M Erythraeum on 9 Dec (λ=360°Ls) also suggested same colour, though FLANAGAN
(WFl)'s images on 17 Dec (λ=004°Ls) did not necessarily.
The nph became thin while at the following limb when M Acidalium stayed at the morning side the northern mist looked thick as shown by LAWRENCE
(PLw) on 11/12 Dec (λ=001°Ls), FERNÁNDEZ
(JSc) on 12 Dec (λ=001°Ls), GORCZYNSKI
(PGc) on 18 Dec (λ=004°Ls), MELKA
(JMl) on 19 Dec (λ=005°Ls),
PARKER (DPk) and
WFl on 21 Dec (λ=006°Ls) and so on. A final Dawes slit should be said caught by CHAVEZ
(RCv) on 13 Dec (λ=002°Ls) at ω=023°W.
The low latitude thin cloud stratum at Tempe and Arcadia was shot by TYLER
on 11 Dec (λ=001°Ls) and its aspect at the morning side was shown by
DPk on 13 Dec (λ=002°Ls).
A thinner nph stratum against the npc to the north of Utopia was shown by
SWk on 22 Dec (λ=006°Ls).
The evening mist to the E of Syrtis Mj was shot by
XDp on 16 Dec (λ=003°Ls) and by
WFl on 21 Dec (λ=006°Ls) and by others, among them
SWk showed the evening mist while Syrtis Mj was still quite inside on 19 Dec (λ=005°Ls).
The evening mist at Chryse-Xanthe was caught by MORITA
(Km) on 19 Dec (λ=005°Ls) and also by
Km on 20 Dec (λ=005°Ls). The cloud belt which is thicker on the morning side at around 50°S was shown by
DPk on 13 Dec (λ=002°Ls) (see also
DPk and
WFl on 21 Dec (λ=006°Ls) and so on ).
Since the HST showed on 17 Dec the Huygens crater in a very distinguished way, we here pick out some examples of the images from the terrestrial grounds as follows: ZURUZUTA
(NZr) and FUMEGA
(CFm) on 14 Dec,
(RBs) on 16 Dec,
(RVb) on 17/18,
DBt and
WFl on 21 Dec.
WFl's images show as well greater details around S Sabaeus + Ismenius L.
As the planet was near at opposition (which occurred on 24 Dec), Olympus Mons began to shine as suggested by
Km's images on 16 Dec (λ=003°Ls, ι=08°). See also
Km on 17 Dec as well as
Km on 18 Dec (λ=004°Ls). AKUTSU
(Ak) more clearly showed the shining Olympus Mons on 22 Dec (λ=006°Ls, ι=03°) at ω=093°W, 105°W, 109°W (so not cloud).
The northern part of Elysium was also shining: See
CPl and
PLw on 18 Dec (λ=005°Ls),
(SSp) on 19 Dec (λ=005°Ls), KOWOLLIK
(SKw) on 20 Dec (λ=006°Ls),
CPl on 22/23 Dec (λ=006°Ls) and CASQUINHA
(PCq) on 22 Dec (λ=006°Ls).
HST New Images
NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team et al released five Mars images (on 18 Dec at 15:00 GMT) acquired on 1, 3, 3, 7 and 17 December 2007. The first four cover the whole surface, and they also produced a projection map. See
Gallery Watching - from 25 November (λ=353°Ls) to 8 December (λ=360°Ls)
While the northern spring equinox has reached, the npc is not yet so clear and the npr is still haunted by the nph as seen on Don PARKER
(DPk)'s images on 8 Dec (λ=359°Ls), although the npc's outer ring has been taken a peep from an earlier time of this fortnight: See FLANAGAN
(WFl)'s images on 27 Nov (λ=354°Ls) and so on.
In general the morning nph has been thicker: See for example, GORCZYNSKI
(PGc)'s images on 30 Nov (λ=355°Ls),
WFl's on 6 Dec (λ=358°Ls),
PGc's and
DPk's on 7 Dec (λ=359°Ls) and so on.
The evening cloud on Arsia Mons (or on the Tharsis Torio) has become more evident: On 28 Nov (λ=354°Ls), PELLIER
(CPl)'s B showed the Arsia cloud very inside the disk at ω=107°W clearly, while its local time was 4h20m before the sunset (because of ι=22°). On the day, DUPONT
(XDp) also showed it after two hour rotation later. See also CASQUINHA
(PCq)'s images on 29 Nov (λ=355°Ls).
On 1 Dec (λ=356°Ls, ι=20°) at ω=138°W,
DPk and LAZZAROTTI (PLz) took the Tharsis Torio covered by the summit clouds.
On their images on 3 Dec (λ=357°Ls, ι=18°) the cloud looked deformed near the terminator. See also
WFl's on 4 Dec at ω=155°W and
WFl's and
PGc's on 5 Dec at ω=149°W and ω=160°W respectively. The Torio was again realised on 6 Dec (λ=358°Ls, ι=16°) by
WFl at ω=130°W. The cloud at Olympus Mons is a bit seen on the eastern side of the flank, but will be much active after λ=025°Ls. Before that however its summit will shine from mid-December to the beginning of January because of the opposition effect.
Another cloud or frost phenomenon was observed to the east of Alba Patera: See
CPl's on 28 Nov (λ=354°Ls),
PCq's on 29 Nov (λ=355°Ls), WALKER
(SWk)'s on 6 Dec (λ=358°Ls),
PGc's on 6 Dec (λ=358°Ls),
WFl's on 6 Dec (λ=358°Ls),
PGc's on 7 Dec (λ=359°Ls),
DPk's on 7 Dec (λ=359°Ls), and
DPk's on 8 Dec (λ=359°Ls).
Notable is the activity of the water vapour on the southern hemisphere: On
WFl's images on 27 Nov (λ=354°Ls), a stream of the white mist runs from the morning Hellas to eastward, and similar morning mist was also shot on SALWAY
(MSl)'s image near Argyre. Similar stream is seen also on
DPk/PLz's images on 1 Dec (λ=356°Ls),
DPk/PLz's on 3 Dec (λ=357°Ls),
DPk's on 4 Dec (λ=357°Ls), maybe on SÁNCHEZ
(JSc)'s on 4/5 Dec (λ=358°Ls) (unfortunately without B images), on
WFl's on 6 Dec (λ=358°Ls),
DPk's on 7 Dec (λ=358°Ls),
DPk's on 8 Dec (λ=359°Ls) and so on.
The Daedalia area was shown well by
CPl on 28 Nov (λ=354°Ls), by
PCq on 29 Nov (λ=355°Ls), by
SWk and by
WFl on 6 Dec (λ=358°Ls):
WFl's well isolated the Newton Crater (Caralis Fons).
The area of Solis L was shot by
(RBs) on 27/28 Nov (λ=354°Ls), by SODLEVILLA
(NZr) on 29 Nov (λ=355°Ls), by
JSc, and
JSd and
NZr on 30 Nov (λ=355°Ls) and so on.
The dust streak at the Deuteronilus Corridor, which was previously observed by KUMAMORI
(Km) on 22 Nov (λ=352°Ls) was again checked by
JSc on 7 Dec (λ=357°Ls).
Japanese observations were carried out this fortnight as follows: By Km on
30 Nov,
1 Dec,
3 Dec,
4 Dec,
5 Dec, and
8 Dec, and by AKUTSU (Ak) on
30 Nov,
3 Dec,
6 Dec and
8 Dec.
Gallery Watching - from 11 November (λ=345°Ls) to 24 November (λ=352°Ls) : The north polar hood (nph) was still active this fortnight. It looked sometimes uniform as shown in the case of PEACH (DPc) on 12 Nov (λ=346°Ls), but sometimes it split into dense patches as in CASQUINHA (PCq) on 11 Nov (λ=345°Ls) or as in DELCROIX (MDc) on 17 Nov (λ=349°Ls), or as in PARKER (DPk) on 22 Nov (λ=351°Ls), or in PCq on 23 Nov (λ=352°Ls). As a trend of the tip of Utopia, see SÁNCHEZ (JSc) and HIDALGO (EHd) on 11 Nov (λ=345°Ls) as well as DICKINSON (WDc) and TATUM (RTm) on 21 Nov (λ=351°Ls) and DPk on 22 Nov (λ=351°Ls). The region from M Cimmerium to Syrtis Mj looked still suffered from the fallout of sands and its bone structures looked interesting as shown on DPc on 12 Nov (λ=346°Ls), WALKER (SWk) on 19 Nov (λ=350°Ls) as well as on DPk on 22 Nov (λ=351°Ls). The faded area of M Hadriacum is interesting as shown in DPc and TYLER (DTy) on 12 Nov (λ=346°Ls) and also ADELAAR (JAd) on 15 Nov (λ=347°Ls), SHARP (ISp) and ARDITTI (DAr) on 16 Nov (λ=348°Ls). EHd's Hellas on 11 Nov (λ=345°Ls) seems to show some fine structure inside. As to the area of the S Meridiani and S Margaritifer, see PCq, WARREN (JWn), MELILLO (FMl), GORCZYNSKI (PGc) on 11 Nov (λ=345°Ls). Deuteronilus was shot clearly in IR of PGc on 12 Nov (λ=346°Ls). Nilokeras was also big and interesting: see PHILLIPS (JPh) and PGc on 11 Nov (λ=345°Ls). M Acidalium was shot by GRAFTON (EGf) on 14 Nov (λ=347°Ls). Niliacus L is slightly deformed. The nph is strong in B, but weak in LRGB. Niliacus L was quite faint on KUMAMORI (Km) on 22 Nov (λ=351°Ls). See also MORITA (Mo), Km and NISHITA (Ns) on 23 Nov (λ=351°Ls). It looks slightly recovered in Km on 24 Nov (λ=352°Ls). The area of Solis L was shot by HEFFNER (RHf) and Km on 16 Nov (λ=348°Ls), and Daedalia was by Km on 14 Nov (λ=347°Ls). The morning mist may be apparent in Km on 13 Nov (λ=347°Ls). It was good that GHOMIZADEH (SGh) took a series of 3 images every forty minutes on 15 Nov (λ=348°Ls).
Gallery Watching - from 28 October (λ=338°Ls) to 10 November (λ=345°Ls)
A most striking event which occurred during this fortnight was the dust disturbances seen at the Nilokeras corridor (so called by Ch PELLIER): the discovery of the first bright cores was made by J SÁNCHEZ
(JSc) and D TYLER
(DTy) on 2 Nov (λ=341°Ls) and slight jumps of cores were seen until 5 Nov (λ=342°Ls). As to a short review, see F on this Façade. The final core on 5 Nov was remarkably caught from its appearance at the morning limb by D PEACH
(DPc) at ω=344°W, then chased by several observers, and finally caught near at the evening terminator by W FLANAGAN
(WFl) at ω=086°W. Note that the core did not develop nor move during the day (unfortunately still ι was 34°, so that nearly two hours of the morning side were away). Another interesting fact was that the initial expansion of the dust over M Acidalium (and maybe on the southern Chryse) was never bright. As is well known the period from λ=310°Ls to λ=350°Ls is a period when the dusts occurred at the northern district can grow up as the cross-equatorial dust disturbances, but this time the catastrophe energy might have been exhausted in the foregoing dust storm. A preceding north polar dust streak was found by
WFl on 31 Oct (λ=340°Ls) near the nph and chased by S WALKER
(EGf) on the day. Another important fact that the B images of these observers show an evening cloud at Tharsis, and this is an evidence of the recovery of the water vapour circulation after the Noachis dust storm. By the way the nph on 31 Oct should be compared with those by
WFl on 29 Oct (λ=339°Ls),
WFl on 30 Oct (λ=339°Ls),
WFl on 1 Nov (λ=340°Ls) and further by ALLEN
(EAl) on 4 Nov (λ=342°Ls).
Before the Nilokeras event, the area of Acidalium and Nilokeras was shot by Nacho ZURUTUZA
(NZr) on 28 Oct (λ=338°Ls), and by
(DAr) on 31 Oct (λ=338°Ls), by Ch PELLIER
(PCq) on 1 Nov (λ=340°Ls). After the event, Deuteronilus was shot by X DUPONT
(XDp) on 7 Nov (λ=343°Ls), M Acidalium & Nilokeras by
(PGc) on 8 Nov (λ=344°Ls), and M Acidalium and the nph by Don PARKER
(DPk) and J MELKA
(JMl) on 10 Nov (λ=345°Ls).
PCq's image can be compared with
DPc's on 5 Nov (λ=342°Ls). Note that
DPk shows the Dawes slit.
The Solis L area was produced by
PCq on 30 Oct (λ=339°Ls),
EGf on 3 Nov (λ=341°Ls),
WFl on 4 Nov (λ=342°Ls) and by
(JWn) on 8 Nov (λ=344°Ls). As to the Daedalia area, see
WFl on 3 Nov (λ=341°Ls),
EGf on 4 Nov (λ=342°Ls) and E LOMELI
(ELm) on 7 Nov (λ=349°Ls).
(JSd)'s image on 10 Nov (λ=345°Ls) shows a fine structure inside the Hellas basin.
The Japanese contributions during this fortnight are as follows: T AKUTSU (Ak): 6 Nov, 9 Nov and 10 Nov; T ASADA (As); 30 Oct; and T KUMAMORI (Km): 2 Nov, 3 Nov, and 7 Nov.
Gallery Watching - from 14 October (λ=330°Ls) to 27 October (λ=338°Ls)
Since the Noachis dust storm can be judged to have passed its half-life by the period of λ=320°Ls (in Sept) (see CMO #337), we hereafter try to review fortnightly (or weekly) some main features of the markings based on the images contributed to the CMO Gallery, though never thoroughly.
We first deal with some typical markings seen during the period from 14 Oct (λ=330°Ls) to 27 Oct (λ=328°Ls):
Margaritifer S looks still shallow in density (due to a sediment of dust) as shown on AKUTSU
(Ak)'s images and SALWAY
(MSl)'s on 20 Oct (λ=334°Ls) (see also Ak on 21 Oct (λ=334°Ls) and GHOMIZADEH
(SGh) on 27 Oct (λ=338°Ls).
Deuteronilus was quite apparent on the images made by ALLEN
(EAl) and LOMELI
(ELm) on 14 Oct (λ=330°Ls), by KUMAMORI
(Km) on 23 Oct (λ=336°Ls), by
Ak on 24 Oct (λ=336°Ls) as well as by
SGh on 27 Oct (λ=338°Ls).
Solis L was well shot by
Km on 15 Oct (λ=331°Ls), by TYLER
(DTy) on 22 Oct (λ=335°Ls), CASQUINHA
(PCq) on 25 Oct (λ=336°Ls) and SÁNCHEZ
(JSc) on 26 Oct (λ=337°Ls).
The recent aspect of Daedalia is inspected from the images of PEACH
(CPl) on 21 Oct (λ=334°Ls), of ADELAAR
(JAd) on 22 Oct (λ=335°Ls), and of
PCq on 23 Oct (λ=335°Ls).
The area from M Sirenum to M Cimmerium was traced by
DPc on 18 Oct (λ=333°Ls) from ω=149°W to 205°W (see also
(DAr) on 19 Oct (λ=333°Ls)).
The hemisphere of M Cimmerium down to Elysium was shown by
PCq on 16 Oct (λ=331°Ls), by KIDD
(SKd) on 19 Oct (λ=333°Ls) and by TATUM
(RTm) on 21 Oct (λ=334°Ls).
The new canal upward from the eastern side of the Aetheria dark patch was shot by
EAl on 24 Oct (λ=336°Ls) and by
ELm on 25 Oct (λ=337°Ls).
As for Syrtis Mj to M Serpentis, see ANDERSON
(DAd) on 15 Oct (λ=331°Ls), MELKA
(JMl) on 17 Oct (λ=332°Ls) and
MSl on 27 Oct (λ=338°Ls).
Hellas bright on the morning side (see eg
EAl on 24 Oct (λ=336°Ls), but rather usually dull on the evening side (see eg HEFFNER
(RHf) on 24 Oct (λ=336°Ls)).
We next review roughly the trend of the north polar hood (nph):
EAl's image on 14 Oct (λ=330°Ls) is not B, but shows a dark spot at a deep north of M Acidalium. The play of the nph on M Acidalium was shot by
Ak on 20 Oct (λ=334°Ls) and
Ak on 21 Oct (λ=334°Ls), and also the aspect on
Ak's images on 24 Oct (λ=336°Ls) is interesting.
The nph around at Ω=120°W behaved attractively on 21 Oct (λ=334°Ls) since its thinner part showed a dark part of Vastitas Borealis (see also CPl,
(XDp) on the same day).
The nph up until Ω=180°W looked thinner on 18 Oct (λ=333°Ls) (thinner condensate due to a descending air) as well shown by
DPc (see also
(PLw) on the day), but slightly recovered on the following 19 Oct (λ=333°Ls) as shown by
DPc (though the northern end is shadowy).
It remained similar on 20 Oct (λ=334°Ls) (see
DPc. See also
PCq on the day).
The nph on FLANAGAN
(WFl)'s images on 26 Oct (λ=337°Ls) is interesting and looks to indicate a carbon dioxide frozen ring to the north of the Gyndes line. The tip of Utopia dark area which popped out of the nph was well shown this time by BATES
(EGf) on 20 Oct (λ=334°Ls), by
ELm on 22 Oct (λ=335°Ls) (see also
ELm on 23 Oct (λ=336°Ls)) and by
EAl on 24 Oct (λ=336°Ls).
Noachis Dust Storm - from 7 October (λ=327°Ls) to 13 October (λ=330°Ls)
The effect of the suspended dust now looks to have very decreased through longer wavelengths. The area of Meridiani S and Margaritifer S was detailed by GRAFTON
(EGf) from 9 Oct (λ=328°Ls) ~ 12 Oct (λ=329°Ls) (see
EGf on 9 Oct,
EGf on 11 Oct, and
EGf on 12 Oct). See also WARREN
(JWn) on 9 Oct,
JWn on 11 Oct, BATES
(DBt) on 12 Oct and LOMELI
(ELm) on 13 Oct (λ=330°Ls).
The area of Aurorae S was observed by ALLEN
(EAl) on 7 Oct (λ=327°Ls) and by
ELm on 8 Oct (λ=327°Ls).
The area of Aurorae S to Solis L was traced by MORITA
(Mo) on 11 Oct (λ=329°Ls). Solis L was caught near the CM by AKUTSU
(Ak) on 13 Oct (λ=330°Ls). The area of Solis L to M Sirenum was shot by
Ak on 12 Oct (λ=330°Ls) (see also
Ak on 10 Oct (λ=328°Ls)). The angle of M Sirenum was shot by
Ak on 8 Oct (λ=327°Ls).
M Cimmerium was taken by TYLER
(DTy) on 11 Oct (λ=329°Ls). The new canal running from the Aetheria dark patch to the west end of M Cimmerium was clearly shot. See also GERSTHEIMER
(DAr) on 11 Oct (λ=329°Ls); the latter two also show the thick nph.
The region of M Cimmerium to Syrtis Mj was shown on the images by CASQUINHA
(PLw) on 11 Oct (λ=329°Ls), by
PCq on 12 Oct (λ=329°Ls) and by BOSMAN
(RBs) on 13 Oct (λ=330°Ls).
The morning Hellas is bright because of the reflection (ι is still large=41°). The area of Syrtis Mj was also shown by DUPONT
(JAd) on 7 Oct (λ=327°Ls) and also by
RGh on 11 Oct (λ=329°Ls). The expected detail inside of Hellas is not shown yet. The area of Syrtis Mj to M Serpentis was shot by
PLw on 7 Oct (λ=327°Ls) and by VANDEBERGH
(RVb) on 8 Oct (λ=327°Ls). The area further to S Sabaeus was produced by PARKER
(DPk) on 12 Oct (λ=329°Ls) and GORCZYNSKI
(PGc) on 13 Oct (λ=330°Ls). The evening Hellas looks normal. Finally S Sabaeus and S Meridiani were shot near the CM by
EGf on 13 Oct (λ=330°Ls).
The nph has been quite evident (φ=5°N~6°N): See
XDp and
EAl on 7 Oct (λ=327°Ls),
Ak on 8 Oct (λ=327°Ls),
JWn and
EGf on 9 Oct (λ=328°Ls):
EGf's shows clearly the Dawes Slit and
JWn's does a preceding one (interesting!). See also the nph from another side on the images of
DAr on 11 Oct (λ=329°Ls) whose B images are very excellent (a delicate shade inside to the north of N Alcyonius). The thick nph was also shot by
EGf on 11 Oct (λ=329°Ls), by
EGf and
DBt on 12 Oct (λ=329°Ls) and by
EGf on 13 Oct (λ=330°Ls). Finally we should note the nph is to be weakened if the true LRGB method is employed: The nph should never be bluish.
Noachis Dust Storm - from 30 September (λ=323°Ls) to 6 October (λ=326°Ls) (Revised) : The day 30 Sept (λ=323°Ls) was a fruitful day: the following observers traced the region from S Sabaeus to M Sirenum during more than ten hours from 3h GMT: KINGSLEY (BKn), MAKSYMOWICZ (SMk), PEACH (DPc), TYLER (DTy), ARDITTI (DAr), VANDEBERGH (RVb), BIVER (NBv ccd; NBv drawing), DICKINSON (WDc), WALKER (SWk), ROSOLINA (MRs) and LOMELI (ELm). It is interesting to see an activity of the nph being involved with M Acidalium. DPc's images suggest a mist expansion along the following limb as well as at the spr. Unfortunately still the side of the first three morning hours was located at the rear side (since ι=43°) and hence we were not able to catch the possible thicker morning mist. Same region was also shot by HIDALGO-TORTOSA (EHd) on 2 Oct (λ=324°Ls), by LAWRENCE (PLw), RVb, CASQUINHA (PCq), and SWk on 5 Oct (λ=325°Ls). The area from Meridiani S to Margaritifer S (as well as the area of M Acidalium) was produced in great detail by FLANAGAN (WFl) on 5 Oct (λ=326°Ls) from ω=021°W to ω=036°W (see also WFl on 4 Oct (λ=325°Ls)): The nph shows an interesting slit inside. The area from Aurorae S to Solis L was observed by WARREN (JWn) on 3 Oct (λ=324°Ls) (see also JWn on 4 Oct (λ=325°Ls)) and detailed by WFl, PARKER (DPk) and GRAFTON (EGf) on 3 Oct (λ=324°Ls) (see also EGf on 4 Oct (λ=325°Ls) and EGf on 5 Oct (λ=326°Ls)). Solis L was already was detailed near the CM by EGf on 1 Oct (λ=323°Ls): The shadowy chain of the Tharsis ridge proves that the higher dust was already quite thinner. See also MELKA (JMl) on 2 Oct (λ=324°Ls). The area of M Sirenum to M Cimmerium was shown on images by MORITA (Mo) at ω=134°W, KUMAMORI (Km) at ω=136°W/144°W and AKUTSU (Ak) at ω=168°W on 6 Oct (λ=326°Ls). On the day NAKAJIMA (Nj) and Mn also watched from ω=090°W onward to ω=173°W: The spr looked slightly whitish, and the preceding area of Tharsis was reddish. The shadowy segment of Tharsis Montes was also checked. The nph was quite thick. The area of M Cimmerium and Elysium was already shot by Ak and GHOMIZADEH (SGh) on 3 Oct (λ=325°Ls) and 3 Oct (λ=325°Ls) respectively. The area of Syrtis Mj to M Serpentis (further to S Sabaeus) was shot by a lot of observers: PCq on 3 Oct (λ=324°Ls), BKn, DTy, GERSTHEIMER (RGh), PLw, DPc, SÁNCHEZ (JSc), SHARP (ISp) on 5 Oct (λ=325°Ls), and ISp, PLw, BOSMAN (RBs), PCq, EHd on 6 Oct (λ=326°Ls). Aspect of Hellas on these images looks different from the usual one at the same season in 2005 (see around 16 Nov 2005) as well as in 1990 (eg Tohru IWASAKI (Iw)'s observation on 1 Nov 1990 (λ=326°Ls) and so on). As to a general trend, refer to "Forthcoming 2005 Mars (14)". The difference implies that the outlasting higher airborne dust was still breaking the usual meteorology of atmosphere over the basin.
Noachis Dust Storm - from 23 September (λ=319°Ls) to 29 September (λ=323°Ls) : The present status of the area of S Meridiani and S Margaritifer S is seen from DUPONT (XDp)'s images and DELCROIX (MDc)'s ones on 29 Sept (λ=322°Ls). Margaritifer S was detailed on PELLIER (CPl)'s images on 23 Sept (λ=319°Ls) and on PEACH (DPc)'s ones on 26 Sept (λ=320°Ls) (see also ARDITTI (DAr)'s on the day). It is interesting to see an active interaction of the nph and M Acidalium (already Dawes Slit season). As to the area of Aurorae S to Solis L, see LAWRENCE (PLw)'s images on 25 Sept (λ=320°Ls) (see also ADLAAR (JAd)'s, DAr's, GERSTHEIMER (RGh)'s, BOSMAN (RBs)'s images on 23 Sept (λ=319°Ls), and also as for IR images VANDEBERGH (RVb)'s and CASQUINH (PCq) on 24 Sept (λ=319°Ls) and RVb's on 25 Sept (λ=320°Ls) ). The area of Solis L was quite detailed on the images of PARKER (DPk) on 27 Sept (λ=321°Ls) and of FLANAGAN (WFl) on 28 Sept (λ=322°Ls) as well as of WFl on 29 Sept (λ=322°Ls) (see also DAr's, RGh's WALKER (SWk)'s on 25 Sept (λ=320°Ls), GORCZYNSKI (PGc)'s on 26 Sept (λ=320°Ls), and WARREN (JWn)'s at ω=097°W and MELKA (JMl)'s on 28 Sept (λ=322°Ls)). The area from Daedalia to M Sirenum is seen from GRAFTON (EGf)'s on 27 Sept (λ=321°Ls) (see also EGf's on 24 Sept (λ=319°Ls), DICKINSON (WDc)'s and ANDERSON (DAd)'s on 25 Sept (λ=321°Ls), JWn's on 26 Sept (λ=321°Ls) at ω=127°W, and DAd's on 27 Sept (λ=321°Ls)). The area of M Sirenum to M Cimmerium was shot by ALLEN (EAl) on 25 Sept (λ=320°Ls): The B image proves a presence of a descending air near the nph to the north of Elysium. Conversely speaking, this shows well the surface was already wrapped globally by a bit of water vapour (as suggested in CMO #336 Report #07). See also EAl on 26 Sept (λ=321°Ls). That is, the airborne dust if any must have come to be mingled with the water vapour. MINAMI (Mn) watched visually the appearance of Syrtis Mj from the morning limb on 25 Sept (λ=320°Ls) and on 26 Sept (λ=321°Ls): It is usually detected around at ω=212°W~214°W if the atmosphere is transparent, while (though we failed to find it at ω=214°W on 25 Sept) we detected a tip of Syrtis Mj at ω=214°W on 26 Sept and clearly saw its total figure at ω=224°W, and hence we judged the suspended dust had now quite subsided at this region and the dust storm itself must have already passed its half-life period. KUMAMORI (Km) took the pictures of the area on 25 Sept (λ=320°Ls) (see also Km on 27 Sept (λ=321°Ls): This image shows a canal running from the Aetheria dark patch (deformed) to the end of M Cimmerium; also detectable visually). Finally M Serpentis looks still dark and wide (see GHOMIZADEH (SGh) on 26 Sept (λ=320°Ls) as well as SGh on 28 Sept (λ=321°Ls)).
Noachis Dust Storm - from 16 September (λ=315°Ls) to 22 September (λ=318°Ls) : This is a report of the 13th Week: S Meridiani looks quite recovered perhaps because of a local wind washing out of the fallout. See KUMAMORI (Km)'s image on 18 Sept (λ=316°Ls). M Acidalium has now largely been seen: see the image of GHOMIZADEH (SGh) on 20 Sept (λ=317°Ls) and also see Km's on 18 Sept. (However we need B images around here.) The area from Aurorae S to the deformed Solis L was shot or drawn by SGh on 17 Sept (λ=315°Ls), and by PEACH (DPc) and BIVER (NBv) on 22 Sept (λ=318°Ls). The following area from Solis L to Daedalia was shown by SGh and ADELAAR (JAd) on 16 Sept (λ=315°Ls), as well by TYLER (DTy) on 18 Sept (λ=316°Ls) and by BOSMAN (RBs) on 19 Sept (λ=316°Ls). Daedalia shows a shadowy aspect suggested in 2001/2003 and this time well reproduced by DPc on 16 Sept (λ=315°Ls) (see also DTy's images and ARDITTI (DAr)'s on the day) as well as an arch including Phasis and the western tail of M Sirenum. DPc's series of images on 16 Sept of Montes seem to imply that the dark spots were now mainly caused by the shadows of mountain flanks due to the deep phase angle. Not yet however the possible white cloud over Arsia Mons. M Sirenum was shot by GERSTHEIMER (RGh) on 17 Sept (λ=315°Ls), by WALKER (SWk) on 19 Sept (λ=316°Ls), and by PARKER (DPk), FLANAGAN (WFl) and GRAFTON (EGf) on 22 Sept (λ=318°Ls). These latter show a sand streak adjacent to the SE coast of M Sirenum (detected already by DPc on 13 Sept (λ=313°Ls)). Propontis I was described in good angles by WFl and EGf on 22 Sept (λ=318°Ls). As to the area from M Sirenum to M Cimmerium, see SWk's and WFl's on 18 Sept (λ=316°Ls), MELKA (JMl)'s, and WFl's and EGf's 21 Sept (λ=318°Ls). The fact that the Valhalla shadows caused by the large phase angle now appear darker implies that the suspended dust has much more subsided. M Cimmerium was shot by WFl on 17 Sept (λ=315°Ls) and also by WFl on 18 Sept (λ=316°Ls): These show a southward running canal from the deformed Aetheria dark patch (already pointed out by DPc on 6 Sept (λ=309°Ls) and also by DPc on 8 Sept (ω=310°W)). An excellent image of Syrtis Mj and Hellas was produced by HEFFNER (RHf) on 21 Sept (λ=318°Ls): Syrtis Mj was shot wider enough with details. Hellas dull. MINAMI (Mn) observed on 18 Sept (λ=316°Ls) and on 19 Sept (λ=317°Ls) that much before Hellas approached the terminator, the preceding terminator side turned white (vapour-misted). Finally we note that the description of the nph on WFl's images 22 Sept (λ=318°Ls) (as well as WFl's on 21 Sept) is exquisite to show up a shading inside.
Noachis Dust Storm - from 9 September (λ=311°Ls) to 15 September (λ=315°Ls) : This week only a few observations were made from Fukui just around on 12 Sept: Visually the Martian surface looked quite dirty and it was suggested that such markings as Meridiani S and Margaritifer S were still accumulated by dust, and awaiting further washing out of the fallout dust by a local wind system. See KUMAMORI (Km)'s on 12 Sept. Note however the suspended dust still covers globally while Damian PEACH (DPc) in England successively produced very beautiful images this week at the area of M Sirenum to M Cimmerium: DPc's images on 11 Sept show modestly M Sirenum and M Cimmerium (see also DELCROIX (MDc), and ARDITTI (DAr)) and DPc's on 12 Sept show M Sirenum (see also PELLIER (CPl)'s and TYLER (DTy)'s). DPc's 13 Sept images first show a detail around the deformed M Sirenum (see also BOSMAN (RBs), ADELAAR (JAd) and DTy). GERSTHEMER (RGh)'s images on 14 Sept also show the area of M Sirenum to M Cimmerium (see also DPc and DTy on 14 Sept). Finally a long series of DPc's excellent images on 15 Sept further unearthed a complex of Daedalia as well as the area of M Sirenum. M Sirenum was also well shot by GHOMISADEH (SGh) and by DPc on 9 Sept. M Cimmerium was later shown well up by PARKER (DPk) and GRAFTON (EGf) on 15 Sept. Syrtis Mj and Hellas were produced by BATES (DBt) on 9 Sept, by ROSOLINA (MRs) on 9 Sept, by EGf on 9 Sept, by WALKER (SWk) on 13 Sept and by MELKA (JMl) on 13 Sept. Hellas looked bright because of a backlighting of the airborne dust over the ground lit Hellas. Syrtis Mj is also fainter because of fallout of dust, and so if imaged by strong enhancement its grand shape appears quite slimmed. See further details, the coming CMO (#336 on 25 Sept).
Noachis Dust Storm - from 2 September (λ=306°Ls) to 8 September (λ=310°Ls) : Suspended dust is still persistent, while no explicit activity of dust has been observed. Otherwise evidence has been shown of fallout or accumulation of dust over some markings. Relatively faint nuance of Meridiani S and Margaritifer S suggests that this area had suffered from serious fallout of dust. This week the area was shot by GORCZYNSKI (PGc) on 2 Sept (λ=306°Ls), by DICKINSON (WDc) on 3 Sept (λ=307°Ls), by PARKER (DPk) on 3 Sept, by GRAFTON (EGf) on 4 Sept (λ=308°Ls), by MELKA (JMl) on 5 Sept (λ=308°Ls), by EGf on 6 Sept (λ=309°Ls) by LOMELI (ELm) on 8 Sept (λ=310°Ls) and so on. ALLEN (EAl) showed by R a present status of the faint area of Meridiani S and Margaritifer S on 6 Sept (λ=309°Ls). The angular diameter δ was 8.4". The area of Solis L was also deformed partially because dust accumulated on some markings. As to the area of Aurorae S to Solis L, see images by MORITA (Mo) on 5 Sept (λ=309°Ls), by KUMAMORI (Km) on 8 Sept (λ=310°Ls), by Mo on 8 Sept (λ=310°Ls). The Solis L area and Olympus Mons are shown on images of HEFFNER (RHf) and Km on 4 Sept (λ=308°Ls). From the strange M Sirenum to M Cimmerium, see TYLER (DTy), ADLAAR (JAd) and PEACH (DPc) on 8 Sept (λ=310°Ls). M Cimmerium was shot by GHOMIZADEH (SGh) on 3 Sept (λ=307°Ls), by JAd and PELLIER (CPl) on 5 Sept (λ=308°Ls), by DPc and ARDITTI (DAr) on 6 Sept (λ=309°Ls). Syrtis Mj was shot by WALKER (SWk) on 5 Sept (λ=309°Ls), by PGc on 6 Sept (λ=309°Ls). BEISH (JBs) drew it on 7 Sept (λ=310°Ls). Syrtis Mj showed up also on images by DPk, PHILLIPS (JPh), and EGf on 8 Sept (λ=310°Ls). This area also suffered from a certain accumulation of sandy dust and so the intensity is lower: If excessively processed the grand marking becomes slimmer. Syrtis Mj to the morning Hellas was shot by DPc on 4 Sept (λ=308°Ls) (see also DAr on 2 Sept (λ=306°Ls) and DAr on 4 Sept). Airborne dust over Hellas back lit up by the reflection from the Hellas ground. The area of M Serpentis was still monstrous: See SWk on 3 Sept (λ=307°Ls), PGc, and WARREN (JWn) on 4 Sept (λ=308°Ls), SWk, PGc, JWn and JMl on 5 Sept (λ=308°Ls) and so on.
Noachis Dust Storm - from 26 August (λ=302°Ls) to 1 September (λ=306°Ls) : The area of M Serpentis and S Sabaeus of this week is shown on PEACH (DPc)'s images on 26 Aug (λ=302°Ls), DPc's, ADELAAR (JAd)'s and ARDITTI (DAr)'s images on 27 Aug (λ=303°Ls). BIVER (NBv) also drew the area on 26 Aug (λ=302°Ls). As to the interesting area of Meridiani S and Margaritifer S, see WALKER (SWk)'s images and PARKER (DPk)'s on 28 Aug (λ=304°Ls), PHILLIPS (JPh)'s on 29 Aug (λ=304°Ls), DPk's and MELKA (JMl)'s on 31 Aug (λ=305°Ls) and JMl's on 1 Sept (λ=306°Ls). The Aurorae S and Solis L area is seen on images of JMl on 27 Aug (λ=303°Ls) and of GRAFTON (EGf) on 28 Aug (λ=304°Ls) and EGf on 29 Aug (λ=304°Ls) (see also MOORE (DMr)'s on 28 Aug and LOMELI (ELm) on the same day). Solis L was shot near the CM by ALLEN (EAl) on 28 Aug (λ=304°Ls) at ω=074°W. This set also shows Tharsis Montes on the morning side. Syrtis Mj and Hellas were taken by TYLER (DTy), GERSTHEIMER (RGh) and DPc on 30 Aug (λ=305°Ls): These show a presence of the Huygens crater and more. DPk's images and JMl's images on 28 Aug (λ=304°Ls) show vividly a pall over the spr. EAl's images on 1 Sept (λ=306°Ls) shows well the nph in B. The B also shows Ophir-Candor to be bright since it's ground lit.
Noachis Dust Storm - from 19 August (λ=298°Ls) to 25 August (λ=302°Ls) : Two months passed ever since the onset of the Noachis dust cloud (in the case of the 1971b dust storm, its half-life period was about three months - W H HARTMANN and M J PRICE, Icarus 21 (1974) 28 - and so a possible trend within another month may be interesting). This month a pretty change of the dusts over/on the area of Meridiani S and Margaritifer S occurred. As shown first by GERSTHEIMER (RGh) in IR on 20 Aug (λ=299°Ls) at ω=017°W, the area which had been quite obscured hitherto began to show up rather classically in a deeper layer (see also an excessive IR by VANDEBERGH (RVb)'s on 24 Aug (λ=301°Ls)). Milder and nicer images of the area as well as of S Sabaeus and M Serpentis to Noachis were obtained by TYLER (DTy), RGh and PEACH (DPc) on 25 Aug (λ=302°Ls) (see also TAYLOR (MTy)'s on 25 Aug). The area of Solis L was shot by WALKER (SWk) on 21 Aug (λ=299°Ls) and by GRAFTON (EGf) on 24 Aug (λ=301°Ls) (see also MELKA (JMl)'s on 23 Aug). The aspect remained the same as the preceding weeks. The summits of Olympus Mons and Tharsis Montes are seen on ALLEN ( EAl)'s excellent set of images on 21 Aug (λ=300°Ls). As to the area of the darkened Daedalia to the western tip of M Sirenum, see EGf's on 19 Aug (λ=298°Ls) (see also LOMELI (ELm)'s on 20 Aug (λ=299°Ls)). M Cimmerium was shown by EGf on 20 Aug (λ=299°Ls) (see also YUNOKI (Yn) on 22 Aug (λ=300°Ls), Yn and KUMAMORI (Km) on 24 Aug (λ=302°Ls)). As to the area of Cimmerium M to Syrtis Mj (as well as Hellas), see HEFFNER (RHf)'s images made on 19 Aug (λ=299°Ls) and on 20 Aug (λ=299°Ls).
Noachis Dust Storm - from 12 August (λ=294°Ls) to 18 August (λ=298°Ls) : This is the 8th Weekly Note while the change of the dust aspect has been as low as ever: As to a most recent description of the area of M Serpentis and the eastern part of S Sabaeus, see Report #06 in CMO #335. Images concerned are provided by YUNOKI (Yn) on 12 Aug (λ=294°Ls), by Yn on 13 Aug (λ=295°Ls) and by MORITA (Mo) and Yn on 14 Aug (λ=296°Ls). S Meridiani was faintly visible as well as S Margaritifer. The area around Aurorae S was shown on VABDEBERGH (RVb)'s excessive IR images on 18 Aug (λ=298°Ls). The deformed area of Solis L was nicely shot by PEACH (DPc) on 17 Aug (λ=297°Ls) (see also ARDITTI (ADr)'s on 17 Aug and GERSTHEIMER (RGh) on 18 Aug (λ=298°Ls). Ophir was ground lit, and it was suggested a certain fallout (and/or washout) around Solis L area. This area was also drawn by BIVER (NBv) on 13 Aug (λ=295°Ls). M Sirenum was shown by MOORE (DMr) on 18 Aug (λ=298°Ls). Some fine details of M Cimmerium were secured by FLANAGAN (WFl) on 12 Aug (λ=294°Ls) (see also DMr's on the day). Syrtis Mj appeared on the images by Yn on 14 Aug (λ=296°Ls), by Mo on 16 Aug (λ=297°Ls), by Yn and Mo on 17 Aug (λ=297°Ls). The region from M Cimmerium to Syrtis Mj looked covered by rather thin and uniform airborne dust. The northern desert to the east of Syrtis Mj showed a reddish colour of iron oxide on the 52nd day much earlier than the complete dust case in 2001 (see Report #06 in CMO #335).
Noachis Dust Storm - from 5 August (λ=290°Ls) to 11 August (λ=294°Ls): This week no drastic change of the dust aspect has occurred. However PEACH (DPc)'s excellent images showed some fresh aspects of the markings: namely DPc 's images on 5 Aug (λ=290°Ls) as well as DPc's on 7 Aug (λ=291°Ls) showed the west end of M Sirenum with a spike downward, and DPc's on 10 Aug (λ=293°Ls) proved a new aspect from Daedalia to M Sirenum. Furthermore the DPc images on 11 Aug (λ=293°Ls) clearly showed a deformation of the Solis L area by the dust. As to the latter, see also PELLIER (CPl)'s and TYLER (DTy)'s images on 11 Aug (λ=293°Ls). These also show the summits of Tharsis Montes and Olympus Mons as well as those by DPc's on 9 Aug (λ=292°Ls), CPl's, ARDITTI (DAr)'s and DPc's on 10 Aug (λ=293°Ls). As to M Cimmerium and its neighbourhoods see PARKER (DPk)'s on 9 Aug (λ=292°Ls) and GRAFTON (EGf)'s on 10 Aug (λ=293°Ls). Syrtis Mj and the morning Hellas were shot by DPk on 5 Aug (λ=290°Ls). As to M Serpentis and its extension, see YUNOKI (Yn)'s on 10 Aug (λ=293°Ls). The most obscured area around Margaritifer S and S Meridiani was observed by the following: Yn on 6 Aug (λ=291°Ls), Yn and HEFFNER (RHf) on 7 Aug (λ=291°Ls), MORITA (Mo) and RHf on 8 Aug (λ=292°Ls), and Yn and KUMAMORI (Km) on 9 Aug (λ=293°Ls). Some of these images began to show the shapes of S Meridiani and S Margaritifer faintly partly because further fallout of dusts might have occurred and partly because the angular diameter grew.
Noachis Dust Storm - from 29 July (λ=285°Ls) to 4 August (λ=289°Ls)
This is the 6th Weekly Note on the Noachis dust storm; The dust has been globally persistent and looked quite stable without local surges. The IR image shows a deeper layer of the dust atmosphere, while the RGB (not LRGB) shows the upper surface of the atmosphere, even though few RGB images reproduce the real colour of the upper yellow cloud. As to the region of Noachis to M Erythraeum,
M Serpentis and S Sabaeus with their south in Noachis looked shadowy, and S Meridiani was weak as well as Margaritifer S [see PARKER (DPk) on 30 July (λ=286°Ls), LOMELI (ELm) on 31 July (λ=287°Ls), MELKA (JMl) on 1 Aug (λ=287°Ls) and ALLEN (EAl) on 29 July (λ=286°Ls)]. No good image showing the area of M Erythraeum however this time.
The Solis L area seems to show no longer dust cores and the area is vaguely shadowy [HEFFNER (RHf), YUNOKI (Yn) on 31 July (λ=287°Ls) and Yn on 1 Aug (λ=288°Ls)]. As before Ophir was light by diffused reflection since the phase angle is deeper [Yn on 30 July (λ=286°Ls) and RHf on 4 Aug] but the RHf image may suggest a possibility of a dust disturbance there. Olympus Mons and others were watched by NAKAJIMA (Nj) and MINAMI (Mn) around 31 July (λ=287°Ls).
The M Sirenum area was shot by PELLIER (CPl) on 4 Aug. The region of M Cimmerium to Syrtis Mj has been less obscured from the outset without local disturbances around there, and the longer waves tend to show the classical Albedo features [cf eg a previous image by RHf on 15 July (λ=277°Ls)]. See especially PEACH (DPc)'s excellent images on 1 Aug. Otherwise see also DPc, KINGSLEY (BKn) on 30 July (λ=286°Ls), DPc, CPl on 31 July (λ=287°Ls), CPl on 1 Aug (λ=287°Ls). The area from M Cimmerium to Syrtis Mj was shot by WALKER (SWk) on 3 Aug (λ=288°Ls).
Hellas at the morning side was bright because of the diffused reflection because the phase angle ι is large. Hellas more inside and Syrtis Mj were reproduced by SWk on 29 July (λ=285°Ls) and SWk on 1 Aug (λ=287°Ls).
The spr is always light and some images show the spc. Visually the nph shows up from the end of July (the central latitude φ turned up to 9°S on 1 Aug).
In Japan the rainy season ended at long last by 1 August.
Noachis Dust Storm - from 22 July (λ=281°Ls) to 28 July (λ=285°Ls) : During this period the dust storm still remained thick globally and did not show much difference. At the region of Noachis to Aurorae S, Margaritifer S and Meridiani S looked vanished or deformed: Just Erythraeum S and Aurorae S show some shadowy aspects [proved on 22 July (λ=281°Ls) by GERSTHEIMER (RGh), on 25 July (λ=283°Ls) by PARKER (DPk) and MELKA (JMl), on 26 July (λ=284°Ls) by WALKER (SWk) and JMl, on 27 July (λ=284°Ls) by MOORE (DMr) and also on 28 July (λ=285°Ls) by DMr]. There exists persistently a dust core at the area of Solis L [on 22 July (λ=281°Ls) by LOMELI (ELm) and on 27 July (λ=285°Ls) by HEFFNER (RHf)]. There may be dust expansion from Chryse to Eos [on 22 July (λ=281°Ls) by JMl]. The area of Argyre looks also dusty [on 22 July (λ=281°Ls) by JMl and ELm, and 23 July (λ=282°Ls) by ELm] but ground lit by reflection near the morning limb [on 27 July (λ=284°Ls) and 28 July (λ=285°Ls) by DMr]. The thick dust at the area of Electris still remains [on 23 July (λ=282°Ls) by KUMAMORI (Km)]. The summit of Olympus Mons is quite darker, popping out of the lower dust, than the area of M Sirenum [on 26 July (λ=284°Ls) by RHf and Km and on 28 July (λ=285°Ls) by RHf]. The region from M Cimmerium to Syrtis Mj looks less covered or not so deformed by the dust [on 25 July (λ=283°Ls) by BIVER (NBv), on 27 July (λ=284°Ls) by KINGSLEY (BKn) and NBv, and on 28 July (λ=285°Ls) by PEACH (DPc)]. The original shape of M Serpentis is also rather apparent [on 24 July (λ=282°Ls) by DPc]. The spc is almost always seen through the airborne dust on any images. Rovers on Mars reported that the optical depth τ of the dust in July 2007 proved higher values than those they recorded on the occasion of the October 2005 dust. See here.
Noachis Dust Storm - from 15 July (λ=277°Ls) to 21 July (λ=281°Ls) : The storm has been still outstanding globally. On 15 July (λ=277°Ls), ALLEN (EAl) took an image of the summit of Olympus Mons, while the white cloud on Arsia Mons did not appear in B at a favourable angle ω=133°W (compare with PEACH (DPc)'s images on 28 August 2005 at the same season and at the similar angle). So the water vapour activity must have already ceased. GORCZYNSKI (PGc) showed a dust core at the Solis L area. On 16 July (λ=277°Ls), in Europe, BOSMAN (RBs) showed that the west of the prime meridian is quite dusty and GERSTHEIMER (RGh) at ω=048°W showed a dust core at the Solis L area. The images from the US side also imply that the dust is furious (MOORE (DMr) and LOMELI (ELm)). On 17 July (λ=278°Ls), Don PARKER (DPk) shot clearly the still existing dust core at the Solis L area. The spc is visible. The image from Japanese side (by HEFFNER (RHf) shows also a vast dust, just showing the blurred M Cimmerium et al. RHf's angle at ω=207°W is most disadvantageous to detecting the spc. On 18 July (λ=279°Ls), TYLER (DTy) and PEACH (DPc) in England took the dusty Noachis: Meridiani S is lost and there seems to hold a dust core around there. The spc a bit seen. On 19 July (λ=279°Ls), quite the same as the day before in Europe (DPc, IHn, RGh). In the US, DPk showed clearly the dust core at the Solis L area again. The spc is quite apparent from this angle. At Fukui MINAMI (Mn) watched in an unfavourable condition: There was no definite marking because of the dust, but just the area of the junction of M Sirenum and M Cimmerium was a bit shadowy. Maybe a dust core at Electris. On 20 July (λ=280°Ls), RGh's image at around ω=010°W shows quite dusty surface. The images from the US still show the dust core at the Solis L area in R (ELm, EAl). On 21 July (λ=281°Ls), MAKSYMOWICZ (SMk) seems to detect Syrtis Mj visually. RGh shows a diffused dust core near Meridiani S. In the US, the area of Erythraeum M was shadowy in longer wavelengths under dust down to Aurorae S (PGc, DPk). DPk further shows that there is a thick dust expansion from Chryse (maybe further from the area of Meridiani S) to Eos.
Noachis Dust Storm - from 8 July (λ=272°Ls) to 14 July (λ=277°Ls) : The storm has been furious during this period, and there is no sign of subsidence. On 8 July (λ=272°Ls) PEACH (DPc) in England showed at ω=066°W~072°W that there was a resonant dust core at the Solis L area about at (085°W~100°W, 10°S~30°S) and its following region to the SW of the core was largely dusty, and the eastern area adjacent to the core is queerly dark (including the originally bright area). See also KINGSLEY (BKn), BOSMAN (RBs) and ARDITTI (DAr). From the US side, the junction of M Sirenum and M Cimmerium was proved also strangely dark in longer wavelengths (see GORCZYNSKI (PGc), MELKA (JMl)). LOMELI (Elm) showed another resonant dust core to the south of M Cimmerium (from (220°W~240°W, 20°S) toward the SW direction). From our side Mn observed from ω=282°W to 311°W, and saw a bit of a tail of the core: Otherwise Syrtis Mj and Hellas were dull, while M Serpentis rather strangely looked darkest. On 9 July (λ=273°Ls), DPc also shot the previous dust core slightly deformed at ω=065°W~071°W. MAKSYMOWICZ (SMk) might have visually noticed the core near the limb. On 10 July (λ=274°Ls), PGc made a series of shots (in IR pass and IR block) but no particular dust core. On 11 July (λ=274°Ls), Don PARKER (DPk) showed a bright dust core near the morning limb from (170°W, 25°S) the south of M Sirenum (which is broken to pieces) to Electris. The spr showed a strange dusty pall. Daedalia looks dark. Olympus Mons appears as a dark spot: it's natural in this season when the phase angle is large, or might be because of the lower dust. BATES (DBt)'s image may also show the limb dust core. On 12 July (λ=275°Ls), ALLEN (EAl) showed the dust streak on Electris and Erectra by IR. On 13 July (λ=275°Ls~276°Ls), DPk showed a strange scene of the area around Daedalia in longer wavelengths. GHOMIZADEH (SGh)'s image at Iran at ω=335°W looks to show the area of M Serpentis to Noachis under the vast dust. Finally on 14 July (λ=276°Ls), PELLIER (CPl) joined and delivered a set of images at ω=007°W & 010°W (IR): It well proves that the dust over S Meridiani and S Sabaeus is still thick. A part of M Erythraeum is visible, but Margaritifer S is also occulted. See also SGh at ω=325°W. At the US, WALKER (SWk) at ω=091°W seems to show an existence of a dust core near Solis L in IR. The images of JMl at ω=111°W and Elm at ω=144°W~162°W also show a strange configuration from M Sirenum to the eastern end of M Chronium. All these show that the dust covers whole the surfaces. Unfortunately because of the lack of the data from the side of Japan (still suffering from the rainy season; in addition, on Friday 13 July, a big Typhoon landed over Okinawa, and went east-northward along the Japan main land), we cannot tell the global story, but we should say it is apparent the Noachis dust has grown now to a global dust storm as expected. It so just remains to observe the optical depth henceforth. Caution: The LRGB method is not relevant to the Mars observation. The IR is useful to detect the dust core and deep markings, but any colour image should be a composite of R, G and B. And so a set of a RGB composite and an IR is preferable.
Noachis Dust Storm - from 1 July (λ=268°Ls) to 7 July (λ=272°Ls): During this period, the Noachis region faced to us: On 1 July (λ=268°Ls) HIGA (Hg) at Okinawa showed that the surface (from ω=355°W to 025°W) was totally covered by the dust, and the markings had become very faint. The spc was concealed under the dust. These are all the same seen from the American side as shown by WARREN (JWn) and LOMELI (ELm): Apparently Syrtis Mj was blurred and dim. On 2 July (λ=269°Ls), MELKA (JMl) and ELm showed the same situation. Since ALLEN (EAl)'s IR images on 3 July (λ=269°Ls) still depict the roundish Hellas as well as the dark Syrtis Mj, the optical depth of the dust around there might have been still shallow in IR, but the spc was out of scope. A glimpse from Fukui (by Mn) at ω=333°W disclosed the broad dusty band from Hellas to Noachis, but a bit of Syrtis Mj and D Hellesponticae. On 4 July (λ=270°Ls, southern summer solstice) ELm also showed no place where the airborne dust is vacant as well as ELm's images on 5 July (λ=271°Ls). On 5 July HEFFNER (RHf) shot at ω=342°W and showed that the shade and light on Noachis are quite unusual and S Sabaeus was dim even in IR. On 6 July (λ=271°Ls) JMl and ELm showed the further deepened dust configuration from the US side. From Fukui, Mn was able to watch the region from Syrtis Mj to Noachis: Strangely the area of M Serpentis was most shadowy. On 7 July (λ=271°Ls) we first received a dusty image from Europe: TYLER (DTy) in England shot at ω=085°W where apparently Solis L was completely occulted by the dust. DICKINSON (WDc) at ω=168°W and JMl at ω=186°W proved that the westward going thick dust reached the American side. On the day RHf and Mn observed from Japan, and so this was the first day when the present dusty Mars was watched from the triangle stations on the Earth. RHf's image well suggests that Noachis is still variational.
Noachis Dust Storm - from 24 June (λ =264°Ls) to 30 June (λ =268°Ls): As was suggested the season of the southern summer dust storm arrived. Though the area of M Serpentis was silent around λ =250°Ls~260°Ls, it was finally on 24 June (λ=264°Ls) that MOORE (DMr) detected a bright bar-like dust streak on Noachis near M Serpentis, and independently MELKA (JMl) clearly showed another reproduction of the dust in a similar but different-looking configuration on the following day. Situation was quite akin to the cases of the 1956 and the 1971 great dust storm: One thing that was below our expectations was that the dust streak evaded M Serpentis. On 26 June (λ=265°Ls) LOMELI (Elm) showed the dust expanded to the area of Argyre from California and it was also checked by MORITA (Mo) from the Japanese side (in 1956, a dust at the area of Argyre preceded the Noachis one, and so this time also it might have been vice versa). On 27 June (λ=266°Ls), a lot of observations were made to show that the dust began to encircle eastward (WALKER (SWk), MELILLO (FMl), OWENS (LOw), JMl, Elm), and KUMAMORI (Km) and visually MINAMI (Mn) observed that the western expansion was up to Argyre. On 28 June (λ=266°Ls), Elm showed the dust came down to near Meridiani S seen from ω=309°W~312°W, and on our side MURAKAMI (Mk) watched around the region of ω=010°W, just noting a circumpolar dark ring and a shadowy band including S Sabaeus but no significant dust contour. Unfortunately in Japan the rainy season has prevailed and so no more than a few observations on the days. On 29 June (λ=267°Ls), the dust to the eastern direction looked broad on the southern hemisphere (BATES (DBt), Elm), while the western direction was appeared quite changed as shown by AKUTSU (Ak) and Mo: Especially Mo proved from ω=030°W~042°W that the airborne dust had already covered the whole surface and even the central dark markings around M Erythraeum had become quite dim. On 30 June 2007(λ=268°Ls) , the eastern dust reached Eridania (SWk) and at Hellas to Noachis it was a broad dusty band (ELm). From Japan, HEFFNER (RHf) proved Meridiani S was faint and suggested a dust at Chryse (at ω=003°W~012°W). After that near dawn NAKAJIMA (Nj) and Mn had a lull at Fukui with a favourable seeing condition and visually observed at ω=022°W~037°W that though the spc was visible surrounded by a dark circumpolar marking, it apparently looked invaded by the airborne dust, and the central dark area including Aurorae S and Margaritifer S was quite dusty as well as the northern desert while the dark markings were seen through vaguely. So this dust storm was proving quite vast at least encircling. We hope the western region could be chased from the European side asap.